slideshow in frontpage possible?



Here's the code for the page I want to add the slideshow to:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<title>Woodcreek Pugs</title>
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="569">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->
<td height="539" valign="top">
<p align="center">
<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
We have owned Pugs for 5 years and have started showing pugs since
Our goal is to&nbsp; show and breed healthy pugs with good temperaments
and sound conformation.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></p>
<p> <font size="4">We have been fortunate to work with Candy Schlieper at
<a href=""><font color="#000080">Candyland
in acquiring our foundation bloodlines.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p><font size="4">We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America and the
Sound Pug Club.
</font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">To follow our story, browse through our site.&nbsp;&nbsp;
can start with Phoebe since she was our first Candyland Pug, then to Buddy,
new rising star who is making a few waves in the Northwest. </font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">If you have questions please feel free to email
</font> </p>
<p align="left"> <font size="4">Check back with us occasionally to follow
progress in the Pug world.&nbsp;&nbsp; We will try to keep you up to
date.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="center">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-image="4" I-ResetValue="500" I-Digits="0"
U-Custom --></p>
<td height="30" width="700">&nbsp;</td>



Nicholas Savalas -

Dear Perry,

One problem is that you MUST NOT use spaces in names - in your
javascript, (Medium).JPG

becomes (Medium).JPG

- which doesn't exist. Rename (Medium).JPG


and then change it in your javascript. Also, DO NOT use the space bar
to separate elements - your code ends up like:


which is bad, because different resolution screens show very different
pages. Use tables, instead. Your page:

is a wreck; try starting again - in a browser, click view -> source...
to see why. Kiss the puppies for me; good luck, Perry.

Nicholas Savalas -

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

there's a pretty nice looking flash photo gallery/ slide show app that's
easy to use in conjunction with FrontPage. take a look here:

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

If you make web sites for other people, you should check out ContentSeed:

Trevor L.

Thanks for the Email.

The time difference to Australia means that you probably already have the
answer from others.
No spaces in filenames seems to be the clue

I find this works for me
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Original: Robert Bui ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
var interval = 5; // delay between rotating images (in seconds)
var random_display = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
interval *= 1000;

var image_index = 0;
image_list = new Array();
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
var number_of_image = image_list.length;

function imageItem(image_location) {
this.image_item = new Image();
this.image_item.src = image_location;

function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {

function generate(x, y) {
var range = y - x + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;

function getNextImage() {
if (random_display)
image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);

function rotateImage(place) {
var new_image = getNextImage();
document[place].src = new_image;
var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
// End -->

<body OnLoad="rotateImage('rImage')">
<img name="rImage"
src="" width=300>

<font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href="The">">The JavaScript

I suggest you use a different opening image
i..e replace src=""
with your own

Note that I didn't specify both height and width. This way images of any
proportion of width to height will display OK. You could of course just
specify height.
I changed the delay to 5 seconds, because the image wouldn't display within
1.5 seconds - probably because the .jpg images are fairly large - well about

To place the slideshow in your page, put it at the top.
<body onload="rotateImage('rImage')">

<img name="rImage"
src="" width=300>

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="569">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->

The rest of the page will follow as is.


Trevor L. said:
Thanks for the Email.

The time difference to Australia means that you probably already have the
answer from others.
No spaces in filenames seems to be the clue

Hi Trevor,

I've tried pasting the code you suggested into my page and the slides show
fine but I'm still getting the double banner and double buttons. It's
frustrating not understanding code; I don't know if I inserted in in the
wrong place.

If someone knows code they can probably fix this in two seconds. Sorry
to say I'm about ready to give up. I'll send a post with the code for
my original home page; if you could insert the code in the right spot for
the javascript and repost here (with your pictures; I think I can handle
inserting my own) I'd appreciate it.

Thanks very much



Here's the code for my home page. Nicholas does this look ok?? I have
tried inserting the flash code just prior to the line that reads "

<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

but it doesn't seem to work. I see all of the nbsp I think Nicholas was
referring to but I dont' know what it means. Sorry guys.

