HA. I'm way ahead of you. I went into the Customize Keybs control
panel, enter CTL-OPT-RTN, and IT ISN'T ASSIGNED TO ANYTHING... weird
huh? Sure has been working as a great hack for this prob all afternoon,
though. I'm wondering about setting up a simple macro for my RTN key to
simply rope in those other modifiers in Word... would something like
that mess up other stuff...? On the MacWord New link, I added .html to
it and it works fine now... Tim
panel, enter CTL-OPT-RTN, and IT ISN'T ASSIGNED TO ANYTHING... weird
huh? Sure has been working as a great hack for this prob all afternoon,
though. I'm wondering about setting up a simple macro for my RTN key to
simply rope in those other modifiers in Word... would something like
that mess up other stuff...? On the MacWord New link, I added .html to
it and it works fine now... Tim