I realized you fixed this, but if you run Excel from a shortcut right
click on shortcut, hit properties and add /e (stands for empty) to the
end of the command (Target). Like below. Gord hit on it with the file
types, but any shortcut used supercedes the file open settings. I use
the below in a batch file to open excel empty when the PC is
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE" /e
click on shortcut, hit properties and add /e (stands for empty) to the
end of the command (Target). Like below. Gord hit on it with the file
types, but any shortcut used supercedes the file open settings. I use
the below in a batch file to open excel empty when the PC is
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE" /e