Also, if I get my desktop's ON 2007 notebooks all in order, is there a way to
clean up my tablet so that the ON sync has a fresh start?
First, uncheck that { File / Sync / Work Offline } menu item. This will
get the changes you have made on each machine back out of the cache on
each machine and into the primary files.
Let each sit with OneNote running for a while to make sure all that
decacheing is finished.
Close all the notebooks on both machines. This will delete the caches on
both machines and "disconnect" the notebook from OneNote so you can
safely move the notebook folders around.
Use Windows Explorer to move all the notebook folders to the desktop. Do
not attempt to reorganize them at all. Only move the whole notebook
folder as a unit. Do not attempt to move sections individually. Just get
all the main existing notebook folders somewhere on the desktop's hard
drive. Essentially, you could just move all the laptop's notebooks to the
same main folder where all your notebooks are currently stored on the
desktop. Note: you do not need to have them all under one parent folder.
It is just more convenient most of the time. Warning: if any of the
notebook folders from your laptop have the same name as any of the
notebook folders on your desktop then you do not want to just mix them
together. This will cause a mess. The safest thing to do is to create a
completely separate folder on your desktop to temporarily hold the
notebook folders from your laptop and put all the laptop's notebook
folders there.
Now that everything is on the desktop, open all the notebooks on the
desktop. Basically, you just choose { File / Open Notebook } and browse
to the notebook's folder. You just select it in the list and click the
[Open] button. Since the notebook folder is just a regular folder then
OneNote doesn't know to treat it as a "Notebook" until you do this.
Naturally, if you just double-click the notebook folder, OneNote doesn't
know the difference and will just browse into that folder.
Now use OneNote to reorganize all the notebooks. You can drag and drop
entire section groups or just sections or pages anywhere you want them.
OneNote will fix up all the links that may be on all the included pages.
Warning: If you try to move these files using Windows Explorer then there
is no way OneNote can know what is going on and it will loose track of
all the links.
If you ended up with duplicate sections or pages due to your attempt at
an end run then you will have to manually sort out which parts you want
from each page.
Once you have everything organized then close the notebooks that were
just temporary and use Windows Explorer to delete the folders and
whatever may be left in them. Just make sure you didn't miss anything
Now, from your laptop, and within OneNote, browse over your network
connection to open the notebooks that are stored on the desktop. OneNote
will just create a cache file on your Laptop but won't actually copy the
original files to the laptop. You will not have direct access to the
files on your laptop. But then again, you will have more room left over
on your laptop's HDD.
If you think you will NEED direct access to the files on the laptop then
you should reverse the procedure here so that the original files are on
your laptop and the cache-only version is on your desktop. It is even
possible to have some of the original notebooks on one machine and some
on another and then open them over the network from the other machine.
But I would only recommend this for an expert who can keep track of this
kind of convoluted system and wouldn't have needed these instructions in
the first place. You can also only do this for whole notebooks, not for
individual sections. If you really need the original files of one section
file and its associated audio files etc. available for direct access on
the laptop then you should move that section to a completely separate
Now use