Office XP Add-In


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You need to reference the earliest Outlook tlb that you will be programming
against. You also can only use later methods and properties using late
binding. If a property was added in Outlook 2003 you can access it by
declaring an Object variable for the item and calling the property using
late binding.

When I develop for Outlook 2000 and later I develop on a machine with the
Outlook 2000 tlb installed.

You've summarized the security alternatives pretty well. There are some
other alternatives that aren't as full-featured as Redemption, such as
MAPI33. I've only used Redemption however. The Web site might have pricing
information and so on, or you can email Dmitry and ask him.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Item.Send is a restricted method. Try writing a small out-of-process app
like an exe and using it. You'll get the security prompts. Outlook 2003
trusts all installed addins by default, so in the case of an addin you don't
get the security prompts. You would in Outlook 2002 or 2000 SP2 or later,
those don't trust addins.

Re-read that article by Randy and look at the information on blocked
properties and methods. He mentions that using the Application object passed
in OnConnection will allow the blocked things to work without the security.
That's what you have to do with an addin to keep the trust.

Try using CreateObject to get an Outlook handle and use that to derive an
item for sending and you would get the security. You must derive all Outlook
objects from that trusted Application object.

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