Shareware Edwin's Power Tools decompiled and became Excel PowerPlus Tools


Rob Bovey

The only people threatened by your presence are the poor users who
have to put up with your poorly conceived notion of an answer. And don't
flatter yourself. I'll stand right in your face and jump all over your sorry
rear end wherever you happen to stick it up.

Dave Hawley

I know I said I would not reply, but coward Bovey has come out from
behind his mums apron and is trying to justify his cowardly behaviour.

Personal is it Bovey? You have just admitted to using the MS newsgroup
to air your personal frustrations and try to slur the name of someone
you do not even know. You call yourself a pro! bah! You really are a

RE: I'll stand right in your face......

LOL! Cowards don't stand in anyone's face. You are only a little boy
in a sea of men and a disgrace to the MVP title.

Rob Bovey

Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha!!! I knew you couldn't stand not to have the last
word little man. Go back to your hole and quit blathering. BTW, did you
notice we have a new group called microsoft.public.excel.newusers. That
would be much more applicable to your skill level. And since I don't hang
out there you wouldn't have to be the poor little victim of my bullying
(even though you seem to really enjoy it for some strange reason I don't
fully understand).

Edwin Tam (MS MVP)

Hi, everybody. I looked at the replies to this thread after having a day of rest. Wow!! It's just amazing that there are really quite a number of you who replied

Let me update you on the progress..

- The person who stole my code was Dennis Macdonald
- For the first two days I contacted him, he refused to admit that he used my code. He insisted that he just "look into my user manual"
- I very politely called him (and wasted some money on international phone calls), and informed him that "I am going to look into your source code". He warned me that "if I do so, I'll breach the license agreement"
- Based on my limited knowledge in law (I'm at least a certified accountant in UK and Hong Kong and I was a KPMG consultant), I explained to him that "your license agreement is void, as no one can do anything illegal to your illegal product"
- Unfortunately, up to that moment, Mr. Dennis Macdonald, was yet unable to tune into the same channel as mine, didn't semed to get my idea. But, I still decided to look into "his" code. (Of course, I saw mine!
- The next day, I faxed Mr. Dennis Macdonald a sample of 10 pages of VBA code. 5 pages from my software, 5 pages from "his". I highlight 17 macros which were identical in the 5 pages of code. I politely ask Mr. Dennis Macdonald whether he felt the need for me to provide more sample. He said "NO"

- Luckily, finally, Mr. Dennis Macdonald was able to understand my language and removed the software from his web site. And he told to remove it as well
- Also, he e-mailed his customers to his customers to stop using the software. Here is a sample e-mail
Dear XXXX <name deliberately removed>
I need to inform you that the PowerTools for Excel software is no longer available and has been removed from our site due to a copyright issue with the author of a very similar tool. This copyright issue has only just come to light and we have removed this software to comply with the other author’s request
Therefore, can you please delete all files associated with this software and a FULL REFUND will be issued within the next 24 hours. I would appreciate a confirmation email from yourself after you have deleted all files and have received the refund

- Mr. Dennis Macdonald also explained to me he has limited wealth and can only pay me a limited amount for compensation. He used his professional knowledge in web technology to go to my on-line payment site to buy my software with a credit card! (Wow!) Below is an extract of the e-mail transaction cofirmation. (Note the comment line!! I requested that! haha!

Payment fee received:
4 Quantity Payment for Edwin's_Power_Tools, US 160.00

Registered-To: Dennis Macdonald
Email: <dliberately removed
Postal: <dliberately removed
Total Amount Paid: USD 160
Date: 2003-11-13
Processed: 2003-11-13
PaymentMethod: card
Invoice: 498353846
TransactionID: CHYP2YC0PHQA
Comment: Compensation for copyright infringement

- He then also, according to my another request, air mailed me a letter with signature, to admit his commitment of copyright infringement. I haven't received that yet

Anyway, still, I deeply believe the cause of the problem is Microsoft

Dave Hawley

Well that was easy, didn't even have any bait on the hook.

What's making me smile with satisfaction the most is that you have now
showed (to all) you true self. hmm, I may even put a link to this
thread in my forum with the anchor text "Coward Explodes" LOL!

Some people are just too easy.

:) :)

Rob Bovey

If it makes you feel better to think you have the upper hand, you're
more than welcome. You've already wasted more of my time that your stinking
carcass is worth. Feel free to link, wail, or otherwise continue your
brainless diatribe without me.

Tom Ogilvy

Apple/Mac copied the Xerox Star, so don't feel sorry for the MAC. Maybe
there was another system that Xerox copied, but I don't believe so.

Tom Ogilvy

Edwin Tam (MS MVP) said:
I agree with Chip.

Copyright is implied, as long as you can show that a software is original
work of yours and it contains your own ideas.
Imagine, you cannot buy a copy of Harry Portter, and use OCR to scan it
into Word, and use Find and Replace to substitute all "Harry Portter" with
"Mary K. Porter" and change the font and put a "unique cover" on the book
and sell it with your name on it! Even with a detailed "copyright clause"!
Of course, "concept" and "feel" cannot have copyright. Just like when
Microsoft copied the look and feel of the Mac OS.
But, imagine, if you were me, when you see someone's software contains
THOUSANDS of lines of code which is 100% identical to yours, you'll be
amazed. They are identical line by line, even variable names and control
names! It's simply unbelievable. And when I actually talked to the person, I
spent more than 30 minutes and still failed to convinced him to admit that
he commited copyright infringement.
I began to wonder whether I should have talked to him in English or in
Visual Basic. But, surely, he is not that good in VB, haha...

Dave Hawley

Oh, BTW I have emailed Edwin to apologise for my posts in his thread
and explained my reasons, which I think he understands. I doubt
someone like yourself (poor excuse for a human) would have done the
same. It astounds me that anyone (even you Bovey) would use a fellow
developers demise to plant the unfounded seed of suspicion against me
and dredge up mud from *years ago*. It's gives me great pleasure to
know you have been stewing over me publicly humiliating you all this
time :eek:)

Anyway, you stick in the MS newsgroups while I move onwards and
upwards. Just remember that you will now been seen by all as a coward.


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