Hi Carole:
"Linked" styles is an outrageous hack inflicted upon us by some junior
software designer who completely misunderstood the purpose of styles.
To make a long story short, consider just three types of style:
A style is simply a collection of formatting properties. Word enables us to
allocate Names to styles so they are easy for humans to find and use.
Internally in Word 2007/8, ALL formatting is a style.
A Character style is a collection that can contain ONLY the "Font"
properties of the formatting. A Character style can be applied to any run
of text.
A Paragraph style is a larger container that can contain both the Font
properties AND the Paragraph properties (indents, spacing, line heights etc)
of a paragraph. A Paragraph style can be applied only to an entire
Microsoft wanted to enable users to create a device named a "run-in
heading". A run-in heading is a paragraph in which the first few words are
bold to form the heading.
It did that by enabling Word to create a LINKED style.
A Linked style is a pair of styles that have the same name: one is a
"Character" style, the other is a "Paragraph" style.
If the user selects some text INCLUDING THE PARAGRAPH MARK and applies a
paragraph style, Word 2007/8 will apply the paragraph style.
If the user selects some text but does NOT select the paragraph mark
(usually because they are running with their paragraph marks hidden so they
don't realise they haven't selected them) then:
1) Word creates a new style containing only the Character part of the
2) Word gives that the same name as the paragraph style
3) Word sets a software LINK (a hexadecimal pointer) between the two
4) Word applies the Linked style to the text.
From that time on, your Paragraph style is ruined: you can no longer depend
upon it to produce the correct formatting -- because sometimes it will apply
the Character and the Paragraph formatting. Sometimes only the Character
And there is no sure way to discover by looking which is which.
Linked Styles were rammed down our throats in Word 2002. They were so buggy
there that all they produced was document corruption, so Microsoft kept
quiet about them. We got the real version in Word 2003.
To add insult to injury, in Word 2007, certain "Built-in" styles are
hard-coded as Linked styles, and there's nothing you can do about it. You
cannot unlink them.
The main outrage is the Heading 1 through Heading 9 series. These are
amongst the most commonly-used styles, and they are now broken.
Some of us are creating elaborate VBA contraptions to find linked styles and
unlink them. Sadly, they can't undo the damage done to the Heading
Hope this helps
2 questions:
1. Can someone explain linked character and paragraph styles to me
2. Autocomplete style names in Apply Style box - what does this do
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:john@mcghie.name