Spell check not working in Office 2007


Greg Tubbs

I have tried just about everything and still can not get the spell checker
working in windows 2007. I have do not have the regedit key suggested to
delete in this thread. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared
Tools\ProofingTools\1.0\Override\en-US) I have no Override\en-US key. Maybe
this is a clue.

I have deleted word and reinstalled it to no avail.

Any help you could provide would be appreciate.


Beth Melton said:
First, click the Microsoft Office Button, close it, and see if spell check
begins to work. (Believe it or not, there's a slight bug with spell check
and the Microsoft Office Button, you need to click it once for it to start
working. Note that this only applies to new installations and it will only
happen once.)

If that doesn't work then if no custom spell checker have been installed on
the computer, exit Word, and then backup and delete the following registry


This key will be rebuilt the next time you start Word.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Great, it works properly. Thanks for suggestions


I've noticed something odd about my word 2007 spell checker: it doesn't
catch all of my errors. Given I have two paragraphs, with the same
words misspelled in both paragraphs: it found and corrected the error in
the 1st paragraph, but doesn't find it in the 2nd paragraph. I'm
stumped. dw

Windows XP SP3, Word 2007: That was the short of it, and for sanity,
I did the regedit and cleared out /12/word; as well as confirmed in
windows options that I have a US English spell/grammar AND in those same
options I reset the document. But I don’t have a non working spell
checker; I have a mostly working spell checker.

The paragraph: two words clearly spelled.

Those are the highlights from my notes, and my apologies if I’ve left
something out that was important. You seemed to believe that we had a
good fit: my skills, _experneice_ and _requireZments_. <<my spell
checker didn’t catch these misspelling as I wrote this note…. (copied
the offending paragraph)

The attachment has two “identical” paragraphs, without the underline.
I can fix it by doing a format painter on the top paragraph, but can’t
find a way to “recognize” that there is something that needs to be
fixed. Your help as always is appreciated. What about the 12 page
document with who knows how many errors not caught?

Some background:
I'm viewing all hidden characters, have the document being viewed in
draft and paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 are both "normal" and have
confirmed that everything is the same. (although ? is different)

Now: while it doesn't solve anything, here is what didn't work:
- MOB>word options > proofing > recheck document.

So, I used the format pointer: selected the first paragraph > double
click format pointer > then clicked the 2nd paragraph.
Now: this worked in flagging the spelling errors in the 2nd paragraph,
after I:
- MOB>word options > proofing > recheck document.

The question: what is the root cause…. Because trial/error on a large
more complex document, won’t work. And yes, I've already set show all
formatting marks. and hidden text. Figuring my solving this may help
someone else. A spell check that catches some of your errors... is
useless in professional writing. dw

word document .docx inside the zip file.

|Filename: proofing issue.zip |
|Download: http://www.technologyquestions.com/technology/attachment.php?attachmentid=133|


Solved: Seems that a paragraph can be "set" to "do not check spelling or
grammar." But you have to go look and find it. How does this happen you
ask: "I don't know."

Best would be, if you suspect an issue, select the entire document, and
click: review> set language (to the right of thesaurus, with a red
check mark on it) > uncheck the "Do not check spelling or grammar. Who
would put a do-not-check spelling or grammar buried under thesaurus....

Full credit to the person who described it:

In a blank document in Word 2007, select the lone paragraph mark. On
the Review ribbon, in the Proofing group, click the Set Language
button. In the dialog, I think you'll find that the "Do not check
spelling or grammar" box is checked. Uncheck it, and then click the
Default button to apply the setting to the Normal template. Click Yes
in the message that asks whether to change the default, and click OK
to close the Language dialog.


Try this for Outlook 2007...

Tools -> Trust Center
Click on Add-ins
At the bottom of the window where it says Manage:, change it to Disabled
Items and click Go

Hopefully you'll get a list with at least one item. It's something like
"spellcheck-en". I'm not sure exactly because after I enabled it, it went
away and does not appear on any ofthe other "enabled" lists.

In any case, slect that item and click Enable.

Spell checking worked after that.


Thanks to Beth Melton!! After trying numerous other suggestions, her
worked! It also fixed spell check in ALL MS Office applications.

Here's her solution again:
Delete the following registry key:


This key will be rebuilt the next time you start Word (or other Offic

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