do you really believe everything that you read?
well here you go; I just found this announcement on the Seattle Times
Microsoft Discontinues Access MDB Format
Associated Press. Microsoft Announced today that they will discontinue
backwards support for the MDB format due to instability and performance
problems. Product Manager Ifightforthe PinkTeam, of Redmond, WA said
that Access Data Projects are a critical component of offfice; and that
they would rather focus on ONE decent format than THREE.
Microsoft regrets any inconvienence that this has on Independent
Software Vendors and Value Added Resellers.
"You all knew what you had coming; we tried warning you 8 years ago"
Steve Ballmer was quoted this morning on the way to the airport.
I cut and pasted that from a newspaper website; so it MUSE BE TRUE,
do you really believe everything that you read?
well here you go; I just found this announcement on the Seattle Times
Microsoft Discontinues Access MDB Format
Associated Press. Microsoft Announced today that they will discontinue
backwards support for the MDB format due to instability and performance
problems. Product Manager Ifightforthe PinkTeam, of Redmond, WA said
that Access Data Projects are a critical component of offfice; and that
they would rather focus on ONE decent format than THREE.
Microsoft regrets any inconvienence that this has on Independent
Software Vendors and Value Added Resellers.
"You all knew what you had coming; we tried warning you 8 years ago"
Steve Ballmer was quoted this morning on the way to the airport.
I cut and pasted that from a newspaper website; so it MUSE BE TRUE,