Suzanne said:
Well, it seemed to me that you were addressing occasions when no
introduction is required.
I was addressing three situations, two of which you'd brought up. The
last one was an "out" in case someone couldn't/didn't understand the
protocol (as if it matters anyway, these days), and just wanted to
skedaddle. Your original message:
Suzanne said:
Regardless of the importance of your husband to you, you should
introduce him to your boss, who has the "senior" position as long as
you're working for him. And that's true regardless of his age or what
you think of him. This would perhaps be reversed if you were
introducing a parent (or especially a grandparent or other elderly
person) to your boss.
That would depend on the context. In a social setting, perhaps so. In
a business setting, no. In a "mixed use" setting, such as the office
holiday party, then the principle "the roof constitutes an introduction"