The last day


Ron de Bruin

Hi all

Today is a sad day because tomorrow MS will close the Excel newsgroups.
I want to say that I hade a great time in the Excel groups the last years.

Sharing knowledge is a great thing

After tomorrow we must use the MS forums and I hope it will
give me the same fun as I hade with the newsgroups.

Maybe this page will help you if you start using the MS Forums and not like the web interface

Thanks everybody for everything, see you in the MS Forums

David Biddulph

I'm still hoping that a reasonable number of news servers will continue to
carry the newsgroups, and that therefore the groups will be able to continue
providing help to users. I'm not currently planning on shifting to the MS
forums, so to any who don't plan to stay here in the newsgroups, thanks for
all your help over the years.


Hi David
Hope you change your mind if they close these newsgroups, you'll be miss by
There's only a handful of experts (Gurus) and you're one of them.
Hoping to see You

Bernard Liengme

Please reconsider. The Bridge works well and working directly in Answers in
not that much of a chore.
You will be sorely missed if you do not make the transition - I need someone
to trap my odd silly mistake!
best wishes

T. Valko

David, Please reconsider.
You will be sorely missed if you do not make the transition


So far I've been using the web interface over there. Yeah, it sucks, mostly
because I use an old unsupported browser, IE6, but it's not horrible!


I'm hoping the same thing. and others are thinking the same including Bob
google may pick it up. they seem to have everything else.
but if it's's gone.
it's been fun for a long time and i wish everyone the best of luck. and may
God bless you all.

with warm regards
FSt1 a.k.a Frank Stone


I have installed "The Bridge" since I use the newsgroup primarily to access
the Programming group. I did not see an Excel Programming group listed under
The Bridge so which group should one select Bridge to maintain that
connection to the programming gurus?

Gary Keramidas

using jochen's bridge helps a lot. i'm sorry to see you go, but i really
wish every mvp would boycott the useless forums. then microsoft may listen.
i doubt it, but you never now.

but, these were some of my original thoughts on moving from nntp to web
based forums:

1. For those of us that participate a lot, mvp's, beta team members and just
people that like to help, the web based forums offer no way to:
a. Search for messages posted by the "me", across a multitude of forums.
i. In an nntp client, they're all in my sent folder. you know you
posted an excel answer somewhere, but you visit half a dozen excel forums.
find the post in the web based forums. good luck.
b. No way to search for key words in forum posts across a multitude of
i. In an nntp client, they are all in a folder.
c . Save forum posts for future reference.
i. I can drag them into a folder on my pc and have them forever.
ii. In a web based forum, what do I do, drag a hundred links to
posts scattered throughout the internet? Then, how do I search
these by poster or keyword?

1. i can see and manipulate more than 30 posts and view them in the preview
pane of the nntp client without having to open the posts in the browser
window and then click the back button to get back to the home page.
2. i could really care less how many views a post has, that is useless
3. it's slow, then they use transition effects to make it appear even
4. then they have their damn ad's in there taking time to download.
5. they can't even program the web pages correctly. this makes a lot of
sense:(Showing 21 to 40 of 29)

Gary Keramidas
Excel 2003


Ron, thanks for the link, although like some of the others, I am not so sure
I will be as active on that site as this one. This whole thing is probably
part of the tiff between MS and Google. I want to thank all of the
professionals and other sharpies who have assisted me from time to time and
I hope that I have helped others to learn VBA a little better. I am still
learning and might not live long enough to learn it all. Special thanks to
You, Chip Pearson, Tom Ogilvy, Jim Tomlinson, Bob Phillips, Gord Dibben and
a host of other contributors.

Roger Govier

Yes, that is very true Ron - it is a sad day.
I am attempting to set up the bridge (following your useful article),
but still experiencing some difficulties.

