You do not create a shortcut on the network.
1. Copy the backend to the server (you've done this).
2. Copy the secure mdw to the server(you've done this).
However you said the mdw needed you to import data. Can you describe
exactly the messages you received. There is no need to import or do
anything to the mdw.
Mdw did not show all users as per one-step security wizard report. I
believe you said you had multiple mdw files and so likely there is a mix of
which one should be used. I suggest you revert to your unsecured database
and start over. You need only one secure mdw. Once you have it done, it's
that mdw that goes on the server. And it *will* contain all the users you
Is your database split right now?
Yes - Good put the backend on the server. Open the frontend on your PC, and
use Tools, Linked Table Manager, and refresh the links; be sure to put a
check at the bottom to prompt for location and choose the location of the
backend on the server.
No - Split the database. See for steps. Put
the backend on the server and refresh the links as per the above.
If the wizard created a desktop shortcut for you on your PC, right-click it
and choose properties. It'll open to the Shortcut tab and the Target line
will be selected. The target will take the form similar to:
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to secure mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"
secure mdb will be the original database on your PC - modify it (if
necessary) to reflect the path to the frontend on your c: drive.
path to secure mdw will be the secure mdw you used to secure your mdb
(somewhere on your C: drive) - change the path to reflect the location of
the secure mdw on the server.
Now, you'll have the backend and secure mdw on the server, a copy of the
frontend on your PC, and a shortcut on your desktop.
To set up other users you can just copy the frontend from your PC to them.
In addition you can copy the shortcut from your desktop to them (a shortcut
is just a file with a lnk extension). Ensure that you put the frontend in
the same location on their PC as it is in your's OR if you put it in a
different location, then modify the shortcut on *their* PC to reflect the
location of the frontend i.e. the target would look like:
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to frontend" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw on
and example:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\msaccess.exe"
"c:\MyApp\frontend.mdb" /wrkgrp "F:\databasefiles\secure.mdw"
Just another little wrinkle, but you can use the UNC pathname for the mdw;
i.e. \\servername\path\secure.mdw rather than 'F:' drive; this way you don't
have to worry about someone having a different drive mapping than you.