Upload troubleshooting



Hi please help, I uploaded my website to Go-Daddy but some pictures and my
last page doesnt show, I did upload both index.htm and index_files, but I
think some of my pictures are in the wrong files or index. I used Publisher
2003 and IE7. I read all the posts and nothing seems to help! Used Ftp to
Thanks in advance


When you Publish to the Web and produce your web pages, Publisher by default
wants to name your home page "index.htm". It then also creates a subfolder
called "index_files" folder that contains all the other pages of your site
plus all the supporting graphics and images. At some point in time you
apparently elected to save your home page as Page534 or messed with your
links somehow, because your Sponsor page is now the same as your home page:
If you go to that page, and then mouseover or click the links to the other
pages they show some weird links such as:
which is your News page. This is looking inside the index_files folder for
another folder called Page534_files for Page474.htm.

Anyway, though I am not sure how you ended up with this mishmash, I would
suggest that you log on to your host and delete both the index.htm file and
the index_files folder and then republish. This is assuming that in your
Publisher file that you Sponsor page is indeed a different page than your
home page. Be sure to save as "index.htm" so Publisher also produces an
index_files folder. Also check the links to and from your Sponsor page to
confirm that they are correct.

And before you do that be sure to compress your graphics:
Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):
And I would suggest only installing SP2 for Office 2003 and not SP3.

Do those things and see if that doesn't clean up your problems.


Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

.....and don't use .GIFs for photos !!

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression


DavidF said:
When you Publish to the Web and produce your web pages, Publisher by default
wants to name your home page "index.htm". It then also creates a subfolder
called "index_files" folder that contains all the other pages of your site
plus all the supporting graphics and images. At some point in time you
apparently elected to save your home page as Page534 or messed with your
links somehow, because your Sponsor page is now the same as your home page:
If you go to that page, and then mouseover or click the links to the other
pages they show some weird links such as:
which is your News page. This is looking inside the index_files folder for
another folder called Page534_files for Page474.htm.

Anyway, though I am not sure how you ended up with this mishmash, I would
suggest that you log on to your host and delete both the index.htm file and
the index_files folder and then republish. This is assuming that in your
Publisher file that you Sponsor page is indeed a different page than your
home page. Be sure to save as "index.htm" so Publisher also produces an
index_files folder. Also check the links to and from your Sponsor page to
confirm that they are correct.

And before you do that be sure to compress your graphics:
Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):
And I would suggest only installing SP2 for Office 2003 and not SP3.

Do those things and see if that doesn't clean up your problems.



If you had a comment or question, it didn't show up. Please post again, and
perhaps start a new thread.



Hi David, back again. I changed my webserver, uploaded everything, and now
you will only see my welcome page, index.htm but without any images and the
other 4 pages and all images are all missing, although all the files and
folders show in my file manager at my hosting server!!! Error message 404. I
think I uploaded the files to the wrong directories or something, please be
so kind to have a look for me again and help me out. www.megsracing.com.
Thank you and kind regards Mel


The fact that you are missing both the images and the other pages indicates
that you did not upload the index_files folder.

You upload that folder to the same level in the host directory as the
index.htm file. Be sure to upload the index_files folder intact. You don't
upload the individual files in the index_files folder.

It appears that you gave each page other than your home page a custom name,
such as News.htm. Publish to the Web and direct your files to your desktop
where you can find them. Then open the index_files folder and confirm that
you have a file named News.htm, and that you matched upper and lower case.



Thanks David, must I delete all my files at the host server and then upload
it again, or can it be overwritten?


Last time you had a bunch of mishmash that needed to be deleted, but
generally when you upload new files, they will overwrite the old. In fact
you may get a warning about that, asking whether you want to proceed. The
only reasons I can think of that you might want to delete old files is if
you did upload the index_files folder, but to the wrong place in the host
directory...or you uploaded all the files from the index_files folder
separately. In that case it you should probably clean things up.



Ok, so the only thing that must be in the megsracing.com file/directory must
be index.htm, and then all the images and pictures in the index_file and
upload the whole file not separately. Because I see all the images and other
pages are also in the megsracing.com file??? Sorry but I am soooooo


OK, let's review and make sure we are using the correct words.

