Hi Gary,
I may have to be elected to buy that drink as it looks
like I am right down the road from Jeff. Send me a check
and I'll buy him one in your name as well.<gr>.
Actually John is a lot closer to us than you may think! We
drove by his area on our vacation this year. We all waved
as we passed.......Ok *I* waved, the rest of the family
just rolled their eyes!
Nice brevity for the day. I wanted to throw one in
starting with...
If Me.Dirty Then
Dim response as Long...
but, No, No, down Gary
Now that's sure to get a splash in the face!
I have a REAL good one like that, but I'm not printing it
for fear of everyone's opinion of me dropping fast!! <vbg>
If you're ever at the Redmond airport stop by our
company's restaurant there. I'm up there one or two days
at the beginning of each week.
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Access Junkie