The index_files folder



In publishing Http, when I open my network places and look at what is on the
server the index_files folder is not visible. I tried to show hidden folders
and it still isn't showing me that folder. I tried creating an index_file
folder and of course it told me one already existed. So my question is how
can I view and add images to the index_file folder? I need to add some
images to it that are linked to a pop up script.

What I tried was to creat a blank page with no navigation to it and placed
the images on the page, same names as in the script and then saving it
assuming it would place them in the folder. Didn't work.
When I test the pop up I get the location it's looking to find the image
and it's the index_file folder.

I know in passive ftp you actually have to physically load the index_file
folder on to the server.

So any help would be greatly appreciated.

Don Schmidt

When you say "network places" are you referring to the Network Places on
your computer?

You want to look at the folders and files on the ISP server.

I use Publisher 2000 and it requires me to upload all my html and images
files to the server. It doesn't have a "Publish to".

If you want to add images to be part of the web pages you insert them to the
pub file; then Save as a website.


When you use network places to access your host space, do you see the
index.htm file? The index_files folder should be at the same level. Its
possible that you see a default folder provided by your host to contain your
index.htm file and index_files folder...if that is what you see when you
connect, then try double clicking it, and opening it. Find the index.htm
file, and you should find the index_files folder. You might reference the
troubleshooting article on uploading:

Personally I would suggest that you put the images that are associated with
your pop up script in a different folder on your host, and write the script
so the links point to that folder. Then when you change the rest of your
site, and update, those images will not be overwritten. Reference: Including
External Files In A Publisher Web:
and it will review the principles involved.



I see the index.html file but I only see the attachments that I have loaded
on the server. I do not see an index_file folder. When I click on the
index.html I of course see the website. I have opened folder options and
have said to show hidden folders but the index_file folder still doesn't

I have Publisher 2003. I hit the publish to the web shortcut at the top of
my page, it opens my network places and I then choose the domain I'm trying
to access. The user id and password box appears I say ok, and it then shows
me all of the files loaded on the server.

I need to know if someone knows where the index_file folder is and how to
access it in an http publishing environment. Again I told it to show me all
hidden folders and it did nothing different.

I also publish sites passive ftp and in that environment the index_file
folder is clearly visible. But in passive ftp you can't use Front Page
Extensions which is why I went with http publishing.

I tried to create a folder called index_file and it told me one already
existed so it's there just not visible.

The script I have I didn't create and I've looked through to find where it
points to the index_file folder but can't figure it out. I already tried
that route with no luck.

as it stands it's sending out a advertisement from the host because I've
given it the wrong path. I put the images right on the server which is not
the index_file folder. If anyone could open and existing site that has the
same version and publishes http and tries to find the index_file or can
locate it that would be of great help.

It's a puzzle I hope someone can solve.


I just went into my network places on my computer and I have about 15 sites
all http all done in Publisher and they all are missing the index_file

It must be a publisher thing, but where are they?


my site is hosted. here's the link.

go to the slice of heaven page. when you click on those locations you
should see a thumbnail on the map/right now you see a red x and when you
clink on them you should see a larger version of the area map. now you see
an advertisement, but look on the url. it shows the index_file folder.

Mike Koewler

Can you upload your publisher file to your host and provide a link to it
or e-mail it to me? Or, if you have a ftp program, go to your site and
rename your index.htm file to something like ndex.htm. That way, when
someone visits your site, they will get a directory listing which either
will or will not have a index_file folder.

This might help dim-witted people like me figure out exactly what the
problem is. :)


Mike Koewler

Those links are to anchors that appear to be in the map. They are not
web pages, per se. I have seen some programs that complain that spaces,
such as Read Here1 are not valid anchor names, that you need something
like Read_Here1.



You are correct the anchors just take you to the map, but when clicked on, a
pop up box appears. Look at the pop up box and you'll see the path it's my
websitename/index_file/location name.jpg. So in order for those images to
appear I need to put them in the index file. I will take your suggestion and
put the underscore in to see if it makes any difference. Thanks


I'm using java script within Publisher. I'm still wanting to know where the
index_file folder is. We seem to be going off topic and not addressing the
question so here it is again:

In http Publishing where is the index_file folder? Regardless of what you
keep finding it isn't answering my question.

I did the underscore change and it messed up my page in a web preview, so
I'll have to change it back when I get time. I'm not looking for script
corrections I would just like to know where the index_file folder is. Can
anyone help?


Mike Koewler


Since you are using a third party program (I presume) to create the
pop-ups, you may need to simply use a third-part FTP program (Filezilla,
Cute-FTP, or another one - there are several free ones on the Net) to
upload the files. I don't know how Network Places is supposed to work,
but I know it is a piece of cake to do with Filezilla.



It seems to me that you have two basic issues. The first is why you cannot
see the index_files folder. You also have said a couple things in this
thread that are confusing, so let's back up a second. What do you mean when
you say "I see the index.html file but I only see the attachments that I
have loaded on the server." First did you mean "index.htm" vs. "index.html".
Second, what do you mean by "attachments"? That is an email term, not a
webhost term.

Second question. You also state "I just went into my network places on my
computer and I have about 15 sites
all http all done in Publisher and they all are missing the index_file
folder." Are you saying that you have 15 different websites hosted on 15
different webhost accounts? Are they all with 1&1? Please clarify.

