Transferring Outlook data to another PC


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Behavior as designed.
Imported Rules still must be reset to their new location.

David Anderson

Russ Valentine said:
Behavior as designed.
Imported Rules still must be reset to their new location.

Hmmm. I wonder why. It seems a little perverse. Even if there are
circumstances where an change of the target folder is desirable, why not just
allow the user to edit the existing folder name?

Am I missing something?


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I'm missing your question. What do you not understand? What is "perverse?"
Your rules were set up to move messages to locations that no longer exist.
Even though you seem to be using the same file, the path to it has changed
and the rule cannot find your folders.
You must step through each rule to tell it to what folder you now want the
messages moved. A simple click of the "specified" link brings up the dialog
to select your current folders.

David Anderson

To my simple brain, the locations DO exist and were transferred with my PST
file. I don't quite understand your reference to paths. The path to the PST
may have changed, but these folders are all internal to the PST file, as are
the rules, so why would the rules not 'see' the folders as still being in the
same place?


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Because the rules use the path to your Outlook data file.
You just changed that path.
Russ Valentine
David Anderson said:
To my simple brain, the locations DO exist and were transferred with my
file. I don't quite understand your reference to paths. The path to the
may have changed, but these folders are all internal to the PST file, as
the rules, so why would the rules not 'see' the folders as still being in
same place?


David Anderson

Russ Valentine said:
Because the rules use the path to your Outlook data file.
You just changed that path.

Hi Russ,
You are an Outlook MVP, whereas I have no in-depth knowledge of Outlook, so
I fully accept that what you are saying is accurate. I've also already fixed
all my rules by redefining the target folders. However, I'm still interested
to know how you were able to answer my question so confidently.

When I view the target folder in any of my Outlook rules, the displayed path
always starts at 'Personal Folders'. There is no indication of a drive letter
or any other clue as to where the folder is located in a physical sense. In
other words, it gives every appearance of being a path that is relative to
the PST file location, no matter where it might be. How did you know that the
rules nevertheless use a fully specified 'external' path rather than such an
'internal' path? Was this something you picked up in a training course, or is
this clearly demonstrated somewhere else in Outlook itself? Or are you simply
asserting that it is the only logical explanation for the way in which
Outlook behaves?

Please don't think that I'm trying to pick holes in your explanation. I'm
very grateful for your assistance and I am just trying to improve my
knowledge of Outlook so that next time I hit a problem I might have a better
chance of fixing it myself!

Best regards,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

The Rules Wizard use a GUI to help you reset the rules. It assumes you will
probably want to set the rules to send messages to what is now your current
default PST file location, so it displays that by default.
Rules use their own registry settings to direct messages, and those settings
retain the old path statement to your PST file until you reset them.

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