Why i do not buy Office 2007



In 2003 you can choose word as your email editor and therefore you
immediately have all macros available AND ABOVE ALL you can record a new
macro while you are composing a message. In 2007 you do not have the option
to select word as your email editor and therefore my objection is valid.



No it does not. Going from office XP to office 2003 was an easy thing to do.
In office 2007 EVERYTHING has changed. Office 2007 is a new product and NOT
an upgrade of office 2003.
The reason that I was not using OpenOffice is that I didn’t have the time to
learn a new product. But I will now because if I install office 2007 I will
need more time (and frustration) to figure out where the developers of
Microsoft have decided to hide all commands that I was familiar with for

With office 2007 Microsoft has made OpenOffice popular…


If you had the option to create 25 colored flags, you could use five of them
to set up the functionality of today – tomorrow etc. By this you would have
another 20 to assign different attributes to a message.
The colored categories are very useful but their task is to have your emails
organized. This is why you can have in one message more than one color
category assigned.

I have never done project management but even if I had, I would never reply
to an email 1 week after receipt. A message shouldn’t be confused with a


Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Messages often ARE the basis of tasks. If I get a message from a client
saying "Please do X" that's a task. And I want to schedule a follow-up.

Sometimes the message from the client will have a date component that is
further out than today. For instance: the client may have some
milestone happening in 5 weeks. I may want to be sure to follow-up with
them in 4 weeks to make sure, one week before the deadline, that
everything is on-track and there are no fires we need to put out. I can
flag the message for follow up in 4 weeks and move the message to the
client's sub-folder.

Also I often use the follow-up flag as exactly that - a date to follow
up. I reply to the message today, but I want to be sure to follow-up
with the client in a week to make sure everything went smoothly.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Word is the ONLY e-mail editor in Office 2007. If you want macros in it
go to the Office Button, Editor Options and tell it to show the
Developer tab in the ribbon.

But honestly I do nearly all of my hot keys and keyboard shortcuts in
AutoHotKey (free from http://www.autohotkey.com) which lets those hot
keys, macros and shortcuts be pervasive across every app in my system;
not just Office.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

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