Problem with Office repeatedly trying to install



I installed MS Office 2007 recently with no problems, and it has been
running OK, until recently. For the last few weeks, when opening an office
application (or sending an email in outlook) a Windows Installer box pops

This box just appears, titled "Windows Installer" and saying "preparing to
install". The box then changes to the title "Microsoft Office Enterprise
2007" and says "please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office
Enterprise 2007". It then says "gathering required information". Then it
reverts back to the start ("preparing to install") and repeats this whole
process 3 times, before the box disappears and I can get on with whatever I
was doing.

Any ideas why this might be happening, and how do get rid of it? I could do
a reinstall, but I don't want the hassle of backing up all my Outlook


I have the same issue, and so are a lot of people (and will have a lot of
I already tried everything, of course the installer clean up utility, even
going back to office 2003 pro but the problem persists. I think it has
something to do with user rights (i àm an administrator and don't use the
UAC) in vista, things have to be changed in the register... Anyway, it's a
huge bug!! And very annoying.
Do you also get the error "stdole32.tlb" when opening excel?
Can you please let me know (anyone) if there is a solution to this issue?

Thanks in advance

Lloyd Sheen

JoAnn Paules said:
It sounds as though you are experiencing the same problem. Would you care
to explain why you don't think Peter's response was a REAL solution?


JoAnn Paules
Microsoft MVP - Publisher

How to ask a question

I think she is one of many that have (had) that problem. Including me.
Spent about 3 days with many suggestions. There are 4 people in my office
who have tried Vista and all have uninstalled except me. Since I have to
develop for Vista this is not an option but I wish.

My solution. Install OpenOffice. It installs. It works. No flash but
then again a working application beats a pretty non working non installing

Lloyd Sheen


Thanks guys. I tried Peter's idea (the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility) -
however when I try to run the file, I get an error message (Windows Script
Host: c:\users\dan\appdata\local\temp\IXP000.TMP\StartMsi.vbs - permission
denied; Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error).

I also noted Thijs's note that the utility may not work with Office 2007.

I am unfortunately running Microsoft's latest incarnation of office (2007).
I am still experiencing this problem. Any ideas? Thanks.


FYI, I've been having exactly this problem with Office SharePoint Designer
2007. I had completely installed Office Ultimate on my Vista Ultimate
computer and everything was working fine. But Designer goes through this
configuration dialog every single time I run it. I've run the install as
Administrator (even enabling the Administrator account and logging in
first), but I haven't found any way of fixing this.

BTW, I tried the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility, referenced by All it did was to make me have to
reinstall Designer, and I'm back to where I was.

Something is DEFINITELY buggy in the office install process with Vista. If
anyone has any other ideas about this, it would be greatly appreciated.


I am having exactly the same problem. Just installed Office Ultimate
2007 on Vista, and it's pretty much unusable due to this installer
loop. I can't find a solution ANYWHERE. The only clue I can give is,
this happened on Office XP, and that caused me to UNINSTALL it and
purchase 2007. Now it won't work either? It must be a Vista problem.


Mary Sauer

I had this same issue, another poster used the following solution, which in
desperation I used. It works for me... He/she concluded it was a permission

Download and install SubInACL.exe

Open WordPad and Paste the following

cd /d "%programfiles%\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subdirectories %windir%\*.* /grant=administrators=f /

Save as

Double-click this file...

I make no guarantees, as I said earlier this worked for me. The orginal post was
titled "Why does the confiuration wizard run every time I start Word 2" by
kimwindsor at 5/18/2007


I just suffered a complete disaster after trying this solution. I'm not
absolutely certain that this is what caused it, but it's the only thing I
can think of. FYI, my machine is running Vista Ultimate.

