You should always precede a FindRecord action with a GoToControl action.
In this case, the active control on the Project_Inventory form just
happens to be the PARID (presumably because it is the first in the Tab
Order, but even then, I would still explicitly state it.
I still can't understand how you are relating to the Project_Inventory
form from the form that you have the criteria entered. I will assume
that it is a different form, and that it is already open.
So, I would set up the macro like this...
Action: SelectObject
Object Type: Form
Object Name: Project_Inventory
Condition: [PARID] Is Not Null
Action: GoToControl
Control Name: [Forms]![Project_Inventory]![PARID]
Condition: ...
Action: FindRecord
Find What:=[PARID]
Condition: ...
Action: StopMacro
Action: GoToControl
Control Name: [Forms]![Project_Inventory]![BO_Project_Name]
Action: FindRecord
Find What:=[BO_Project_Name]
This is making quite a few assumptions, as you haven't provided much