Problem with Office repeatedly trying to install



well after search all over internet, i could not find the answer for the
problem, even though I found the solution for office 200, exactly the same
issue in microsoft support (when you open office and a popup appears,
install...), and nothing
By the way this probles seems to be in vista, i have new hp with vista home
I use the cleaner. reinstall, repair, use another disc, modify the
installation, deactivate the antivirus....
the last thing i did; when I open word and the popup appear, I open the task
manager, find the process, I thought maybe the trouble was in the registry,
so I found the setup.exe

C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup

it was the exe use when you open any office program. I went to regedit and
search any key with this exe and delete it, all the regestry keys related
with office. Then when I open any office application the pop up appear again
but in a diferent way, just take me less than 15 seconds to open the program.
I hope it works for you.
So if you cant with it join it
greetings for MX



while trying to solve the stdole (I didnt solve) problem I manage to
disappear the install popup:

I install office 07 with out the UAC
then I turn on UAC
Change the default shortcuts (all) of them, I made them manually
after this word, power, info, publish, access work fine
excel keeps having the install wizard "so I saw the eurotool has problems"
while the wizard was working the excel window was in the back so I open a new
file, check the excel options then I break the installation closing excel
with the "x" and after with the task manager. I start excel again and a popup
said that the eurotool is having problems, do you want deactivate this
complement?? click yes. then again the annoying stdole, but after that excel

do the same excel step with all your accounts

remmember I also did the previous post

Bettie Claxton

If you still have it, what was the solution for Office 2000? I'm running
Vista with O2000 on it and I only have the problem with Excel 2000. I've
changed rights on the Typelib and removed and re-installed with no change in
behaviour. I also can't use TechNet becuase it tells me that it cannot load
DTE.olb. It is probably the same problem since again we are dealing with a


I too have had the dreaded loop install problem. So persistent that i
was nearly impossible to run the machine. At one point ANY window
command, including reboot, invoked the little monster. I'm runnin
Vista and trying to get Office 2003 Pro to install. I have done,
believe the full gamut , of possible solutions - including all of th
above. I've also tried wearing a garlic bulb and banging empty Pin
Noir bottles over the keyboard and mouse. All I was able to to do wa
to limit the problem to my current install of Outlook 2003. Whil
Outlook now opens & works - every keystroke command results in th
dreaded installer poping up. All other Office 2003 programs now wor

I believe the problem occurred upon my incomplete reinstall of Outloo
2000. I was trying to solve a link problem from my stand alon
Frontpage 2003 program. I think I stopped the reinstall prior t
completion and then ran setup (again) pointing to another drive.

I'm stuck now in that I believe MS Installer is looking for any /all o
the these installs but can not locate them. Nor can I. Upon cancelin
the current Installer Message Loop i get the notice of MAPI32.dll bein
in error. (note this is not MSMAPI32.dll - but MAPI32.dll- either wa
the renaming or running fixmapi.exe did not work.)

I don't have a solution (yet). However I do not believe VISTA is a
fault because of programing glitches, nor Office, nor any of th
programs that were in the process of installing when the error occurre
and caused the user to seek an answer by way of forums.

However the where Vista is question is the blank out times when thing
are being done in the background but the user is not told to wait o
given notice that the OS is figuring things out. I believe this is wha
happened when I restarted a reinstall and started the loop nightmare.
simple twirling circle might have stopped the creation of the problem.

As for me I'll live without Outlook. Never really used it anyway, I'
a Mozilla type of guy, but i wanted to integrate my mailing lis
directly from Publisher. ANy Help will be appreciated


Thanks, but like i said above i tried all the above , including th
utility, and nothing worked.

The only solution was to re-install vista and start anew.
Within 2 days things were back to normal.

However, i should say that MS Word still starts to load the installer
(for about 3-5 seconds) however stops and then loads the progra
properly. I am not going to go into a fix for this

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