Really that troublesome to use Auditing "toolbar" in office 2007



I used Auditing toolbar in office 2003 very frequently.

But in office 2007, the auditing button is not listed in the Ribbon, and i
have to click the Auditing button first to call out the Audting dialog box,
then only can pick the auditing button. That is really slow indeed !

Any suggestion?


Kent88 said:
I used Auditing toolbar in office 2003 very frequently.

But in office 2007, the auditing button is not listed in the Ribbon, and i
have to click the Auditing button first to call out the Audting dialog
box, then only can pick the auditing button. That is really slow indeed !

Any suggestion?

Try adding the Formula Auditing box to the QAT - assuming you ARE talking
about Excel, which you omitted to tell us....


Yes, Excel 2007.
QAT is still not good enough as compared to the handy auditing tool bar.
Aditional mouse click is needed to bring up the dialog box, and the dialog
box always hide the spreadsheet.


Kent88 said:
Yes, Excel 2007.
QAT is still not good enough as compared to the handy auditing tool bar.
Aditional mouse click is needed to bring up the dialog box,

Oh dear. And how much WORK can you do in the space of a MOUSE CLICK?
Sorry that is the most FEEBLE excuse I have ever heard.
and the dialog box always hide the spreadsheet.

Then you must have an 8" screen then.....the dialog box I get is about 3/4"
deep and about 1 1/2" long. It doesn't even cover the ribbon.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Kent,

I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button from the Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M) tab in Excel 2007?

As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add the dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.

In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars, but they can use custom made/cloned ones :) Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While it may not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features :)

1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla Auditing toolbar.

2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give it a name.

3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons to your new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the right of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).

4. In the customization dialog click


Thanks but I know all that.

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in Excel
2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing button/dialgo box
that allow me to click on "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence", etc

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my spreadsheet
in my dialy work, one just once in a months.

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Kent,

I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button from the
Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M) tab in
Excel 2007?

As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add the
dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.

In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars, but
they can use custom made/cloned ones :) Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While it may
not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features :)

1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla Auditing

2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give it a

3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons to your
new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the right
of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).

4. In the customization dialog click


What do you mean? Are you a power user or you just use auditing once in a

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in Excel
2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing button/dialgo box
that allow me to click on "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence", etc

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my spreadsheet
in my dialy work, not just once in a months.


Kent88 said:
Thanks but I know all that.

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in Excel
2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing button/dialgo
box that allow me to click on "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence", etc

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my
spreadsheet in my dialy work, one just once in a months.

As I said WOW! How much work can you do in ONE extra mouse click? Jeeeze -
if you need to use auditing THAT frequently then I suggest you are not very
competent in your spreadsheet work.....


Kent88 said:
What do you mean? Are you a power user or you just use auditing once in a

No such thing as a "power" user. I am (or was) an Advanced Excel user, using
it all day in my job as a Systems/Management Accountant with several large
and well-known public companies in the UK. And I found that I only needed to
use it quite infrequently as I am pretty competent with spreadsheets. if you
need to use it that much then there is either something wrong with YOUR
spreadsheet work, or the people who are constructing sheets for you need
some training.

Bob I

Just r-click the the buttons of interest and pick Add to Quick Access
Toolbar, end of issue.
Thanks but I know all that.

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in
Excel 2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing
button/dialgo box that allow me to click on "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button.

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my
spreadsheet in my dialy work, one just once in a months.

Hi Kent,

I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button from
the Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M)
tab in Excel 2007?

As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add the
dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.

In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars,
but they can use custom made/cloned ones :) Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While it
may not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features :)

1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla
Auditing toolbar.

2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give it
a name.

3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons to
your new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the
right of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).

4. In the customization dialog click


You CANNOT add "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence" etc button in quick
access toolbar.
You can only add "Auditing" button, which call up a dialog box to displace
"trace dependence" etc button.

If you need to use "trace dependence" button twice, for instance, then you
need to click on "auditing" button in quick access toolbar again to call out
the dialoge box. Slower.

Bob I said:
Just r-click the the buttons of interest and pick Add to Quick Access
Toolbar, end of issue.
Thanks but I know all that.

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in
Excel 2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing
button/dialgo box that allow me to click on "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button.

