Word unexpectedly quits after copy, delete or paste



I have tried all tips suggested by Microsoft support pages to date, yet
Word unexpectedly quits after copy, delete or paste.

System: Word v.X 10.1.4 (Office 10.1.5) on Mac OS X 10.2.6 on
PowerMac G4/500 (AGP) with Apple Cinema Display (22-inch). 1 GB
RAM booting from external LaCie 120 GB d2 DV FireWire (400) hard

This bug is not 100% consistent for small documents (about 5 pages9
but is almost or 100% consistent for large (about 100 pages)
documents. Just copy a couple of lines, and paste it a few lines above
or below to get a "nice" crash: Word has unexpectedly quit. You lose
your work all the time. I hate this.

Any ideas most welcome. Thanks.

Beth Rosengard

Hi XY,

Do you by any chance have Allow Fast Saves enabled in Preferences? If so,
uncheck it and leave it unchecked; it corrupts documents. Then do a save of
your problem documents and see if that helps.

Otherwise, you say you've tried all tips suggested by MS, but you don't say
what they are. Look here and see if you can find any help (version numbers
listed are outdated but other info is correct):

If you're using Safari, you may have to switch to Internet Explorer to
access this site.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>



Thanks for the feedback.

Nothing is checked on my "Save" preferences.

I had tried all suggested in your link without success. Any hint most
welcome. Thanks.

In particular, I have tried this:

Quit all open applications and delete:

/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Templates/Normal

/Users/~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (10)

/Users/~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Microsoft Office Settings (10)

/Users/~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office Font Cache (10)

Open Word again and, if required, re-configure View, Page Setup, Font,
Size, etc (note that this procedure resets some of such settings).

Then Word "seems" to work fine for a few hours or days, until again
unexpected quit appears when copy/cut/paste.

Note: I repair disk permissions after booting my Mac and keep it in
good shape with repair utilities.

That is.

Beth Rosengard

Hi XY,

In your original post, you said that the problem occurs most consistently
with long documents. Is it a specific long document or all long documents?
Did you create the problem document(s) on this same machine in the first
place or did it(they) come from another source?

There are other troubleshooting procedures to try but I think it pays to
find out if the problem could be in the document(s) before proceeding.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>




Beth wrote:
In your original post, you said that the problem occurs most consistently
with long documents. Is it a specific long document or all long documents?
Did you create the problem document(s) on this same machine in the first
place or did it(they) come from another source?

Happens with any document. Actually I must work with Word these days because all my colleagues do, but it is a real pain since whenever I am working, and then copy, cut, delete or paste something, then Word unexpectedly quits and I lose all my work. A real frustration.

I create the documents on my machine.

But other colleagues have the very same problem with their Macs: iMac G3/400,m iMac G3/700, PowerMac G4/500, PowerMac G4/800, PowerBook G4/400 and PowerBook G4/1 GHz.

Funny enough, if you use the palette buttons instead the key combinations to copy/paste and so on, the problems seems more difficult to reproduce (but also happens). Additionally, if right after copy/pasting and so on you move the cursor (mouse) the problem is more likely to happen. In fact, I have noticed that, for instance, after copy/cut the "I" beam cursor may take about 10 seconds or more to show again. You may get the crash then not moving the mouse, or if then you more the mouse, but sometimes if you wait for the "I" beam to show after the /copy/delete/paste you may not get such crash (but this is not 100% efficient). Weird things but that is what I am experiencing.

I must say that apart from this problem (and the fact that pages with some Greek characters do not print; see my other post) I have no other problem. No other application or the System ever crash on my Mac OS X, which is rock solid. These Word problems are puzzling me!

Note: my other post about Greek characters is entitled: "Cannot print pages with some greek characters - no page printed at all!".


Beth Rosengard

Hi again,

Well, your Word problems are puzzling me too and they shouldn't be
happening. The fact that the problem occurs throughout your work
environment is suspicious. Are you and your colleagues perhaps using a
foreign language version of Word (I sense that English is not your native
language)? Are you all using unusual fonts? Font duplication or corruption
is a common cause of crashes in Word. To eliminate this possibility, work
through the procedures at this URL:

Hope this helps!

