Gordon said:
These groups still exist through news servers other than msnews.microsoft.com.
The traffic is down because most people either subscribed via
msnews.microsoft.com (I did) or used these groups via the 'orrible web
interface. I presume that most of those users are now using the forums. (And a
right dozy bunch they are there too - never seen so many STUPID posts in all
my days...)
One thing to add:
Iwas subscribed via news.microsoft.com and I thought this would be
no problem at all. I had some posts with interesting stuff marked in my
news reader and already exported some of these tips, but not all.
Then the groups were removed from the M$ servers. Guess what
Microsoft Mail (Vista) and OE did? They automatically deleted the
posts from my PCs -- the setting was: *not* synchronize!
Ok, I switched to another news server and downloded the postings
from there, but the markings are gone and I have to read through
all posts to find the stuff I am interested in.
It seems you can't search the bodys of multiple mails for a keyword
in Windows Mail, grrr.