Problems view my page & Not able to publish selected pages


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Well sorta.

Open FP
File | Open Site
open your local site
your subwebs should appear in the file list as a folder with a globe on it
(your daughter's subweb should be there)
to open your daughter's subweb web double click on it and it should open in
a second instance of FP
to add a new page to that web you'd File | New Page (blah blah blah)

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression



I am not having a problem opening a current site. eg.
Open FP
File | Open Site
that works fine.

My Problem is with the latter:
to add a new page to that web you'd File | New Page (blah blah blah)
the File | New Page
New Page is Greyed out. I Can Not Select it.

I know how to use FP, My Problem is the FP is not working properly and I can
not create a New Page or New Site.

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