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>




Beth wrote:
Well, your Word problems are puzzling me too and they shouldn't be
happening. The fact that the problem occurs throughout your work
environment is suspicious. Are you and your colleagues perhaps using a
foreign language version of Word (I sense that English is not your native
language)? Are you all using unusual fonts? Font duplication or corruption
is a common cause of crashes in Word. To eliminate this possibility, work
through the procedures at this URL:

We are using USA English versions of all applications and operating system. But we write sometimes in English and sometimes in Spanish (most times mixing both languages). Our settings for date, time, currency and numbers are set to Spanish [date goes day-month-year; currency is euro; and the dot (.) means thousands, whereas the comma (,) means decimal].

I will try your advice and let you know.

I understand that by "duplicate" fonts you mean not having the same font name not only on the same "Fonts" folder, but also not having the same font name on different font folders; for instance, not having Helvetica in more than one of the following places. Otherwise, please let me know:

--Hard disk:System folder: Fonts
--Hard disk: Library: Fonts
--Hard disk: Users: User_name: Library: Fonts

I do certainly have many fonts with the same names on more than one of such places. But that is simply because I used Mac OS 9, and then I installed Mac OS X on the same hard disk. That duplicates most fonts at different sites as shown above. I guess most Mac users have also such setting; basically all people having upgraded from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X without deleting the Mac OS 9 System Folder...

Thanks again.



Here I am again. I have performed all suggested tests, yet the culprit could not be found.

On the other hand, I do not experience these crash problems with other word processors like Mariner Write 3.5. For more details, please, check out my other post about Greek characters is entitled: "Cannot print pages with some greek characters - no page printed at all!".

Any ideas? Thanks.


The previous message was posted 30th December, yet shows as 19th December. I am posting this to "update" the thread.


After updating from Mac OS 10.2.6 to Mac OS X 10.2.8 the problem persists. Any help most welcome. Thanks.

Beth Rosengard

Hi XY,

I have only two suggestions left for your problem: One involves possible
conflicts and the other a faulty installation of Office.

Go to Tools> Templates & Add Ins and uncheck/disable anything you find
there. Does that help? If so, then it would seem that you have a conflict
with third-party software which you can easily eliminate.

If not, then the only suggestion I have left is to remove and reinstall
Office from scratch. Use this procedure:

The Remove Office tool is located in the Value Pack folder on the Office X
CD. Install it and run it. Now reinstall Office X using the installer on
the CD or do a Drag & Drop to the Applications folder. Also don't forget to
install any Value Pack items you need. When you've finished, you'll need to
download (<http://www.microsoft.com/mac/download/>) and install the Office X
10.1.2, 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 updaters.

For the most trouble-free installation, run Disk Utility First Aid to repair
permissions before each updater install and when you've completed them all.
To repair permissions go to Macintosh HD/Applications/Utilities; open up
Disk Utility; select your hard disk and click the First Aid tab and then the
button to "Repair Disk Permissions".

Before uninstalling Office, you might want to back up various files. See
here for backup suggestions: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/backup.html>.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>



Thanks. I have tried all suggestions for a week, yet the problem persists. I am puzzled. Any other idea most welcome. Thanks.

I would also appreciate if you could also check my other post ("Cannot print pages with some greek characters - no page printed at all!") because I guess they might be connected, thus giving some light on this issue.

Thanks again.

Elliott Roper

MacWordXY said:

Thanks. I have tried all suggestions for a week, yet the problem persists. I
am puzzled. Any other idea most welcome. Thanks.

I would also appreciate if you could also check my other post ("Cannot print
pages with some greek characters - no page printed at all!") because I guess
they might be connected, thus giving some light on this issue.

If they are connected, it will be a broken font.

Way back you said many of your colleagues on Macs were having similar
problems. Are you all mixing English Greek and Spanish?

What happens when you create a document using only MS blessed fonts?
Is that as unstable as the others?

You said before that you had lots of duplicated fonts across the three
usual fonts folders.

If you are on 10.3.x it is now easy to use the font book utility to
clean that mess up. All you need is for a shared document to mistakenly
think it is using a particular font of a similar name and all hell
breaks loose.

