Trouble with 'Save to Project Server'



I am unable to publish .mpp files to Project Server. The trouble seems to be
that when I finish the Import Project Wizard, I don't get the 'Save to
Project Server' dialog. I can only save the file locally.

Has anyone seen this behavior or can anyone suggest a remedy?

Marc Soester [MVP]

Chris, not beeing able to save projects during the import wizard usually
indicated that in one of the steps is an error. Have you made sure that your
resources are mapped and also make sure to check that you may have some
mandetory task custom fields which have not been mapped to the local mpp
file. These are the typical reasons why you cant save your projects.
I hope this helps



Thanks for your response.

Actually, I have two copies of MSP Pro 2007 installed, one on my desktop and
one on a laptop. I have been working with a couple of dummy .mpp files that
contain no tasks or resources. I can publish either .mpp from the laptop but
not from the desktop. I could just give up and only publish from the laptop,
but the laptop is shared among several of my colleagues so I don't always
have access to it. Besides, I should be able to publish from either install.
I have already tried unistalling and re-installing MSP Pro 2007 on my desktop.


Thanks for replying Rod.

I added a dummy task and dummy subtask, put myself in as the resource
assigned to the task, and went through the Import to Project Wizard with no
errors. Still not able to publish from my desktop. At least I don't get the
'Save to Project Server' dialog, only the standard 'Save As' dialog. I did
the same on my laptop and I do get the 'Save to Project Server' dialog.



Project Pro is set as the default connection and is connected to the server,
or at least the 'Connected' status indicator is being displayed at the bottom
of the application window.

I tried comparing the configuration settings between my laptop and desktop
installs, but not very systematically, not knowing exactly what to look for.
Can you suggest anything regarding default settings for Project Pro?



Project Pro is set as the default connection and is connected to the server,
or at least the 'Connected' status indicator is being displayed at the bottom
of the application window.

I tried comparing the configuration settings between my laptop and desktop
installs, but not very systematically, not knowing exactly what to look for.
Can you suggest anything regarding default settings for Project Pro?

- Show quoted text -

Are you using Windows authentication? Logging on with the same Windows
user name as from the laptop? Just wondering if it's a permissions
(permission to save to server) problem. Have the administrator check
that. (Long-shot).

Which version of Project Server?


Thanks for jumping in GG.

I am running MSP Pro 2007 and MSPS 2007.

The connection info displayed when I expand the View connection information
link in the Tasks (left-hand) pane seems to indicate Windows authentication
(same login for desktop and laptop) and that I am connected to the server:

Project Server URL:

Use my Project User Name

Use my Windows user account

Grant Scott

Hi Chris,

Have you found out why as yet? I have replicated the issue on a Vista client where the 'save to project server' won't display when creating a project however, it says it is connected and I can successfully open and edit projects already on the server. The dialog did display on an XP client using the same credentials and same version of project professional 2007.



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Mike Morales

Chris, Good day:

I'm having this "Save to Project Server" Problem now and I'm waiting for a
solution. I follow the wizard instructions, maping everything and at the end
I can't import to Project server. But this is interesting (yes, I'm
connected and I got some local resources imported to the server I don't know
how), if I Open a project the dialog box shows the Enterprise Projects Icon,
but I don't have one there yet to open it. Also If I open Enterprise Global,
it checks-out a blank project, If I Cut & Paste something and try to save it
back to the server it shows this error: The selected Item has some actual
values / Do you still want to delete it? Y/N?

My intention was to save not delete. So, if somebody needs snapshots of the
screens that Chris and I are talking about I have them. Thanks.

Miguel Morales

Mike Morales

Thanks for answering Gary:

It brings the message on the 2nd page, "You have not saved the project to
the server...". So if I don't save as... first it shows this message. If I
click Save as... it asks for saving to a Local drive not the Enterprise
project server, so I select the C: drive, save, and then click Save and
Finish and it shows the same message.

So it seems to attempt to open from Enterprise project but cannot save or
import to it. I also opened Global Template from enterprise, copy & paste
some tasks from another local project and saved the Global with those changes
and nothing is showned when I go to the Project Central in PWA.

One question, I don't see the site as trusted in IE but at the bottom of the
Browser it says Trusted Site with the green check mark. Please if anybody
knows what's going on, it is partially working. Thanks..




Sorry for the delay, I just returned from leave. Thanks for replying.

OS: MS Windows XP
Browser: IE 7.0 (7.0.5730.11)

I'll have to get back to you on:
Is Project Server in your trusted sites?
Is the permission for access data across domains selected in the trusted
sites zone?



Thanks for replying. Sorry for the delay, I just returned from leave.

OS: Windows XP (desktop), Windows 2003 Server (server)
Browser: IE 7.0 (7.0.5730.11)
Is Project Server in your trusted sites? Yes
Is the permission for access data across domains selected in the trusted
sites zone? Yes.

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