Create a new mail profile and point it to reuse your current active .pst
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Gwana asked:
| I have the same issue, only in my data files I only have one set of
| personal folders listed, but in outlook, I have three sets of
| personal folders. I have tried to figure out why, but can't seem to
| come up with a solution.
| "nancie" wrote:
|| Gene, I found this answer-short, sweet and to the point, offered in
|| another thread regarding duplicate archive folders. I followed the
|| instructions and in 2 seconds the second set of personal folders was
|| GONE........
|| your Profile | PROPERTIES| DATA FILES | click the duplicate personal
|| folder | REMOVE | YES | CLOSE | CLOSE | OK
|| Start Outlook and they will not be present anymore
|| I'm sorry I didn't notice who provided this fabulously simple
|| solution, but it worked and I thank whomever it was!
|| "Gene Miller" wrote:
||| Dear Russ,
||| I am having the same problem: duplicate appearance of the main
||| Personal
||| Folder in the folder list.
||| I have studied all of the responses in this and other threads and I
||| have thoroughly researched the problem as far as I can go with
||| this. I really need
||| a solution that is different from the ones offered previously (e.g.
||| start
||| with a brand new profile, or experiment with an extremely cryptic
||| registry
||| that only displays hexadecimal for all Unicode text).
||| I maintain 7 very active email accounts as well as 5 email accounts
||| that I
||| use occasionally.
||| Of the 7 very active accounts, 3 are POP3, and 4 are IMAP.
||| Messages for the 3 POP3 accounts are received in the Inbox in my
||| mail
||| Personal Folder.
||| Each of the 4 IMAP accounts has its own .PST file.
||| In addition, all of the messages I send are copied into the Sent
||| folder in
||| my main Personal Folder. There are additional folders for storing
||| read mail
||| in my Personal Folder, and I have numerous archival .PST files.
||| About a month ago I successfully migrated my Outlook configuration
||| and email
||| from an old machine to a new machine using “Microsoft Office 2003
||| Save My Settings Wizardâ€.
||| Two days ago I reinstalled Windows in the new machine and followed
||| this procedure:
||| 1. Backed-up settings with “Microsoft Office 2003 Save My
||| Settings Wizardâ€.
||| 2. Copied all .PST files to removable media
||| 3. Formatted C drive
||| 4. Installed Windows XP SP2
||| 5. Installed Office 2003
||| 6. Installed Office 2003 SP1
||| 7. Copied all .PST files into “C:\Documents and
||| Settings\Gene\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlookâ€
||| 8. Restored settings “Microsoft Office 2003 Save My Settings
||| Wizardâ€
||| I started using Outlook and everything seemed normal after entering
||| passwords for all active email accounts.
||| But after several hours I saw that there were THREE (3) instances
||| of the
||| main Personal Folder within the “All Mail Folders†panel in
||| Outlook. Additional symptoms:
||| 1. All 3 instances pointed to the same .PST file. I.e. if deleted a
||| message
||| in one instance, the change was seen in the other two instances.
||| 2. The “House†icon appeared next to the 1st instance.
||| 3. The “Multiple Folders†icon appeared next to the 2nd and 3rd
||| instance.
||| 4. Properties for all 3 instances showed the “House†icon.
||| 5. Right-mouse click “Close†was disabled (gray) for all 3
||| instances.
||| 6. Clicking “Properties>Total Size†showed the same size
||| (118,209 KB) for
||| all 3 instances
||| 7. Clicking “Properties>Advanced†resulted in error message
||| “(EXCLAMATION!) The operation failed. An object could not be
||| found.â€
||| I then tried “"c:\program files\microsoft
||| office\office\outlook.exe" a/cleanprofile as proposed by
|||;EN-US;303931 .
||| This
||| resulted in an error message, so I remove the letter “aâ€, and
||| it ran but it did not fix the problem.
||| I then studied the registry for several hours and determined that
||| this was
||| too difficult to mess with because Outlook 2003 most of the
||| pertinent
||| information as Unicode, which regedit displays as Hexadecimal.
||| At this point I had the thought that the inability to close the
||| several
||| instances of the main Personal Folder was related to their being
||| the location
||| for delivering new email for the POP3 accounts.
