Word 2008 Crashes Consistently


John McGhie

Because, you brain-dead piece of slime, it does not run on a Macintosh!! I
assume this is the level of intellectual effort that went into the
development of all your products, so they must all be rubbish!

Sorry people, we have a persistent spammer aboard.

We'll get rid of him, but it will take time! :)


Why not try Advanced Word Repair at http://www.datanumen.com/awr/ ?
It recovers several important Word documents for me and is really


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Word 08 gets a spinning beach ball whenever I add "comments" to a Word document. I have to do a Force Quit. It doesn't happen with Word 04. Any suggestions? Thanks.

John McGhie

Yes: My suggestion is that you should always post your own new thread,
rather than tacking your question on the end of someone else's. This makes
sure that the answer applies exactly to your problem instead of someone

In your case, I need to know whether this is a .docx or a .doc you are
working on. If it is a .doc, save it as a .docx then quit Word and re-open
it: that will probably fix it.

Hope this helps

Word 08 gets a spinning beach ball whenever I add "comments" to a Word
document. I have to do a Force Quit. It doesn't happen with Word 04. Any
suggestions? Thanks.

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Hope this is the right thread, going back to Word no-launch...
Word 12.0.1 and previous versions consistently refuse to launch on my Powerbook PowerPC running Leopard. I have followed the advice in this and other related threads regarding old templates, fonts, plist files etc. My installation is hopefully completely clean.

Can I now draw the conclusion that the software does not work with PowerPC and Leopard? Are Microsoft seriously dealing with the problem, or is there no hope?


No criticism, but no, it isn't the right thread:) If you've accurately
followed the suggestions within it & they haven't helped, you must have a
different problem - even though the symptoms may seem similar.

Post as new message giving all particulars about your specific situation.
For example, "Leopard" isn't enough... There are 3 different flavors -
10.5.0, 10.5.1 & 10.5.2 - which one makes a difference. You'll need to
clarify what you mean by "and previous versions" - Office 2008 is version 12
to which there has been one update prior to yesterday which incremented that
version to 12.0.1, so do you mean Office 2004 (version 11.x.x), Office X
(version 10.x.x) or other versions that preceded those?

Based on the brief description of your Mac I'm assuming you previously used
a different version of OS X. Did you reformat our HD & reinstall everything
- that's a "clean installation" - when you upgraded to Leopard or did you
just upgrade & rely on Apple's migration assistant? Is there a previous
version of Office still installed? If so, which one(s)? Did you have the
2004 Test Drive installed at any time?

You're welcome to conclude whatever you wish:) but the one at which you've
arrived is completely inaccurate. Office 2008 runs on PPCs or Intels in
Tiger & Leopard. If you're having difficulty there must be a reason - that's
why we need the details.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

John McGhie

You have the wrong end of the stick :) There are NO Microsoft staff or
proxies in here. Microsoft does not read this forum.

The people in here are simply other users who paid for the products just
like you did. The only difference really is that we tend to write down and
remember what Microsoft does tell us. Which isn't much.

No, we "don't" get paid for this. If we accept any form of payment from
Microsoft corporation, we are required to hand in our MVP badges
immediately. MVPs do get hired my Microsoft sometimes: as soon as they do,
they cannot post as MVPs or use the MVP title.

If you have a message for Microsoft, use Help>Send Feedback from any Office
2008 application to send it in to the Microsoft staff who are paid to read

Posting it in here would simply waste your time: we would ignore it, and
they will never see it.


Since my last posting at this forum, I have downloaded the latest (May 13)
service pack from Microsoft and installed it. The hope was that I would be
able to use Word again on my Powerbook G4 (Power PC, Leopard 10.5.2, no
remaining trace of any previous Office versions, no added fonts - etc...). MS
Word has worked on my Macs without fail since 1986, by the way, starting with
Mac OS4. For 22 years, do you hear? Now it does NOT work.

Bob Jones claims that other PPC users actually use Word 2008. I'm willing to
believe this, but what I want from this MS team (hope you actually get paid by
MS for answering our questions) is some serious attention. My installation
does not work, even after trying to follow several more or less arcane
suggestions to remove this, that or the other thing.

I expect from you an explanation why MS Word 2008 is not running on MY
computer, and I'm not helped by being told that others can use it. i have a
problem and no solution - only the MS team can provide it.

Reading through this and related forums, it appears MS and their proxies - you
- have no clue to what is wrong with the software. Is that not a bit
unsatisfactory, professionaly speaking?


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Sorry, but you haven't started a NEW thread - you've simply stuck an
additional posting into an existing thread by Replying to another message
within it. A thread which, btw, is already permeated with miscellaneous,
unrelated topics and has pretty much run its course. In the upper left
corner of the Forum interface - right beneath the Search field - there is a
link to "ask a new question". It's not as prominent as we'd like, but we've
been hammering for a number of changes to the web interface.

You've also not provided the details requested previously. It's helpful to
know the little you've supplied about the configuration Word won't run on -
thanks for that much - but you've provided nothing about what the symptoms
are. Phoning a doctor & demanding a cure for a non-specific pain or
insisting that a mechanic repair, unseen, a vehicle that "doesn't work" is a
pointless exercise.

Further, responders here are not MS employees, are not paid by *anyone* for
the time & effort they contribute, and are not *obligated* to assist
anyone... And ranting about what you "want" and what you "expect" possibly
may not be the most productive tack. If you're so thoroughly convinced that
we "have no clue..." I'm not sure why you're soliciting us for help in the
first place. But since you are, "Professionaly [sic] speaking" we could well
be spending our time far more profitably in pursuit of other endeavors,
rather than being demeaned & insulted by those who seek our charity.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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