Thanks Ron. It works great so far with all the stuff that I have tested.
The only problem is that it does not return named cells as their name, but
their address. However, this is relatively easy to fix (I think). Anyway,
thanks a million. At last, someone with a useful answer. Have a great
Glad to help. And you should make one change in one line, which came up after
lcarretto tested it on a formula with a function:
Const sPat As String = "[-+/*=^&,()]"
So far as the Name of the Named cell is concerned, I thought you specified
initially that either the name or the address would be suitable:
In case that format was exactly how you wanted it to be, and I misunderstood
the "or", then substitute this for the defining of GetRefs:
For i = 0 To UBound(aRefs)
On Error Resume Next
GetRefs = GetRefs & aRefs(i) & " " & _
IIf(Range(aRefs(i)).Address(True, True) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(True, False) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(False, True) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(False, False) = aRefs(i) _
, "", "(or " & Range(aRefs(i)).Address & ")") _
& ", "
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
Again, this will work so long as the formula refers only to the same worksheet.
If you are going to refer to other worksheets/workbooks, I'll need more
information to make appropriate modifications.
Here is it all together:
Option Explicit
Function GetRefs(rg As Range) As Variant
Dim sStr As String
Dim aRefs
Dim i As Long
Dim re As Object
Const sPat As String = "[-+/*=^&,()]"
If rg.Count <> 1 Then
GetRefs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
ElseIf rg.HasFormula = False Then
GetRefs = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = sPat
sStr = re.Replace(rg.Formula, Chr(1))
aRefs = Split(sStr, Chr(1))
For i = 0 To UBound(aRefs)
On Error Resume Next
GetRefs = GetRefs & aRefs(i) & " " & _
IIf(Range(aRefs(i)).Address(True, True) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(True, False) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(False, True) = aRefs(i) Or _
Range(aRefs(i)).Address(False, False) = aRefs(i) _
, "", "(or " & Range(aRefs(i)).Address & ")") _
& ", "
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
'remove last comma <space>
re.Pattern = ", $"
GetRefs = re.Replace(GetRefs, "")
End Function