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">



<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="573">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->
<td height="539" valign="top">
<p align="center">
<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
We have owned Pugs for 5 years and have started showing pugs since
Our goal is to&nbsp; show and breed healthy pugs with good temperaments
and sound conformation.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></p>
<p> <font size="4">We have been fortunate to work with Candy Schlieper at
<a href=""><font color="#000080">Candyland
in acquiring our foundation bloodlines.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p><font size="4">We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America and the
Sound Pug Club.
</font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">To follow our story, browse through our site.&nbsp;&nbsp;
can start with Phoebe since she was our first Candyland Pug, then to Buddy,
new rising star who is making a few waves in the Northwest. </font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">If you have questions please feel free to email
</font> </p>
<p align="left"> <font size="4">Check back with us occasionally to follow
progress in the Pug world.&nbsp;&nbsp; We will try to keep you up to
date.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="center">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-image="4" I-ResetValue="500" I-Digits="0"
U-Custom --></p>
<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>




I've almost got it................this code looks great and does what it is
supposed to in view mode....................but when I preview in browser I
get the double banner/nav buttons Again!!!

Is this an easy fix? What's wrong with the code?

Here it is::

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">



<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="573">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->
<td height="539" valign="top">
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Original: Robert Bui ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
var interval = 5; // delay between rotating images (in seconds)
var random_display = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
interval *= 1000;

var image_index = 0;
image_list = new Array();
image_list[image_index++] = new
imageItem(" Folder/DSC06111.JPG");
image_list[image_index++] = new
imageItem(" Folder/DSC06625.JPG");
image_list[image_index++] = new
imageItem(" Folder/DSC06646.JPG");
var number_of_image = image_list.length;

function imageItem(image_location) {
this.image_item = new Image();
this.image_item.src = image_location;

function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {

function generate(x, y) {
var range = y - x + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;

function getNextImage() {
if (random_display)
image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);

function rotateImage(place) {
var new_image = getNextImage();
document[place].src = new_image;
var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
// End -->

<body OnLoad="rotateImage('rImage')">
<img name="rImage"
src=" Folder/IMG_0190.JPG"

<font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href="The">">The JavaScript
<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
We have owned Pugs for 5 years and have started showing pugs since
Our goal is to&nbsp; show and breed healthy pugs with good temperaments
and sound conformation.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></p>
<p> <font size="4">We have been fortunate to work with Candy Schlieper at
<a href=""><font color="#000080">Candyland
in acquiring our foundation bloodlines.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p><font size="4">We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America and the
Sound Pug Club.
</font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">To follow our story, browse through our site.&nbsp;&nbsp;
can start with Phoebe since she was our first Candyland Pug, then to Buddy,
new rising star who is making a few waves in the Northwest. </font> </p>
<p> <font size="4">If you have questions please feel free to email
</font> </p>
<p align="left"> <font size="4">Check back with us occasionally to follow
progress in the Pug world.&nbsp;&nbsp; We will try to keep you up to
date.&nbsp; </font> </p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="center">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-image="4" I-ResetValue="500" I-Digits="0"
U-Custom --></p>
<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>



Trevor L.

Perry said:
Sorry to say I'm about ready to give up. I'll send a post with the code
for my original home page; if you could insert the code in
the right spot for the javascript and repost here (with your
pictures; I think I can handle inserting my own) I'd appreciate it.

Thanks very much


Yeah, well don't give up. You're not far off.

Try this. You'll have to change my pictures - 3 times in the <head> and once
in the <body> . These are in blue as I type - hope they stay that way

I did find an error - you had 2 </head> statements.
Maybe this caused some of your problems - I am not expert enough to say. It
certainly is illegal

I also noted the extra &nbsp; This means non-breaking-space. It is often
better to just start a new line (<br>) rather than space the text out. A
sequence of &nbsp; at the end of a line are redundant - they do nothing. I
have removed a few of these.

