Pages not uploading



Only my home page is uploading to the web. The link that was provided before
to answer this question is directing me to a page that doesn't help me. Can
some one please give me detailed information regarding this problem? Thank



When you Publish to the Web, Publisher produces the HTML output in the form
of an index.htm file, plus a index_files folder that contains your other
pages and supporting graphics. It sounds like you didn't upload the folder.



I have the same problem as Kim. I DO upload the index.htm file and all of the
files contained in the folder with all the other files, graphics etc but they
all appear as individual files on the web page. The index.htm file opens as
the home page (without graphics etc). Also there are some unknown files with
some Win Media file extensions (?) which have been produced by Publisher. Any
help please?


Upload the index.hml file and the FOLDER index_files. All the individual
files in that folder should stay in that folder.



Thanks David - I have been uploading all the individual files in the
index_files folder. Whoops! I will try again.


Partial success! Have uploaded as advised and the host site now shows only
two folders - the index_files folder and the HTML folder. The Home web page
now loads correctly with all graphics in place BUT, none of the hyperlinks
work to enable me to go to the other five pages of the site. Could that be
somthing to do with Publishers 'naming' of those pages? More help please when
you have time.
You can see the first effort on


That is because you are framing your site in , and
the relative links that are used in the navbar are pointing to the wrong
place for your other pages. Hover your mouse over the Contact Us button, and
look at the status bar on the bottom of your page. It shows
index_files/Page596.htm which means it is looking for a page at: , but that is not
where the page is actually located.

If you go to your home page loads, and
if you click the Contact Us then it takes you to where the page really is:

Your options are to not frame your site, or to do away with the wizard built
navbar that uses relative links, and build one manually with absolute links.
Here is an article that will help you understand: Code your own textual
navigation menu in Publisher:



Cannot thank you enough! I susoected that the links were pointing me in the
wrong direction but could not work out how/where etc..
Will reconstruct links with absolute links. Hope this all helps someone else
as well.


Here we are again. Still no success at linking pages. Since last post, have
changed the file name, page title and folder for each page. i.e. contacts
page now has the title 'Contacts' and file name of contacts.htm
You will see on the only page that is currently loaded (no other files are
loaded - gifs etc) that the link points in the right(?) direction but will
still not open pages other than the index.htm page.
I can upload all pages within the web site and can access them all
individually on the web but the hyperlink is defeating me.


I am not sure what all you have done, but at and
at it appears that you are still using
the navbar wizard. To reiterate, you CANNOT use the navbar wizard when the
site is framed. It writes relative links. You have to hand build a navbar
system with absolute links. Right now if you hover your mouse over any of
the links, you will notice not only relative links (
The%20Innscribers%20web%20site_files/contacts.htm), but also another are using spaces, which show up as "%20". You can't use spaces
when writing a link/path to a file. Furthermore you should not have renamed
the index_files folder "The Innscribers web site_files".

You need to go back and read the article about building your own textual
navbar, and study it and the example I gave you on how to write the absolute
links. Then delete the wizard built navbar, and either use the approach in
the article and the insert HTML code fragment tool; or insert a text box
with absolute links; or even icons/images with absolute doesn't
matter which as long as when you insert the hyperlink, it is an absolute
link/path to your files.

You can leave the page titles with the new names. This should make writing
the absolute links easier than trying to use the arbitrary numbered files
Publisher chooses when you don't. Now the link/path to your contacts page
would be written as: instead of

It then follows that the link to whatwedo page will be:
etc, etc, etc for the rest of your pages. Remember, no spaces in the links,
and I would suggest writing everything in lower case, to prevent further

If you build your navbar on your home page, you can then copy and paste it
on your other pages.

Then delete the index.htm file and the "The Innscribers web site_files"
folder from you webhost, and republish allowing Publisher to generate the
index_files folder.

Good luck.



David, Thanks for the very helpful guidance. As you suggested, i have been
studying your instructions and the article about building my own textual

This is how the coding looks for the navbar now:

<a href="">Home</a> |
<a href="">contacts</a> |
<a href="">whatwedo</a> |
href="">innscribing</a> |
<a href="">committee</a> |
<a href="">links</a> |

BUT, it does not look anything like your last post (should the bit after
the talktalk url be "index_files/ " in each line?)

viz ""

I know the site/files are not ready to be uploaded, but I have done so, just
so that you, if you wish can have a look at them, if you have time.

The links do not work either as a preview on my PC in Explorer nor on the
web, so again I have messed up !

