Unable to receive mail from POP server in Outlook 2002



Didn't work for me ... did all the same things you did, and now I can't
receive mail in my default account, except on Outlook Express.

Sue Bee!

I am experiencing the same error message!
I can send tons of messages but cant receive. I also have a comcast account
that comes through no problem...

southernboyuk said:
Well having spent litertally all day and night looking for a problem and
trying to find a solution I see that I am not the only one having problems.
Are Microsoft aware of this problem and if so when can we read our mail? My
O2002 worked fine, as of today it doesn't, with the exception of one time no
incoming messages at all on Pop accounts. Fault number Ox80042108 unable to
connect to incoming pop server.

Has anyone found the fix?

Outlook 2002 user, Norton security 2005

Phil Mullins said:

Why does the retrieving of message seem to stop and then abruptly disconnect
instead of continuing to retreive the other 7 messages as show here in my
last postings logs:

2005.10.14 11:06:30 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] RETR 1
2005.10.14 11:06:30 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK 49319 octets
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Connected to host
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Disconnected from host
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): End execution

It never does RETR 2 etc...shows the Connected to host again (odd?) and then


Phil Mullins said:

I just pulled another set of logs from this morning, can you verify for me,
it appears that Outlook sees and downloads 9 messages but they don't show up
in the Inbox or anywhere in Outlook for that matter. Also is there anything
to the line that says
"2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: DoPOPDownload(flags = 00000030, max msg =
ffffffff): full items"? I;m going crazy trying to troubleshoot this and the
logs DO appear that the server is telling me and downloading the mail as
shown in :
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK 7 495408
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] UIDL
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 1


Here are the newer logs:

2005.10.14 09:56:22 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: UploadItems: 0 messages to send
2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000030)
2005.10.14 09:56:22 qwest.net: DoPOPDownload(flags = 00000030, max msg =
ffffffff): full items
2005.10.14 09:56:22 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Begin execution
2005.10.14 09:56:23 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): End execution
2005.10.14 09:56:23 qwest.net: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x80040900
2005.10.14 09:56:23 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 09:56:26 Resource manager terminated

2005.10.14 11:06:27 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2005.10.14 11:06:27 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.10.14 11:06:27 qwest.net: UploadItems: 0 messages to send
2005.10.14 11:06:27 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 11:06:27 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000030)
2005.10.14 11:06:27 qwest.net: DoPOPDownload(flags = 00000030, max msg =
ffffffff): full items
2005.10.14 11:06:27 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Begin execution
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): ========= Initial blob
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Port: 110, Secure: no, SPA: no
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Finding host
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Connecting to host
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Connected to host
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
<[email protected]>
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Authorizing to server
2005.10.14 11:06:28 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] USER jdoe
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] PASS *****
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Authorized to host
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Connected to host
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] STAT
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK 7 495408
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] UIDL
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 1
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 2
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 3
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 4
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 5
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 6
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 7
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> .
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] LIST
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 1 49319
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 2 16529
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 3 217507
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 4 46239
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 5 46833
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 6 2140
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> 7 116841
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> .
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): ==== Comparing server and
local blobs ====
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128530151.37825.49245.mpls-mailin-10.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128532137.83640.16455.mpls-mailin-01.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128542819.76563.217432.mpls-mailin-02.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128543106.85055.46165.mpls-mailin-05.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128621113.51108.46759.mpls-mailin-02.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128631208.85358.2067.mpls-mailin-07.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
1128725166.76015.116766.mpls-mailin-03.inet.qwest.net : new
2005.10.14 11:06:29 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net):
2005.10.14 11:06:30 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] RETR 1
2005.10.14 11:06:30 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK 49319 octets
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Connected to host
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Disconnected from host
2005.10.14 11:06:38 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): End execution
2005.10.14 11:06:38 qwest.net: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x800ccc0f
2005.10.14 11:06:38 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 11:06:39 Resource manager terminated

2005.10.14 11:25:58 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2005.10.14 11:25:58 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.10.14 11:25:58 qwest.net: UploadItems: 0 messages to send
2005.10.14 11:25:58 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 11:25:58 qwest.net: Synch operation started (flags = 00000030)
2005.10.14 11:25:59 qwest.net: DoPOPDownload(flags = 00000030, max msg =
ffffffff): full items
2005.10.14 11:25:59 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): Begin execution
2005.10.14 11:25:59 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): End execution
2005.10.14 11:25:59 qwest.net: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x80040900
2005.10.14 11:25:59 qwest.net: Synch operation completed
2005.10.14 11:26:01 Resource manager terminated

Thanks again.


Here is some of the logs:

2005.10.10 20:57:49 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): [tx] STAT
2005.10.10 20:57:49 POP3 (pop.dnvr.qwest.net): <rx> +OK 0 0

This indicates that your POP server is saying that it has no messages for
you to download. The problem, therefore, is not Outlook.


I solved my problem by creating groups within Outlook 2002. I found out that
my server allows only four open connections at a time, and apparently this
iteration of Outlook opens connections to all email accounts concurrently
rather than consecutively. Therefore, when I was trying to check more than
four, it didn't like me very much. By going into Tools | Options | Mail Setup
(tab), then clicking on the Send/Receive button, I was able to create groups
with staggered mail checking times. This totally eliminated my problems.

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