||| I then created a new .PST file and named this “Temp†in
||| Outlook. Using the mail account wizard, I changed “Deliver new
||| email … :†from my main Personal Folder to the new “Tempâ€
||| folder. After restarting Outlook I observed that right-mouse click
||| “Close†was no longer disabled (gray). However, when I tried
||| right-mouse click “Close†I received the error message
||| “(EXCLAMATION!) The operation failed. An object could not be
||| found.â€
||| Outlook then automatically polled all of my POP3 accounts and
||| downloaded
||| dozens of messages into the new Temp folder. These were mostly
||| messages that
||| had previously been downloaded to my main Personal Folder, but
||| which had also been left on the servers. I copied only the newest
||| ones into my main Personal Folder.
||| I then changed “Deliver new email … :†back to my main
||| Personal Folder and restarted Outlook.
||| I then tried to get rid of the Temp folder and I did something (I
||| am not
||| sure what it was) that resulted in two additional instances of a
||| new folder
||| with zero-length name. When I clicked on either instances I
||| received the
||| error message ““(EXCLAMATION!) The set of folders could not be
||| opened. Show Help>>†The help message said “This error usually
||| appears if the OST or PST file you are using is: Unavailable;
||| Protected with file permissions; On a
||| share on a server and the network is down; Corrupt; To correct this
||| problem, store the OST or PST file on the local computer; You may
||| also want to run the scanost.exe and scanpst.exe tools to verify
||| file integrity.â€
||| I then tried unsuccessfully to get rid of these instances.
||| Finally, out of desperation, I called MS for $35. The tech in
||| Bangalore
||| spent 2 hours with me going through everything that I had
||| previously tried.
||| He then asked me first back-up my outlook.PST file.
||| He then asked me to select “File>Data File Management…>â€. I
||| observed that this displayed a single instance of my main Personal
||| Folder which was
||| associated with my outlook.PST file.
||| He then asked me select this instance and to click “Removeâ€.
||| This immediately removed the single instance of and the associated
||| Outlook.PST file from the list. This also removed one of the three
||| instances
||| of my main Personal Folder from the folder list, which now left 2
||| instances
||| on the folder list.
||| After a while he had a brainstorm. He said that I should import
||| everything
||| into Outlook Express, create a new profile in Outook, and import
||| everything
||| back. I said I liked the boldbess of the concept and would give it
||| a try. We
||| soon relaized, however, that Outlook Express had no capability for
||| handling
||| the Calendar or other advanced features, so we abandoned this
||| approach.
||| I need to fix the following things that are broken:
||| 1. Eliminate the one extra instance of my main Personal Folder
||| 2. Assure that the “File>Data File Management..†list shows my
||| main Personal Folder associated with my Outlook.PST file.
||| 3. Get rid of the two useless zero-length names that are appearing
||| in the
||| folder list.
||| Please email or call me at 914-772-5706 if this is not clear.
||| Thanks
||| Gene Miller
||| "Russ Valentine [MVP Outlook]" wrote:
|||| These ghost folders only appear if Outlook data has been migrated
|||| incorrectly. Microsoft provides ample instructions on how to
|||| migrate Outlook data correctly.
|||| The problem is yours and yours to solve. Creating a new profile is
|||| simply the easiest and safest way to solve this problem. I can
|||| provide registry hacks if you prefer that route:
|||| (Win XP) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows
|||| NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook
|||| Within the Outlook folder, there are a bunch of folders with long
|||| hexadecimal values for names -- those are the ones you need to
|||| look in to see if you can find the ghost .PST names. Export that
|||| key for safety then delete it. If you delete the keys and that it
|||| point to your real ..PST file instead of one of the ghosts, it's
|||| not the end of the world -- your data won't be gone. The worst
|||| you would have to do is merge back the key you exported or
|||| recreate your Outlook profile.
|||| ------
|||| Russ Valentine
|||| [MVP-Outlook]
|||| Camisade wrote:
||||| I have this problem too... threefold over. I've used a program
||||| call Outback plus to migrate Outlook to a new computer and also
||||| have the ghost entries.