It appears that you are using 1&1 for your webhost. If you can see the
index.htm file when you log in to your host via Network Places, the
index_files folder should also be visible at the same level in the webhost
directory. Changing settings on your local computer should not change that.
If you can't see the index_files folder, then that is probably a webhost
issue, and might be a permissions issue. Contact 1&1 and ask them why you
cannot see the index_files subfolder on your root directory through network
places. Don't confuse them with too many facts. Just tell them that your
html output for your site consists of an index.htm file and an index_files
folder, and though you can see the index.htm file, you can't see the
index_files folder. Tell them you can see the folder through FTP, but not
Network Places. Ask them why, and what you have to do to change that. I
really don't think this is a local computer or Publisher issue...its a
server side issue, but if it isn't they should be able to tell you what
needs to be done.

You could also look through the documentation on your host to see what
setting needs to be changed to allow and see subfolders.

The second issue involves the javascript you are using, that is looking to
the index_files folder for the images. As I said once before, I don't think
you want to put the images that are required for the javascript in the
index_files folder. Every time you upload new html output from Publisher
after editing the site, the index_files folder can be overwritten. If that
happens then you would have to upload the javascript images again. You
should consider uploading your javascript images to a separate subfolder,
perhaps called "images", and rewrite the script to point to that subfolder,
not the index_files folder. But do as you will...good luck.


Mike Koewler


I was not going off topic. I don't know why you cannot see an
index_files folder in Your Network Places. I do know your links are
pointing to images in your root folder, not/index_files. I know you have
an /index_files folder, as it shows in the URL. I know that if you use
an FTP program and have permission to upload to any folder on your
server (or in your domain), you can upload the images to the
/index_files folder. I know they will work if you do that. I don't know
if the next time you update the site if the /index_file will be
overwritten - David suggests it might be, which would mean uploading the
images again. As David says, it would seem to be much easier to rewrite
your script so the links do not point to your /index_files folder.




She also is using a form on her site, which means she shouldn't use the FTP
uploading protocol, and has to use HTTP. Otherwise she is likely to corrupt
the FPSE and her forms won't work.


Mike Koewler


Okay!? But how will using FTP to upload "only" the images interfere with
anything? They are going into a different folder, unless Pub keeps a
manifest file and it reports byte size of the entire folder to see if
anything has changed.

But as long as you are teaching me about how Pub works - if one
publishes to disk - the hard drive, then uploads the entire folder, with
the sub-folders, etc., how does it change anything? I did a very, very
basic site in Pub, published it to disk, then used Filezilla to upload
and it seemed to work. True, no forms, js or anything else. When it
publishes it to the web rather than using an FTP program to upload the
disk copy, does it somehow change some coding?

Main Folder
-- Index_files
If I upload Main Folder and all it's contents, would the result be the
same as publishing to the server?

I don't think I'll ever understand this program!



Hi Mike,

Good questions, that I can't adequately answer. I am speaking from theory,
and from what I have read and been told, not personal experience. I use FTP.
I don't use forms, but in Publisher their functionality is dependent upon
FPSE, unless you use other server side programs. It is my understanding that
if you are using FPSE and you use FTP uploading they "can" become corrupt.
Why? I don't know. Maybe Rob or Mary, or someone else, could explain better
given their experience with FrontPage.

Here are my primary references: Publisher web publication forms 101:
How to publish a Publisher web in HTTP:

Publisher does have the option of incremental uploading. Its under Tools >
Options > Web Tab in Pub 2003.

Sorry that I can't answer your questions more completely.



No, I have found that naming the file index.html as apposed to index.htm (the
default Microsoft names it) works better with different browsers. So I am
talking about index.html.

I have pdf's and documents that are linked on my site. I'm using the server
to hold them rather than using a file host such as Ripway for example.
Whatever they are called, they are files that are connected to my hyperlinks
on the page.

"Are you saying that you have 15 different websites hosted on 15
different webhost accounts? Are they all with 1&1? Please clarify."

Yes, it appears you understand.

I didn't even think to blame the webhost for not seeing the index_files
folder. But I will call them on that.

I agree I don't want to place the files in the index_folder every time I
make changes. But I can't find in the script where it directs the images
there so I can't change my script to point to a different place. I don't
think I have a choice. I have asked the author of the script this question
with no reply.

Thanks for your suggestions. All good ones.


First sorry about your headache, they suck.

I understand what you are saying but one distinct difference in ftp vs. http
is that you have to save your Publisher file as index.html. Once that's
done, the index_files folder is created right next to it. Then you have to
copy and paste both the index.html and index_files folder on to the ftp
server. And this must be done each time a change is made. With Http, you
click the publish to the web icon and open up my network places. you type in
the httpwww address and the user id and password box pops up. once in it
automatically puts index.htm (I always add l) as the name and you save.
Updates are down by overwriting the index file every time you make changes.
Now I have noticed while it's publishing, in the progess window it will say
its loading the index.html and then the index_files folder. But I still
never see that folder as visible on the server. I have a call into my host
but who knows when I will get a response. I have a feeling they will tell me
it's a Microsoft issue and I will never have an answer. meanwhile I've been
looking at that script and can't find a way to redirect it to just the
server. I had to load a pimg.htm file on. I have no idea what that does but
when you click on the map areas and the pop up window opens it's at the end
of the webpage string.

I just wanted an interactive map that gives a close up of the area.


I'm on hold now with the host company and they are saying the root directory
is the index_files folder. That the index_files folder contains the
index.html file. But I don't believe this because the index_files folder
in ftp contains all the images used on the site. I don't see any of those.
Those images have to be somewhere. I know how crucial this is because in ftp
if you forget to load the new index_files the site will have missing images.
They work very closely together. Plus if I load the pop up map I see this
web address:

I can't figure out where I would place those images, I assumed the
index_files folder.

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