Word 2007 'scanning for virus' never ends; Word will not start


Terry Farrell

Are you sure about what has been installed on your PC? New computers often
come with 60 or 90 day trial version of AV (unfortunately, usually NAV). It
does not unininstall correctly: even Norton's uninstall cleaner that you can
download from their web site doesn't do it either. Whether they are really
as incompetent as they seem, I am unsure: I think they have a secret mission
to blacken Microsoft's name because people like you like to hate Microsoft
and this just adds fuel to the fire. They are not alone because I have seen
reports that other AVs do the same trick.

You need to find out what third party app is hooking itself into Word and
causing this problem and stop blaming Microsoft. Word has no AV of any kind
at all. All Word presents is a method for third party AV to hook into it. If
they break Word, it is not Microsoft's fault.

And I am not an MS employee. I am not in bed with MS. I am not paid for any
advice I give in this Newsgroup. I do not work for any other Software
manufacturer. I am just a user.


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