||||| So, no matter WHERE the blame lies (The Outback Plus folks say
||||| it's a bug in Outlook), what I find REALLY hard to believe is
||||| that there isn't a reasonably clean way to delete those "ghost"
||||| Outlook Personal Folder entries.
||||| I find the answer of having to go through the whole "create a new
||||| profile" process to be clumsy and unacceptable, because each time
||||| one has to do that, one has to recreate ALL the email accounts (I
||||| use about 15), all the rules, and in most cases either
||||| reconfigure and completely uninstall and reinstall all the com
||||| add-ins (I probably use about five, between PGP, and LookOut,
||||| etc), not to mention losing all the accumulated training
||||| associated with a good bayesian spam blocker (I use SpamBayes).
||||| So, there MUST be either a datafile editor or a reg key editor
||||| (or a set of instructions to follow in regedit for advanced
||||| users), that will get rid of these ridiculous ghost Personal
||||| Folders entries (and ghost contacts and calendar entries, for
||||| that matter).
||||| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| You migrated your data incorrectly and corrupted your profile.
|||||| You must create a new profile and make sure you connect it ONLY
|||||| to the PST file you want to use as your default.
|||||| --
|||||| Russ Valentine
|||||| [MVP-Outlook]
|||||| ||||||
||||||| Sorry to start this up again, but I've got the same problem
||||||| Doreen had: a new
||||||| PC (Windows XP), fresh install of Office 2003, only one pst
||||||| file but two identical Personal Folders. My old PC has only
||||||| one personal folder, but after transfering pst file my new PC
||||||| insists on duplicating the Persoanl Folder. Both operate as
||||||| the default, so I'm unable to close or delete either
||||||| of them. I use Office extensively for emails, calendar, tasks
||||||| etc.
||||||| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|||||||| Very unusual. I don't think I've ever seen Outlook create
|||||||| duplicate Personal
|||||||| Folders by itself with a clean install.
|||||||| If it happens again, creating a new profile is the easiest way
|||||||| to fix the problem.
|||||||| --
|||||||| Russ Valentine
|||||||| [MVP-Outlook]
|||||||| ||||||||
||||||||| Thank you for responding. No, I did not migrate any files.
||||||||| Upon opening for
||||||||| the first time, duplicate Personal Folders displayed. No data
||||||||| had been imported or files copied.
||||||||| Since my post, I have sucessfully coped my .pst file from the
||||||||| computer from
||||||||| which I am upgrading. After installation on the new computer,
||||||||| and working
||||||||| through the problem, it appears that the duplicate Personal
||||||||| Folders problem
||||||||| has been corrected. Thank you again for your kind response.
||||||||| It was very
||||||||| much
||||||||| appreciated.
||||||||| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|||||||||| This is usually the result of a corrupt profile caused by
|||||||||| migrating Outlook
|||||||||| data incorrectly.
|||||||||| After this fresh install, did you migrate data from an
|||||||||| earlier version of
|||||||||| Outlook? If so, how?
|||||||||| --
|||||||||| Russ Valentine
|||||||||| [MVP-Outlook]
|||||||||| ||||||||||
||||||||||| On a new computer, I have done a fresh install of Office
||||||||||| 2003. Outlook
||||||||||| displays two identical copies of the Personal Folders.
||||||||||| Changes to one
||||||||||| are
||||||||||| reflected in the duplicate. There is only one .pst file. I
||||||||||| have removed
||||||||||| and
||||||||||| reinstalled Outlook to no avail.
||||||||||| I would like to know what might be causing this duplicate
||||||||||| folder to display
||||||||||| or how it could be removed. Thank you.
||| Subject: RE: Outlook displays two identical Personal Folders
||| 2/2/2005 10:41 AM PST
||| By: Joe G In: microsoft.public.outlook.installation
||| Was this post helpful to you?
||| I had the same problem but solved it a different way. I had two
||| different .pst files but one was displayed twice, giving me the
||| appearance of three. I
||| had to set my default email account to be the one that wasn't
||| duplicated.
||| Then I removed the account that was duplicated, exited Outlook,
||| re-added it
||| back, and then pointed my email accounts back to the original .PST.
||| That way