Wish I could help Chad but everythings seems to have failed and I'm
not getting any further information from anyone. I really hope this
isn't being ignored...
Well a serious amount of hard work and peserverance has paid off...
<insert ear-to-ear grin here>!!! I have resolved the issue on my
computer and am confident the following steps should do the same for
others experiencing this problem. After quite a bit of messing around
I was fairly sure that it the problem was due to a permissions issue
in Vista. Checking the Event Viewer numerous times and seeing the
references to registry keys that couldn't be accessed helped confirm
this. Trying to alter the permissions on some of these keys I also
noticed that nearly every Office relevant key would give an "access is
denied" when attempting to open them. None of these keys had any
permissions granted to them which struck me as strange. I attempted
to replace all permissions in the HKCR folder but found regedit would
either crash or return a failed message and the permissions would not
be changed. I was now determined to have the access that I deserved
as an administrator on my own computer !! SubInACL utility gave me
the power I needed, and all permissions were changed and the
configuration messages disappeared. It was probably overkill in
assigning permissions to every key in the registry but I was unsure of
what keys Office needed to access so I thought it best to alter them
all (this may be a security concern to some so it might be worth
coming up with a list of keys needed). To answer the question why it
was necessary to gain back permission of these keys in the first place
is beyond me, I'm not a programmer or developer but I hope someone who
is can shed some light on the issue. Whether the problem lies with
Vista or Office I don't know either. But anyway, onto the steps that
are oh so important... use them at your own risk - I can't guarantee
they'll work and you could possible do damage:
- download and install SubInACL (download from
- open notepad and paste in the following text
cd /d "%programfiles%\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f /
subinacl /subdirectories %windir%\*.* /grant=administrators=f /
- save in notepad as fix_office_permissions.cmd
- double click the newly created file and allow to run (took about
5-10 mins on my system)
To the best of my knowledge these are the only steps on the internet
that deal specifically with this problem so I would love to know if
they work for others...
Cheers and best of luck all !!!