I have exactly the same problem with the same OS version and the same PP version.
Please, someone help us!!! :frown:
I've also noticed that some PowerPoint presentations will hang in
PowerPoint 2004, but the same presentations will play in PowerPoint 2008
and NeoOffice.
When this happens you should use PowerPoint's Help > Send Feedback
feature and offer to send Microsoft the offending presentation along
with your contact information. I don't know if Microsoft plans any more
updates to the 2004 product, but it's worth a shot.
If you don't want to spend the money on PowerPoint 2008, give NeoOffice
a try
http://www.neooffice.org/ - it's free. You probably won't find
NeoOffice suitable to be your first choice for presentations, but if you
get that occasional problem presentation it's worth giving it a shot.
Expect the presentation to play slowly with ugly fonts, but at least it
might play.
The sound problem is something altogether different. The PowerPoint FAQ
addresses this issue:
I think that the sound problems could be greatly alleviated if
PowerPoint embedded, rather than linked, sounds and videos by default.
If you agree that this is a good idea, please send feedback to Microsoft
(use PowerPoint's Help > Send Feedback feature)and maybe in the next new
version of PowerPoint they will change the way PowerPoint works.
Jim Gordon
MVPs are independent experts who are not affiliated with Microsoft.
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