Pages not uploading




Yes, contrary to what people think, I do sleep 3 or 4 hours a day...and Mary
is correct, I am frequently up by 3:00...and increasingly stupid after
supper ;-)

When I first clicked on I got nothing, but now it
appears to load ok. Correct?

If so, then I have some new information that you can use, that I learned
while working through this problem with you. You can modify a wizard built
navbar to work in your least a vertical navbar. I
wouldn't try to change the horizontal navbar you have built, because wizard
built, horizontal navbars used on the bottom or your page will be converted
into an image in FireFox, and won't work.

Here are the steps:
1. Insert Design Gallery Object > Navigation Bars.
2. Choose the navbar you want to use which will bring up a Create New
Navigation Bar dialog.
3. Under insert options, select Insert on every page. Under Automatic
update, check "update this navigation bar..." OK. Voila, you should have a
new navbar on each page. Move and position where you want it.
4. On the left of your page you should also see Web Site Options. Under
Navigation bar, choose Vertical only.
5. Now you need to change the links from the default relative links to your
newly discovered absolute links.
6. Select the new navbar, click the wand, and on the left side of the page
under Change Navigation bar, click Add, remove, and reorder links... The
navigation Bar properties dialog box pops up.
7. Select the Home page link > modify link. Under the new dialog box that
pops up, and under Link To: choose Existing File or Web Page. Then under
Look in: choose Browsed pages. Now if your absolute links to your pages
aren't listed, try clicking the drop down arrow beside the address field.
Chances are the links to each of your pages should be there. Or you can just
copy and paste from your code fragment box. Or there is a little icon in the
upper right part of the dialog box that looks to me like a world with a
magnifying glass over it. If you hover your mouse over it, it should say
"Browse the web". Click it, and browse to your home page: and paste it in the
address. OK. Select each link, for each page, and change it to the absolute
links to your pages. OK

You should now have a functioning vertical navbar. You can't test it in Web
Preview because when you click on any of the links, it will take you to the
web. So, delete your old files on your web host, and publish new files, and
upload them.

I apologize about not figuring this out right away. I use Pub 2000 for my
sites, and actually import a navbar and everything works a bit different
than in Pub 2003. The only time I use Pub 2003 is to help people here, and
for testing purposes. I knew that you couldn't use the relative links when
you frame a site, which is the default way Publisher produces a navbar
through the wizard. What I hadn't worked out before, was how to change those
relative links to absolute links. But I guess we still would have had to go
through the discovery process of how to write the absolute links anyway, and
you would have still wanted to create the horizontal textual navbar on the
bottom, so that it worked in FireFox. So, I guess all's well, that ends
well...and next time, I can save everybody some time.

Hoping this all works for you...



First, yes the site now works OK. Could there be a time lag before the sites
works - perhaps dictated by the provider?
Anyway its there now. :)

Thanks a lot for the additional information - like the rest I will print it
off and one day publish it all as a manual for Publisher 2003!

I will get down to trying it later today ( ie it's 0819hrs GMT +1 here) at
the same time I start tidying up some of the clumsy layout.

I'll let you know (and your fans who read this forum)


puter guy

Thanks so much for all of your explicit and easy-to-follow directions. I've
had many of the same difficulties loading my site, etc and reading this
thread has put me ahead of the game with regard to links, use of spaces,
index_, etc.

It seems that you've now helped three people with your comprehensive
responses - and perhaps even more!

Thanks again!


Thanks for the feedback. Sometimes I do wonder if I overload people with too
much info, and too many directions, so it is nice to hear from both of you
that I was able to help. Now if I could just find a way to help people more
effectively with uploading problems...;-)



One final comment (famous last words)...I gave you the way of adding the
vertical navbar back into your design, but it occurs to me that one of your
next questions might be how to center your webpage...which you can't. You
might take a moment to read this article: Understanding background padding
in a Publisher web (aka white space):

But given the way you have it arranged right now, it looks centered...or
almost anyway, and you could continue that perception by using a wizard
built, horizontal navbar, on the top only, rather than the vertical
navbar....and keep the textual navbar on the bottom. Just something to
consider as you redesign your pages...




Just in case it is of some help, David. Whilst following your instructions
for inserting the Navbars, it might be helpful to add after point 6.
"6a. If you use the option to take the link from browsed pages, (see 7,
below) it would be a good idea to do some housekeeping first - In the
browser, Tools, Internet Options , Delete files, Delete Cookies, remove
History. Then navigate to your web site and open each page - this will leave
only your site details to browse through to find the links."
This is not very good language but I hope you understand the point of this.


PS The first attempt at the vertical Navbars is up and running but I cheated
and only the Home page has the correct links - I thought all the links on all
the pages would update when I corrected the Home page - but they don't so I
will take it down again and correct it later tonight.

As mentioned in other threads, it is quite important to delete everything
from the site and re-load with the new files rather than try to update, which
does not always work satisfactorily GP


All links now working OK (vertical and horizontal - top and bottom). They
were in fact correct the first time but some corruption occured in uploading.
Site looks OK on my computer but I don't know how it will look on others.
Thanks again

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