Thanks but I know all that.
Just see, although you can add a shortcut at Quick Access toolbar in
Excel 2007, but that is just a button to bring out the Auditing
button/dialgo box that allow me to click on "Trace dependence",
"Trace precedence", etc button.
In Excel 2003, i can directly click the "Trace dependence", "Trace
precedence", etc button in the Auditing toolbar.
So one extra click is required. And i need to do lots this in my
spreadsheet in my dialy work, one just once in a months.
"Bob Buckland ?

" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)>
wrote in message
Hi Kent,
I'm not sure I'm following you on this completely. Which button
from the Formula Auditing Toolbar in Excel 2003 is missing that you
use from the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas ribbon (Alt, M)
tab in Excel 2007?
As mentioned, one method is to use the Quick Access toolbar to add
the dialog that accesses the Auditing tools.
In addition, Word and Excel 2007 can't use built in v2003 toolbars,
but they can use custom made/cloned ones

Here's one method
if you still have access to Excel 2003 to 'move' a toolbar. While
it may not be practical for this instance the technique may come
in handy for other features
1. In Excel 2003 turn use View=>Toolbars and turn-on the Forumla
Auditing toolbar.
2. Use Tools=>Customize=>Toolbars and create a new toolbar and give
it a name.
3. Hold the ctrl key and use the mouse to drag copies of the icons
to your new toolbar. To include the group divider lines, with
the customization dialog still open, right click on an icon to the
right of where you want the divider to appear and choose 'begin
group' (although the divisions won't 'stay' in Excel 2007).
4. In the customization dialog click