Empty paras and table rows are redundant also
<p align="center">

<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>

This is the code to paste. I have marked it <!-- Start Here --> and <!-- End
Here --> but don't paste thes lines

<!-- Start Here -->

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Original: Robert Bui ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
var interval = 5; // delay between rotating images (in seconds)
var random_display = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
interval *= 1000;

var image_index = 0;
image_list = new Array();
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
var number_of_image = image_list.length;

function imageItem(image_location) {
this.image_item = new Image();
this.image_item.src = image_location;

function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {

function generate(x, y) {
var range = y - x + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;

function getNextImage() {
if (random_display)
image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);

function rotateImage(place) {
var new_image = getNextImage();
document[place].src = new_image;
var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
// End -->

<body onload="rotateImage('rImage')">

<img name="rImage"

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="573">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->
<td height="539" valign="top">
<p align="center">

<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our
website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have owned Pugs for 5 years and have
started showing pugs since 2004.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Our goal is to show and breed healthy pugs with good
temperaments and sound conformation.</font></p>

<p> <font size="4">We have been fortunate to work with
Candy Schlieper at <a href=>
<font color="#000080">Candyland Pugs </font></a>in
acquiring our foundation bloodlines.</font> </p>

<p><font size="4">We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America and
the Puget Sound Pug Club.
</font> </p>

<p> <font size="4">To follow our story, browse through our
site.&nbsp;&nbsp; You can start with Phoebe since she was our first
Candyland Pug, then to Buddy, our new rising star who is making a
few waves in the Northwest.</font> </p>

<p> <font size="4">If you have questions please feel free to
email us.</font> </p>

<p align="left"> <font size="4">Check back with us occasionally to
follow our progress in the Pug world.&nbsp;&nbsp; We will try to
keep you up to date.</font> </p>

<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>

<p align="center">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-image="4" I-ResetValue="500"
I-Digits="0" U-Custom --></p>

<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>

<!-- End Here -->

Trevor L.

Perry said:
I've almost got it................this code looks great and does what
it is supposed to in view mode....................but when I preview
in browser I get the double banner/nav buttons Again!!!

Is this an easy fix? What's wrong with the code?

Here it is::

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


As I wrote in my previous post, the problem may be where I have placed large

My entire version of the code is in the other post


Good morning Trevor,

I don't know how much time you have given me but I sure appreciate it.
Your code works just great; I think I can cut and paste my own pictures into
this and make it fine.

Bedtime now but I'm excited to get this going.

How much time have you invested into learning html? I'm a country vet who
doesn't have much time for more tasks right now but perhaps down the road I
may invest in learning this...............

Thanks mate! Any time you have a veterinary type question I can help you
with just let me know.


Trevor L. said:
Perry said:
Sorry to say I'm about ready to give up. I'll send a post with the code
for my original home page; if you could insert the code in
the right spot for the javascript and repost here (with your
pictures; I think I can handle inserting my own) I'd appreciate it.

Thanks very much


Yeah, well don't give up. You're not far off.

Try this. You'll have to change my pictures - 3 times in the <head> and
once in the <body> . These are in blue as I type - hope they stay that way

I did find an error - you had 2 </head> statements.
Maybe this caused some of your problems - I am not expert enough to say.
It certainly is illegal

I also noted the extra &nbsp; This means non-breaking-space. It is often
better to just start a new line (<br>) rather than space the text out. A
sequence of &nbsp; at the end of a line are redundant - they do nothing. I
have removed a few of these.

Empty paras and table rows are redundant also
<p align="center">

<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>

This is the code to paste. I have marked it <!-- Start Here --> and <!--
End Here --> but don't paste thes lines

<!-- Start Here -->

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="cypress2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Original: Robert Bui ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
var interval = 5; // delay between rotating images (in seconds)
var random_display = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
interval *= 1000;

var image_index = 0;
image_list = new Array();
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
image_list[image_index++] = new
var number_of_image = image_list.length;

function imageItem(image_location) {
this.image_item = new Image();
this.image_item.src = image_location;

function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {

function generate(x, y) {
var range = y - x + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;

function getNextImage() {
if (random_display)
image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);

function rotateImage(place) {
var new_image = getNextImage();
document[place].src = new_image;
var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
// End -->

