We are seeing this problem here at my company and I've been tasked with
doing research on it. From what I can tell, it is profile-specific as I
can create a new profile and not have this issue. Alas, while creating a
new profile seems to solve it, I hate doing it -- so I decided to try
digging a little more.
Here is what worked for me:
1. Close *Word *and uninstall the *Remove Hidden Data Tool* from
*Add/Remove Programs*.
2. Delete *all temporary files created by Word*, which should all
follow a *~$filename.doc* pattern. I used the -Windows Search- feature
and used a wildcard to find all the files (i.e. *~$*.doc*).
3. Delete all *normal.dot* files. Once again, use the -Windows Search-
4. Empty the *Recycle Bin*.
5. Open *Word*. From the *View* menu, select *Toolbars*, then
6. Under the *Toolbars* tab, reset any toolbars that are checked. Some
may not allow you to reset them, but that's OK.
7. Under the *Options* tab, click the *Reset menu and toolbar usage
data* button. When asked if you are sure you want to do this, click the
*Yes* button, then close the *Customize* window.
8. Close *Word*, then re-install the *Remove Hidden Data Tool*.
You may not need all of the steps outlined above (specifically steps 2,
3 and 4), but since I haven't tested the fix without these steps, I
figured I'd include them. Steps 1 and 8 have to be performed with an
account with administrative privileges, but steps 2 through 7 should be
performed under the profile of the person actually having the issue. If
the account having the issue has administrative rights, then you're all
set to fix the problem in one sitting.
Please let me know if this works!
Ryan Tovar
-A+ Certified Technician
Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician
All-Around Swell Guy-