Hi Allen,
I've followed your instructions for my database with the criteria as such:
Column Count 1
Column Widths 1 (I couldn't see the values when it was 0!)
Name CurrYear
Row Source SELECT [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year
FROM [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query]
GROUP BY [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year
ORDER BY [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year;
& set the After Update [Event Procedure] to:
Private Sub CurrYear_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If IsNull(Me.CurrYear) Then
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Filter = "Year= " & Me.CurrYear.Value
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
Me.CurrYear = Null
End Sub
The Record source for the form is the query [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query]
When I open the form, the combo box is blank & all the records are showing,
but when I drop down on the combo box & select a year, it comes up with the
error message:
Run time error '2001':
You cancelled the previous operation
When I click on debug, it highlights the line:
Me.Filter = "Year= " & Me.CurrYear.Value
Do you have any suggestions why it's doing this?
I've followed your instructions for my database with the criteria as such:
Column Count 1
Column Widths 1 (I couldn't see the values when it was 0!)
Name CurrYear
Row Source SELECT [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year
FROM [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query]
GROUP BY [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year
ORDER BY [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query].Year;
& set the After Update [Event Procedure] to:
Private Sub CurrYear_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If IsNull(Me.CurrYear) Then
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Filter = "Year= " & Me.CurrYear.Value
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
Me.CurrYear = Null
End Sub
The Record source for the form is the query [3- Unit Cost Override Form Query]
When I open the form, the combo box is blank & all the records are showing,
but when I drop down on the combo box & select a year, it comes up with the
error message:
Run time error '2001':
You cancelled the previous operation
When I click on debug, it highlights the line:
Me.Filter = "Year= " & Me.CurrYear.Value
Do you have any suggestions why it's doing this?
Allen Browne said:1. Create a query that uses the tblRecordings and tblTracks tables. Output
the fields you need for your form, including the ArtistID. Save the query.
2. Create a continuous view form, so it shows one record per row.
3. In the Form Header section of this form, add an unbound combo box where
the user can choose the artist they are interested in. Give it these
Column Count 2
Column Widths 0
Name cboFindArtist
Row Source SELECT ArtistID, Artist_Name
FROM tblArtsts
ORDER BY Artist_Name;
After Update [Event Procedure]
4. Click the Built button (...) beside the After Update property.
Access opens the code window.
Set up the code as follows:
Private Sub cboFindArtist_AfterUpdate
If Me.Dirty Then Me.dirty = False
If IsNull(Me.cboFindArtist) Then
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Filter = "ArtistID = " & Me.cboFindArtist
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
Me.cboFindArtist = Null
End Sub
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
adrian007uk said:I have 3 tables namely:
ArtistID (PK)
TrackID (PK)
RecordingID (PK)
Number of Tracks
What i want to do is use a combo box to select an 'Artist' and disply all
'Records' associated with the artist. If the artist was in the 'Records'
table i'm sure it would be simple but because 'Artists' is in a seperate
table i cannot figure out how do make it work.
Could somebody please help me? Do i need to make a sepeate query? Shold
the combo box be bound or unbound?