When you Publish to the Web, using the default settings, Publisher produces
an index.htm FILE and an index_files FOLDER that contains all the image
FILES and the other page or specifically .htm FILES. Don't mix up FILES with
FOLDER of FILES. If when you log on to your web space and see not only the
index.htm FILE, but also all the image FILES loose, then that is your
mistake. Delete all the loose FILES except for the index.htm FILE. You need
to upload the index_files FOLDER intact, with the FILES within it, to the
same level in the directory as the index.htm FILE. I am not shouting at you
by using the caps here. It is just critical that you understand the
difference between FILES and a FOLDER with FILES inside.

Did you publish to your desktop and inspect the FILES within the index_files
FOLDER as I suggested, to confirm that you have a News.htm FILE?

Do you have your computer setup to view file extensions such as .htm?

If that doesn't sort it out, are you still using GoDaddy for your hosting



Oh and yes I did publish to my desktop and the News.htm, Achievements.htm,
gallery.htm and sponsor.htm are there in the index_folder, see that I have 2
in caps and 2 in lower case....must I first change this to all lower case?
And I can view file extensions such as .htm, so it must be setup.


As a rule, you probably should use only lower case, but what is critical on
some servers is that you match upper and lower case.

I asked about the host because I will go up and look at their instructions
at some point if you don't get this figured out. But you should review them
yourself. Make sure you are uploading your Files and Folder to the correct
place in the directory. Given that your index.htm file (your home page) is
loading, it would appear that you are indeed uploading to the correct place.
Just upload the idex_files folder to the same place as the index.htm file on
the server.



Ok before I carry on, more help pls, when I enter my file manager (WebShell),
the home menu shows the following:

Then when I click on index_files, all the pages and images are there, and
when I click on megsracing.com all the pages and images also appear but with
different file names, cgi-bin, index.htm etc.

So my question now is, what must I delete where? Sorry for being so stupid,
but I am very new at this, and really want to try it out for myself, thats
the best way of learning!
Thanks for your very quick response!!!


If all else fails, read the directions <g>.

From: http://www.ixwebhosting.com/index.php/v2/pages.manual2#q2

"The contents of your website will be placed into a folder that is named the
same as your site's domain name...."

And: "The domain directory:
Each of your domains and subdomains are located in their own directories.
They are named the same as your site's domain name. If you have more than
one site, you will have several such directories. These are the directories
where you will upload your .html files or any other files that you want to
make accessible from the Internet. " (your Pub web files)

I would encourage you and others to always read or at least scan the topics
in the support and FAQ section of your web host. You may not need or
understand all that information right away, but at least you might remember
that the material is there if you need it in the future. I still go back
every once in a while and scan my host help files and FAQs, and learn
something new each time.

In your case as I understand these pages, you should upload your Publisher
web files to your "domain directory"...the root directory, or in other words
the "megsracing.com" folder. That means that the correct "index_files"
folder and index.htm file should be in the "megsracing.com" folder. So this
time you can probably just delete the incorrect index_files folder in the
megsracing.com folder, and drag and drop the other one into that folder.
Then in the future when you update your site, upload your new index.htm file
and index_files folder to the megsracing.com folder, and the old files
should be overwritten.

If you read the whole page I am referencing, you will also note that you
also have other files and folders within the megsracing.com folder that are
generated by your host. You do not delete those. Read through the
description of what those are for on that page.

And finally, I don't know what ftp client you are using, but your host
recommends that you use FileZilla, a free third party ftp client. This tool
is also recommended frequently in this group. Here is the page where your
host describes how to use FileZilla:

I would recommend that you do invest the time in downloading, installing and
learning how to use FileZilla. It will save you a lot of time and hassle in
the future:
Also study the content on this page to learn how to use the tool:

Good luck.



I think Im up and running, just 2 problems, the images on my homepage,
index.htm is not there, and when I click on news or achievements it gives me
a 404 error, but when I enter my URL again and go to sponsor or gallery and
then back to news and achievements it shows, first it shows capital letters,
then back again, then show lower case letters, quite a mystery? And 1 photo
on my gallery is too big, thats no problem, that I'll fix, but please help me
with the above. Thanks for your fabulous help so far, I really appreciate it
alot, your the best!!!


One more thing...can I delete 1 image thats too big in my File Manager and
then just upload it again, just that 1 image?

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