Steve Hayes
Peter Moylan wrote:
[ ... ]
Nevertheless, neither you nor Martin should be automatically snipping
Suzanne's signature, because she does not have a valid signature
separator. (The final space is missing.)
In spite of her bizarre practice of including the entire
message to which she is responding underneath her own
comment, Ms. Barnhill does get her signature delimiter
right. Does your newsreader strip the space? Does mine
have a space at your end?
Not just the entire message -- the entire thread!
Bandwidth is not a problem for the rich like Ms Barnhill with money to burn,
even if those of us who have to *pay* for the result of her anti-social net
practices get poorer as a result.
The net is, of course, a multicultural place, so we must be tolerant of people
like Ms Barnhill, part of whose culture is to waste other people's money. My
level of tolerance would increase greatly if she offered a donation towards my
telephone bill.