Sound Set in Entourage 2008 Gone?



Same here. Tried trashing sound set from user data, but I only get the welcome if I quit. Restarting, absutely nothing. 2004 sound set doesn't work either. Guess we'll have to wai for patch. Otherwise, everything works great. Would have liked to see the type size a little bigger on sidebar and incoming mail.


The old procedure of using rules to play sounds works fine AND then is
now an additional rule type for OUTGOING so you can set up a sound to
play for outgoing messages as well.

I've got all mine set up and it is working fine in ERAGE 2008


alouette: Got ya, thanks. Do I trash the old ones. I recreated the orig sounds. Are you saying change the name of the new ones or the old ones? Sorry, not really good at this.


Couldn't agree more with this trail. The sounds are definitly a bug.
Open APP and the sound works. First message an d the sound works. First send and it works. After that you will never hear another sound

Hopefully on the MS bug list!

JE McGimpsey

Couldn't agree more with this trail. The sounds are definitly a bug. <br>
Open APP and the sound works. First message an d the sound works. First send
and it works. After that you will never hear another sound <br><br>Hopefully
on the MS bug list!

Instead of hoping, send feedback on bugs, suggestions, etc. via
Help/Send Feedback on Entourage...


to mortfe

Yes you can trash the original sound, or compressed it and back-up it if u need it again.

But .. The bug is steel there.

Waiting for a Mac Bu fix soon.


Never had 2004 on My Mac.

After installing 2008 the sound works when the app opens and when I send my first email, then after that like many users above the sound stops working completely until I close and re-open the program.


Didn't work for me. Changed names on orig sounds, adding' XX' to end, but got nothing. Tried adding a custon sound set to user data but prefrences don't let you change. Any other suggestions? Thanks.


Just a thought guys, there are 3 versions of office 2008. Wonder if this problem occur's in all. I am using the full edition. There is also a standard and media edition. Anybody using any of those?

Douglas Strauss

I have a problem with the sounds in Entourage, the notification sounds
work great but when a notification sound is played simultaniously you
hear an irritating sound together with the Entourage sound.. I didnt
had this in the beta of 2008.. Does anyone have the same problem?


Reading your post I could not understand what you meant by played
simultaneously and irritating sound. Could you be more specific about

Doug Strauss - dougstATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft - Entourage test lead
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

Douglas Strauss


#1 below, I meant the issue with sound in the preferences is the same issue
in the other thread about sounds working once and then stopping.
#3 is about the drop down list, it only shows default for now, if you create
a new set of sounds in this folder in the proper format, then you will see
more options. (There was another thread about future details on creating
sound sets pending.)


Doug Strauss - dougstATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft - Entourage test lead
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

Douglas Strauss

(This didn¹t get sent out last week due to a bad smtp address I entered for
myself to prevent SPAM)


Digging into this more, the results will vary based on what type of account
you are using. For Exchange, turning off the settings partially work around
the problem. If using POP, then things are still broken and I don¹t see a
work around at the moment. One other avenue would be to have an applescript
play a sound when you get new mail by running it as part of a rule.


Doug Strauss - dougstATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft - Entourage test lead
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

Sorry to bother, but... The problems is still there also disabling these three
But I have a notification (in addition to the startup sound) working on new
email upon FIRST CHECK!

Please note that the problem we're pointing out here is *not* an output
volume setting problem. The very first time an newly-launched instance of
Entourage 2008 tries to play a notification sound based on an action, it
will play just fine. (That might be the welcome chime. I have this chime
turned off, so the first sound played on my computer might be a result of
no-mail-fetched.) After the first sound is played, no sound. Before the
first notification sound based on an action, the speaker icons in the
Preferences window will play the notification sounds. After the first
notification sound based on an action, the speaker icons in the Preferences
window *will not* play the notification sounds.

I've ruled out the output volume setting problem. I've also used Audio Midi
Setup to rule out a sampling rate problem.

(So turn off your welcome notification sound, then relaunch Entourage 2008.
Choose Entourage > Preference > Notifications. You'll be able to play all of
the sounds by clicking the speaker icons. Once an action triggers one of
these sounds, no sounds will ever be played again. So...the sounds are there
and you can hear them...until the first sound is triggered.)


When can we expect an update that will fix the notification issue?
Will it be a real long wait?


My guess is that Mac BU will release a patch that will fix a lot of the most common issues are people are facing and I also further a guess that a lot of the issues stem with Leopard. It wouldn't make sense to take the time to have patch go through testing, certification and then distribution for something as small as a sound bug.

From my days as a tester it will more than likely encompass the sound issue, the missing TTF Fonts, Sync issues and basic stability issues. Considering the time it takes for Microsoft to test and certify updates to their products my guess is either mid to late February for the first patch or even early March if there is a log of desk head banging going.

In the mean time I would just be patient and if it is the only problem you have with the program consider yourself lucky and realize this is what happens when you by a X.0 program and not a x.1 or x.2.


well, at the least, this is quite an annoyance IMO. not a show-
stopping bug, that's for sure, but not having sound notification in
Leopard is unexpected, and i would have thought M$ could have tested
this a bit better instead of trying to meet their shipping deadline of


Bugged about the lack of sounds after installing Office 2008 so am relieved to find you all here with the same problem. I guess my answer is.... wait till they offer an upgrade.

Now if someone can tell me how to alphabetize the address book by first name, my life would be complete.


I agree with tethead, but don't think Microsoft gives a damn about mac users. 4 years before an upgrade to 2008. I'm sure it will be part of a pkg update. Wonder if anyone has tried calling tech support. But I'm sure they BS as much as Apple does, blaiming everybody else.


I wrote an Applescript that opens the newmail.wav file using quicktime
player, then it quits quicktime player and brings Entourage to the
front. I added it to my rules for sorting mail and it works perfectly.
New mail sound everytime.


I wrote an Applescript that opens the newmail.wav file using quicktime
player, then it quits quicktime player and brings Entourage to the
front. I added it to my rules for sorting mail and it works perfectly.
New mail sound everytime.

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