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my
spreadsheet in my dialy work, one just once in a months.

Hi Kent,

I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button from
the Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M) tab
in Excel 2007?

As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add the
dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.

In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars, but
they can use custom made/cloned ones :) Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While it
may not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features :)

1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla
Auditing toolbar.

2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give it a

3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons to
your new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the right
of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).

4. In the customization dialog click

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Kent,

Hmmm. If I start a new workbook then go to
Formulas=>Formula Auditing, and there right click on the 'Trace Dependents' button and choose 'Add to Quick Access Toolbar' the
Trace Dependents button appears on the QAT.

You CANNOT add "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence" etc button in quick
access toolbar.
You can only add "Auditing" button, which call up a dialog box to displace
"trace dependence" etc button.

If you need to use "trace dependence" button twice, for instance, then you
need to click on "auditing" button in quick access toolbar again to call out
the dialoge box. Slower. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Although you claimed to be an so-called "advanced user", but you seems to be
not understand what is "auditing". Auditing means to check a spreadsheet
formula address to verify its accuracy. I dont think i need to explain to
you what is my job, but if you are the one in the positon to verify a
spreadsheet by checking hundreds of formula, and many cell reference in each
formula, and each cell may depend on other cells, how do you do it
efficiently without all the auditing button which always available??

You CANNOT add "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence" etc button in quick
access toolbar because all this button is not available in the Ribbon at all
(pls have a look at your Excel 2007).
You can ONLY add "Auditing" button, which call up a dialog box to displace
"trace dependence" etc button. And once you click on the button, the dialog
box will be closed and not available anymore. That's why we call it as
dialog box!!

And if you need to use "trace dependence" button twice to check the next
level of cell dependency, for instance, then you need to click on "auditing"
button in quick access toolbar again to call out the dialoge box.

Different people has different needs. If you are just a spreadsheet user
ofcos you dont have to use auditing tools frequently. I dont think
accounting spreadsheet has that much complicated formula (no matter how well
know companies in UK) as in the case for scientific spreadsheet. Thats why
you dont understand.


Kent88 said:
You CANNOT add "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence" etc button in quick
access toolbar

I second Bob's reply - works here OK.
If you need to use "trace dependence" button twice, for instance, then you
need to click on "auditing" button in quick access toolbar again to call
out the dialoge box. Slower.

I repeat - HOW much "slower"? Half a SECOND?


Kent88 said:
Although you claimed to be an so-called "advanced user", but you seems to
be not understand what is "auditing". Auditing means to check a
spreadsheet formula address to verify its accuracy. I dont think i need to
explain to you what is my job, but if you are the one in the positon to
verify a spreadsheet by checking hundreds of formula, and many cell
reference in each formula, and each cell may depend on other cells, how do
you do it efficiently without all the auditing button which always

Well that was an arrogant reply wasn't it. Rather like the tone of most of
your posts regarding how much time you spend doing that extra click. I know
EXACTLY what Auditing does. If you need to do this operation many times a
day then I repeat - there is something WRONG with your spreadsheet
construction. If I construct a formula, then I KNOW what it does. I don't
NEED to use Auditing.

Bob I

It seems you have a problem we won't be able to solve in this group.
You CANNOT add "Trace dependence", "Trace precedence" etc button in
quick access toolbar.
You can only add "Auditing" button, which call up a dialog box to
displace "trace dependence" etc button.

If you need to use "trace dependence" button twice, for instance, then
you need to click on "auditing" button in quick access toolbar again to
call out the dialoge box. Slower.

Just r-click the the buttons of interest and pick Add to Quick Access
Toolbar, end of issue.
Thanks but I know all that.

Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in
Excel 2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing
button/dialgo box that allow me to click on "Trace dependence",
"Trace precedence", etc button.

In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.

So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my
spreadsheet in my dialy work, one just once in a months.

"Bob Buckland ?:)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)>
wrote in message
Hi Kent,

I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button
from the Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M)
tab in Excel 2007?

As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add
the dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.

In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars,
but they can use custom made/cloned ones :) Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While
it may not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features :)

1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla
Auditing toolbar.

2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give
it a name.

3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons
to your new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the
right of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).

4. In the customization dialog click

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