Ok, I was getting a little excited with the service pak 2 and it's ability
to take pictures in your web site creation and quickly bring them down to 96
dpi or web friendly. But it's no real help. As I recreated a site I am
working on which consists of 46 pages I noticed that after setting up the 46
blank pages with a background selection the site was already around 70 megs
in size .. and I haven't entered any content !
Is there anything else that can be done ... cause it isn't so much the
pictures that is making Pub 2003 web sites so large !
to take pictures in your web site creation and quickly bring them down to 96
dpi or web friendly. But it's no real help. As I recreated a site I am
working on which consists of 46 pages I noticed that after setting up the 46
blank pages with a background selection the site was already around 70 megs
in size .. and I haven't entered any content !
Is there anything else that can be done ... cause it isn't so much the
pictures that is making Pub 2003 web sites so large !