The symptom of my problem was that after trying this solution and restarting
my machine, neither my normal user account nor the Administrator were able
to run most applications. I'd get a "not enough storage available to run
this program" error for almost everything i tried, including System Restore.
The "not enough memory" message was clearly untrue - the utilization of my
2GB RAM was only about 40%. This was such a serious situation that I had no
alternative but to back up all of my documents, wipe the drive, and
reinstall Vista. Subsequent installation of all Office apps worked without
a repeated installs or configurations, so I am now officially out
of this problem loop.

This is no consolation to anyone, I'm sure. (It was bloody horrifying to
me!) I can only hope that MSFT is monitoring these problems and will come
out with a fix for these config/setup loops.

I hope that anyone having this problem has better luck than I did.

Mary Sauer

I am sorry this did not work for you. I am sorry it caused so many problems.

I, too, have Vista Ultimate, however I am the only user. As I said I did not
guarantee it would work for other folks.

Keith Looseley

Just for the record (and I hope MS ARE monitoring this) I have the same
problem using MS Money with Vista Premium. I am just putting up with it for
now - but looking out for a guaranteed fix that won't make things worse.


I'm having the EXACT same problem that laurens34 describes below. I am
running Vista Home Premium and just installed Office 2007 Small Business. My
Outlook has 'magically' stopped launching the Windows installer but every
other office program IS still launching it. Also, I noticed in Control
Panel, Set Default Programs that the ONLY Office application that is showing
is Outlook. Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, etc. are not even listed as
being installed!! This is driving me bonkers and it's obviously a WIDESPREAD
issue as evidenced by a Google search although there don't seem to be any
sure-fire fixes for the problem. I've LOVED Vista up to this point but this
is ridiculous!!!


I can assure you this is not just a Vista prob. I have this same issue with
Windows XP Home edition. Its a multi user system and everything works fine
on the addmin log in, but has the intaller issues described in these postings
on the other log ins. So maybe it is permisions, I don't know.


I too am experiencing MAJOR problems with Office 2007 on Vista (Home
Premium). I 'upgraded' from Office 2000 (which was working FINE) to Office
2007 Small Business and now every time I open ANY Office program, I get those
ANNOYING installer/configuring windows!!! I've tried uninstalling both
versions of office, running that installer 'clean-up' utility, running the
installation as short, EVERYTHING except reformatting my
entire hard-drive and starting over!!! This is simply unacceptable and is
one of the reasons that Microsoft has such a bad name among tech people.
Their software, especially new, non-beta, retail versions should work and
work properly. This is driving me completely out of mind and is wasting vast
amounts of my time constantly waiting for the installer to run! Also, Excel
throws up that additional "stdole32.tlb" error window every time it's opened.
I've even tried re-registering Word, Excel, etc. and this doesn't help

Something else I've noticed is that under the Control Panel, Default
Programs, the ONLY Office application that's showing as available is Outlook.
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. aren't even on the list of installed programs.
I would guess this is also related to the installer problem as it makes
obvious that Vista simply isn't recognizing the new programs.

If any Microsoft folks are reading the boards, a FIX/Solution for this
installer problem (other than reformatting hard-drives or re-installing
Visat) would be GREATLY appreciated by a LOT of your customers as a Google
search of the problem returns THOUSANDS of hits.

If anyone else out there has any more suggestions, I'm willing to give them
a shot.


Create new shortcuts to each MSO 2K7 executable on your desktop.
Sometimes that works. Also, don't run anything by clicking on the
program's associated file (like xls, doc, etc).


I have this same Windows Installer Issue, but it is with Office Enterprise
2007 and XP. The new Vista machine I got doe not have the problem. I am
trying the utility, to see what happens.

I am not sure why Microsoft is so poor at any intial releases, but it is
annoying. I would start my machine and Office 2007 would have to do the
installer for 5 minutes, then when I opened Outlook the computer would
indicate I should wait while it configured that program.

Vista, on the other machine, has been great, no issues. So I am not sure
that what everyone is experiencing is a Vista issue, I think it is an Office
2007 issue.

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