One of my other problems is that I cannot give a massive amount of time to
this project as I have other work and responsibilities, so each time I come
back to it I have to virtually start afresh. Perhaps that's the problem.

So where do I go from here, please?

Thanks for all your time.



Hi Graham,

Color me embarrassed. I couldn't understand why you used the .aspx
extension, until I went back to David Bartosik's article about building
textual menus. I must admit, that it has been a couple years since I
actually read the article, and I had forgotten that David used this in his
example. Sorry about that. That's the bad news.

The good news is that you are getting there.

First, change each ".aspx" to ".htm" .
Second, make sure you spell things correctly. You misspelled "lesley" for
the contacts page and "innscribing". A hint - once you get one path typed
correctly, copy and paste, and then just edit the parts that change...less
errors and faster that way
Third, change "default.aspx" to "index.htm" - that is your home page.

With those changes you have:

<a href="">Home</a> |
<a href="">contacts</a> |
<a href="">whatwedo</a> |
<a href="">committee</a> |
<a href="">links</a> |

These links work...mostly.

For cosmetics, perhaps you might prefer:

<a href="">Home</a> |
<a href="">Contacts</a> |
<a href="">What We Do<a> |
<a href="">Committee</a> |
<a href="">Links</a> |

You can put spaces and upper case in the TEXT part of this code
snippet....just not the URL.

Now for some confusing news. Though the code snippet works, it shouldn't ;-)
If your site was performing as I would have expected, then you would have
had to add "index_files" to each path/URL written, except for the home page
(index.htm). The contacts.htm page should be in the index_files folder along
with all your images and graphics. And yet, the page and the images load
when you go to:

The link should be:
and yet that doesn't work.

To review, if you have not changed the defaults within Publisher, when you
Publish to the Web and produce your HTML output, you get an "index.htm"
file, which is your home page, and a "index_files" folder, containing all
your graphics and the other files/pages in your site...contacts.htm, etc.
This means that if you uploaded the index.htm file and the index_files
folder to your root directory on your host, then the following code snippet
should be correct:

<a href="">Home</a> |
<a href="">What
We Do<a> |

And while I am at it, here is a vertical version:

<a href="">Home</a> <br>
<a href="">What
We Do<a> <br>

Copy and paste. Then, go up to your site, and delete all the old Publisher
HTML files and folders, and upload fresh output from Publisher.

Sorry about adding to your confusion. I need to go back and read all David's
articles again, so I don't make that mistake next time. Let me know if this



Hi David
Just a brief accknowledgement. Thanks for your time and trouble - it's all
beginning to make sense to me. Now I'll just get down to working on it - time
permitting! Will report!


Hi David
Thanks for the very detailed instructions. Since receiving them, I have
done the following, in no particular order.
• Deleted all the files uploaded to the web – checked both sites to ensure
that only the ‘Parent directory’ is shown. OK.
• Emptied the recycle bin and temp internet files.
• Noted on uploading that one or two of the graphics were a bit large, so
compressed all of them. The site now only a total of 1.7Mb & uploads in 100
• I have created a new folder in ‘C’ into which Publisher can create the
two sub-folders ‘index_files’ and index.htm – I have then got rid of all
previous related files.

• I have followed your instructions and used the ‘Links’ code for the
publication – carefully typed the code into the Publisher Web Code Fragment
dialog box then copied and pasted into each of the other five pages.

• Uploaded the site unsuccessfully………..

• Went back to the Publisher files and rechecked everything then tried
inserting the ‘index_files’ code to see if that made a difference – it did

• Have now taken that out and also tried your vertical coding – some of that
worked on the Contacts page but for simplicity, I have also deleted that.
• The current position is that if I upload the site, I can now access and
read all of the pages - links are working OK.:))

I seem to have made a lot of headway!!

There will be some tidying up to do as some of the formatting is a bit
crude, but as long as I know the site is there I can take my time.
The only thing that has to be done immediately is to find out why the
graphics are not loading on the Home page?
Also, could you tell me why a few of the files created by Publisher are .wmz
files, which I think are Windows Media files! If I open them there is nothing
there apart from the Win Media screen....Can I delete them? Or rather should
I delete them?
Could not have done this without you - very much appreciated!


Just ignore the .wmz files. Leave them in there.

