"Sylvain Lafontaine" <sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam
please)> wrote in
ADO (and ADP), VBA, VBScript, VB6,
etc., are all technologies based on COM/DCOM and MS is in the
process of killing all technologies based on these
I don't believe this for a moment. What will replace the Office
programs and the Office automation that millions of MS's customers
depend on?
I've been hearing "VBA IS DEAD!!!" and ".NET will replace VBA in the
next version of Office" for about half a decade or more now, and
nobody at MS ever says that this is true at all.
The reason I believe it's not true is because it's way too much work
to kill all those technologies without rewriting the entire Office
suite from the ground up. You may not have followed the Office Mac
VBA fiasco, but what happened there was the MS killed VBA in Office
2008 because they couldn't make it work as a universal Mac binary.
After that release, for whatever reason, MS decided it was worth
making it work after all, and the next version of Office Mac will
have VBA back.
Completely rewriting a non-Windows version of Office to use VBA does
not look to me like an indication of the imminent abandonment of
VBA. And the existence of VBA implies all the rest.
MS may *wish* it could force its customer base to stop mucking
around in all those technologies that make its job hard (in part
because MS didn't do its job properly in designing them in the first
place, 15-20 years ago), but that isn't going to happen because MS
would then be driving away most of its customer base.
Vista has shown that MS can't thrust bad products down the throat of
its customers. They aren't going to run the risk again of losing
their customers just to do the right thing (which the low-level
redesign in Vista clearly was).