The best way to make your pictures smaller is to send them to yourself in
email through Windows XP. Windows XP will ask you if you want to make them
smaller click yes. When you receive them copy and save them to a file. They
will probably be in the 50kb range.
I think your big problem is the Wav file. Since powerpoint will only let
you embedd wav files of 100 kb you must change this to email. First go to
options in Powerpoint and change the 100 kb limit, try 20,000 which is way
larger than you would email.
Now for the tricky part. We have to fool Powerpoint into thiinking a MP3
file is a Wav file. To do this Download a free program name CDex and install
it. CDex has a wnaspi32.dll missing so you have to type wnaspi32.dll into
Google and download that dll and drop it in the CDex folder that you will
find under program files on your C drive. Now you are ready to work the
magic. Open Cdex and click Convert. Find the folder that has the MP3 file
you want in your presentation. Highlight it in CDex. Then click Add
Riff-Way header. If you go back to the folder you had the MP3 in you will
see you now have two files with the same name one an MP3 and one a Wav. both
have the MB of the MP3 file. (First time you do it save the MP3 to a folder
with nothing else in it.) Now insert this new Wav file. in Powerpoint. Save
as a pps file. Your MB will come way down and you will be able to email your
pps. file. I spent a week researhing this on the internet. Microsoft's site
was no help at all. By changing your wav to a Mp3 file you have cut your
size down to about 2-5MP. I don't know why Microsoft won't let you embedd
MP3 files and make it simple.
I hope this is what you are looking for. I think I found the PPTools site
the most helpful in solving my problem.
PoohsHunnyBee said:
H Kathy thanks for the response.
I have turned off fast saves and resaved it. I have twenty slides, all but
two have pictures which are jpegs. I have gone in and used the format option
to compress each one to 96 dpi and saved it again, no luck. I have a .wav
that plays through the entire presentation but it is long so it isn't looping
or anything like that. I have received .pps files that had more, larger
photos and music all of the way through and they were still small enough to
e-mail. I can't figure what I am doing different. Hopefully you will be
patient to help me muddle through...LOL
Thanks again, I look forward to hearing from you again,