The reason the index.htm file, your home page, is not loading the graphic
files is because it is looking to the index_files folder for them, and not
finding them. The problem goes back to why does work, and does not...and
should...and I am not sure of the answer. The problem is the framing. The

Here are some guesses. You have uploaded your files to wrong directory.
is pointing to wrong directory for . Or
perhaps, because of the framing you can not use the subfolder option in

I guess that what I would do next is do away with the subfolder option in
Publisher, and write the links yet once again. First of all, go to the
folder on your C drive where you directed your HTML output when you Publish
to the Web. If you look in the index_files folder, you will note that your
other pages are simply named "contacts.htm" etc. Now, go ahead and delete
the index.htm file and the index_files folder.

Open your Publisher document, go to tools > options > web tab and uncheck
"organize supporting files in a folder". In fact for now, uncheck everything
under Saving. OK. Now Publish to the Web to that folder on your C drive. Go
back to that folder and study the contents. Note that no longer do you have
a subfolder...all the files, graphics etc are all together. More importantly
note that your contacts page is now named "index_contacts.htm" instead of
"contacts.htm". Note your other pages and all your images are now preceded
with "index_" Ok, now you can delete all those files and go back to your
Publisher file. Double click the code fragment box that contains your
textual navbar, and change each link to reflect the new file names. In other
words, instead of write
In fact, you can just copy "index_"and paste it in front of contacts.htm,
and whatwedo.htm, innscribing.htm, etc....each of pages, EXCEPT for the
index.htm file. Copy and paste that edited code fragment box to each of your
pages. Publish to the Web to the folder on your C drive. Delete the
index.htm file and the index_files folder from your webspace, and upload the
new files. Cross your fingers...and hope this works. Do the images now load
on your home page? Do the links work?



Don't you ever sleep?

DavidF said:
Just ignore the .wmz files. Leave them in there.

The reason the index.htm file, your home page, is not loading the graphic
files is because it is looking to the index_files folder for them, and not
finding them. The problem goes back to why does work, and does not...and
should...and I am not sure of the answer. The problem is the framing. The

Here are some guesses. You have uploaded your files to wrong directory.
is pointing to wrong directory for . Or
perhaps, because of the framing you can not use the subfolder option in

I guess that what I would do next is do away with the subfolder option in
Publisher, and write the links yet once again. First of all, go to the
folder on your C drive where you directed your HTML output when you Publish
to the Web. If you look in the index_files folder, you will note that your
other pages are simply named "contacts.htm" etc. Now, go ahead and delete
the index.htm file and the index_files folder.

Open your Publisher document, go to tools > options > web tab and uncheck
"organize supporting files in a folder". In fact for now, uncheck everything
under Saving. OK. Now Publish to the Web to that folder on your C drive. Go
back to that folder and study the contents. Note that no longer do you have
a subfolder...all the files, graphics etc are all together. More importantly
note that your contacts page is now named "index_contacts.htm" instead of
"contacts.htm". Note your other pages and all your images are now preceded
with "index_" Ok, now you can delete all those files and go back to your
Publisher file. Double click the code fragment box that contains your
textual navbar, and change each link to reflect the new file names. In other
words, instead of write
In fact, you can just copy "index_"and paste it in front of contacts.htm,
and whatwedo.htm, innscribing.htm, etc....each of pages, EXCEPT for the
index.htm file. Copy and paste that edited code fragment box to each of your
pages. Publish to the Web to the folder on your C drive. Delete the
index.htm file and the index_files folder from your webspace, and upload the
new files. Cross your fingers...and hope this works. Do the images now load
on your home page? Do the links work?


Mary Sauer

David doesn't sleep. I am three hours ahead in time zones, I swear when I look
at a post at 7 a.m. my time, 3:00 David's time. David is already up and posting.


Do the images now load on your home page? YES Do the links work? YES

It's been a long road, David. Many thanks for your patience - I could not
have completed this without your help. Prior to asking for help on this
forum, I contacted friends who I know are involved in web site creation in
Croatia, Australia, Finland and here in sunny England. None of them could
help - or perhaps it was the mention of Publisher.....

Anyway, I can now concentrate on improvements to the site rather than the
basics of uploading it. I've learn a lot.




"Do images now load on your home page?" YES
"Do the links work?" YES

There at last David - very many thanks for your time and patience. All
worth while and a very satified customer. I can now get down to cosmetic
improvements to the site.

Again many thanks.

graham :))


Do the images now load on your home page? YES
Do the links work? YES


When I open the Home page that loads is the old
page with no images. If I navigate to the (say) contacts page then back to
the Home page, the new Home page opens with all the changes and images.
Clicking all the links then takes me to any of the pages with the updated
I know I deleted all the old files before changing the htm coding for the
new links (I checked the memory used on the site for uploaded files) so how
comes the old page is still accessible?

Thanks for all your time and patience. Could not have got here without you.

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