Progress Bar




That sucsessfully shuts down the progress bar, however my code still executes.

Bob - I am getting a few errors in your code (which very well could be my

I think I may just use the usercancelled on the cancel button. If you so
desire, feel free to keep posting... I will check on monday.

Thanks for the help.

ps - I may have bit off more than I could chew for never working with vba
before this project!

Bob Phillips

John said:
Bob - I am getting a few errors in your code (which very well could be my

Probably mine. I didn't test it as I don'y have that app, just made sure it
compiled okay.
I think I may just use the usercancelled on the cancel button. If you so
desire, feel free to keep posting... I will check on monday.

You probably jumped in at the deep end a bit, but it has been interesting

Post you email address (suitably disguised against spammers) in case I do
some more work on it.


Bob, (e-mail address removed)%%%%%%

Bob Phillips said:
Probably mine. I didn't test it as I don'y have that app, just made sure it
compiled okay.

You probably jumped in at the deep end a bit, but it has been interesting

Post you email address (suitably disguised against spammers) in case I do
some more work on it.

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