<body onload="rotateImage('rImage')">

<img name="rImage"

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700" height="573">
<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->
<td height="539" valign="top">
<p align="center">

<p><font size="4">Thank you for visiting our
website.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We have owned Pugs for 5 years and have
started showing pugs since 2004.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Our goal is to show and breed healthy pugs with good
temperaments and sound conformation.</font></p>

<p> <font size="4">We have been fortunate to work with
Candy Schlieper at <a href=>
<font color="#000080">Candyland Pugs </font></a>in
acquiring our foundation bloodlines.</font> </p>

<p><font size="4">We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America and
the Puget Sound Pug Club.
</font> </p>

<p> <font size="4">To follow our story, browse through our
site.&nbsp;&nbsp; You can start with Phoebe since she was our first
Candyland Pug, then to Buddy, our new rising star who is making a
few waves in the Northwest.</font> </p>

<p> <font size="4">If you have questions please feel free to
email us.</font> </p>

<p align="left"> <font size="4">Check back with us occasionally to
follow our progress in the Pug world.&nbsp;&nbsp; We will try to
keep you up to date.</font> </p>

<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>

<p align="center">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-image="4" I-ResetValue="500"
I-Digits="0" U-Custom --></p>

<td height="34" width="700">&nbsp;</td>

<!-- End Here -->

Trevor L.


I have noticed another problem with your code

These references
imageItem(" Folder/DSC06111.JPG");
show a folder name with a blank in it

Can you alter it to
where the folder name after "images" is "Java_Folder" (or some other name,
but nothing with a blank in it).
Dashes (-) and underscores (_) are acceptable as separators, but not blank

You will need to export all your images again.

How are the changes going? Perhaps it is the wrong time of day for you to
answer - only 1815 here in Australia.


Got it Trevor. I've loaded a bunch of pics into this java folder so I
can just paste names into the code. Thanks for the tip.

it's 23:18 Thursday here. I can hardly wait until 18:15 on Friday; I
should be home by then enjoying a Foster's equivalent if you know what I

Trevor L.

Perry said:
Good morning Trevor,

I don't know how much time you have given me but I sure appreciate it.
Your code works just great; I think I can cut and paste my own
pictures into this and make it fine.

Bedtime now but I'm excited to get this going.

How much time have you invested into learning html? I'm a country
vet who doesn't have much time for more tasks right now but perhaps
down the road I may invest in learning this...............

Thanks mate! Any time you have a veterinary type question I can
help you with just let me know.


Hi Perry,
Thanks for your reply.

I figure you must be in the US west coast time zone, but I can never seem to
get it right. I thought the west coast was 17 hours behind, and the east 14.
Still, in Canberra we are on daylight savings so that complicates it a bit
more. (Only 4 States and Territories take daylight savings.)

Strangely, we in Australia don't see much Fosters. The favourite CUB brand
(the company that owns Fosters) here is VB (Victoria Bitter) which sells
everywhere from Darwin to Hobart (well, not so much Hobart - they have their
local brews.) Actually, although CUB is dominant, every state has some good
beers of their own.

I don't worry about the time I spend in the newsgroup. It is my hobby now
that I have retired from programming for the Australian Government. I learn
a lot from others' answers, especially the experts (MVPs and others) and
from joining in discussions, even though they can sometimes be out of my
depth. And its great to help others find answers.

I knew nothing about HTML when I retired in August 2003, so I have picked it
up since then, mainly in the last year.

Of course, being an ex-programmer gave me a head start, but it really isn't
too difficult. In fact, I was more used to a different type of programming.
HTML etc. is what is called OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and does
require a different approach. So past experience which didn't include OOP
could put some programmers at a disadvantage. I guess what I am saying is -
don't be afraid to dive in, you've got nothing to lose.

Well, we used to have dogs and cats. But since our (or my wife's ) last cat
died last year, we have decided not to have any more - they might outlive us

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