The web based format, I detest, and if I cannot set up the bridge
successfully, then I guess I will be an even less frequent poster in
these NG's. My contributions have been severely restricted this past 12
months, as i have been caring for an elderly relative. She is now safely
installed in a nursing home, where she can receive the 24 hour care she

I was just looking forward to contributing more - and MS have pulled the

A very big thank you to all the people who have been so generous in the
help that they have given me over the past 13 years.


I would just like to add my thanks for all the help you guys have given me
over the last couple of years. You have been BRILLIANT

I will be sorry to see it close, I would like to hope that there will be
access to archives as searching this site also provided me with alot of
answers to.

Take care everyone


Harlan Grove

Ron de Bruin said:
Today is a sad day because tomorrow MS will close the Excel newsgroups.
I want to say that I hade a great time in the Excel groups the last years.

This represents a thorough lack of understanding of how USENET/NNTP
newsgroups work. Microsoft's own servers may no
longer exist, so the microsoft.* newsgroups would no longer be found
there, but the microsoft.* newsgroups have been around so long that
most of the larger ISPs carry them. As long as other ISPs carry them,
they continue to exist. Microsoft killed off
microsoft.public.excel.worksheetfunctions (note only 3 periods) in
favor of microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions (note 4 periods)
years ago, but the former continues to have traffic, though much
reduced from when Microsoft servers hosted it.

These newsgroups will continue to exist, and they may effectively
become Google-hosted, but they won't disappear any time soon.

Jon Peltier

Technically correct. The newsgroups will continue to exist on other news
servers. But the newsgroups have been in decline for some time, at least
in terms of posting volume. I think we'll see the same decline in these
groups as we saw in the three-dot
microsoft.public.excel.worksheetfunctions group.

It's too bad, because the web forums are less efficient than the
newsgroups (following the pattern established by the conversion from
Office 2003 to 2007), and poorly conceived and implemented.

- Jon

Jef Gorbach

Hi all

Today is a sad day because tomorrow MS will close the Excel newsgroups.
I want to say that I hade a great time in the Excel groups the last years..

Sharing knowledge is a great thing

After tomorrow we must use the MS forums and I hope it will
give me the same fun as I hade with the newsgroups.

Maybe this page will help you if you start using the MS Forums and not like the web interface

Thanks everybody for everything, see you in the MS Forums

speaking of the "new" forum ... where the heck is it?? numerous
searches have found lots of product links, references to already
replied questions, but nothing like "our" simple Q&A list format here
which is what I'm seeking - or is the "improvement" a scattered
shotgun approach without any centralized list of recently posted Q&A?

T. Valko

is the "improvement" a scattered shotgun approach
without any centralized list of recently posted Q&A?

Yes, it's pretty much scattered around!

Here's a link for the Office applications and for Windows operating systems
and a few odds and ends.

Microsoft Excel MVP

Hi all

Today is a sad day because tomorrow MS will close the Excel newsgroups.
I want to say that I hade a great time in the Excel groups the last years.

Sharing knowledge is a great thing

After tomorrow we must use the MS forums and I hope it will
give me the same fun as I hade with the newsgroups.

Maybe this page will help you if you start using the MS Forums and not
like the web interface

Thanks everybody for everything, see you in the MS Forums

speaking of the "new" forum ... where the heck is it?? numerous
searches have found lots of product links, references to already
replied questions, but nothing like "our" simple Q&A list format here
which is what I'm seeking - or is the "improvement" a scattered
shotgun approach without any centralized list of recently posted Q&A?

T. Valko

Anyway to find Today's questions relating to VBA in Excel?

The ngs seem to be still "operating" as usual so far today. So you can just
look at the Programming ng.

The new forums don't have a category dedicated to just VBA for Excel.
There's a general category for VBA for Office:

Microsoft Excel MVP

Yes, it's pretty much scattered around!

Here's a link for the Office applications and for Windows operating
and a few odds and ends.
Anyway to find Today's questions relating to VBA in Excel?

OTOH looks like Google at least is maintaining this newsgroup
regardless of Msft's intent so wont really matter as long as WE (and
google/usenet) refuse to budge lol

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