Word is extremely fragile in my opinion, whenever it has to deal with a
character in the Macintosh extended character set, like bullets coming
out as yen signs depending on how the tea leaves are arranged in your
empty cup.

Considering how long you have been trying to fix this, a font purge
will not be a waste of time.

You might also check whether the problem travels with shared documents
and if so, with who. Maybe it's them that has the broken font tables.



Thanks for the reply

1.-Sorry if I did not explain myself properly. We do not write in Greek. We write in English with some Greek characters (using the Symbol font, see next). Or we write in Spanish with some Greek characters. Sometimes we mix English and Spanish. We usually only use Helvetica as the main font and then Symbol when we want to insert a Greek character (usually only alpha, beta, gamma or omega) and very rarely. Say, a 20-page document may contain 10 Greek letters or less. I have found that I have not any Symbol font on the Mac OS X side of my disk (i have Mac OS X 10.2.8 and Mac OS 9.2.2 on the same disk)

2.-I have done a font purge in the past: removing all fonts from their places and just leaving the ones required by the system, but no way

How would you recommend to do a Font Purge

3.-I have Helvetica and Symbol at the following places. I wonder if this is normal

I have Helvetica only at
/System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.dfont <-- this is Data-Fork font suitcas

I have Symbol only at

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbo.bin <-- this is "ilmg
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbol.bin <-- this is "ilmg

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/6.0/Fonts/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/6.0/Fonts/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbo.bin <-- this is "ilmg
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbol.bin <-- this is "ilmg
/System/Library/Fonts/Symbol.dfont <-- this is Data-Fork font suitcas
/System Folder/Fonts/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font
/System Folder/Fonts/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase

/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbo.bi
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/5.0/Fonts/Symbol.bi

/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbo.bin <-- this is "ilmg
/System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/Base/Symbol.bin<-- this is "ilmg
/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Utilities•/Viewers/Acrobat Reader 5.0/Resource/Font/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font

/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Charts:Graphs/DeltaGraph® 4.5/Equation Editor/Fonts/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase

4.-What are the MS blessed fonts? I guess they are the ones installed by Office. Yet, we do not install Office fonts (unless they are installed by the MS office installer, in which case we should have them installed

5.-We are using Mac OS X 10.2.8

6.-These problems are for Macs that do not share documents

7.-Finally, from my previous messages on my other report about Greek characters ("Cannot print pages with some greek characters - no page printed at all!")

Shockingly, I have found that in the particular case in which I could
not properly print pages containing the Greek kappa or gamma
characters (or the pages after them) using Word 10.1.4 (same problem
with AppleWorks 6.2.7, Mellel 1.5.5, Nisus Writer Express 1.0, TextEdit
1.2 and TextWorks 3.1), yet BBEdit 7.04 printed "g" instead of the
Greek gamma and "k" instead of the Greek kappa. And surprisingly,
Mariner Write 3.5 did print that Greek characters fine.

Your feedback most welcome. Thanks.

Elliott Roper

MacWordXY said:

Thanks for the reply.

1.-Sorry if I did not explain myself properly. We do not write in Greek. We
write in English with some Greek characters (using the Symbol font, see
next). Or we write in Spanish with some Greek characters. Sometimes we mix
English and Spanish. We usually only use Helvetica as the main font and then
Symbol when we want to insert a Greek character (usually only alpha, beta,
gamma or omega) and very rarely. Say, a 20-page document may contain 10 Greek
letters or less. I have found that I have not any Symbol font on the Mac OS X
side of my disk (i have Mac OS X 10.2.8 and Mac OS 9.2.2 on the same disk).

2.-I have done a font purge in the past: removing all fonts from their places
and just leaving the ones required by the system, but no way.

How would you recommend to do a Font Purge?

3.-I have Helvetica and Symbol at the following places. I wonder if this is


These are the only ones that are in active places:-
I have Helvetica only at:
/System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.dfont <-- this is Data-Fork font suitcase
/System/Library/Fonts/Symbol.dfont <-- this is Data-Fork font suitcase
/System Folder/Fonts/Symbo <-- this is a PostScript font. I'd hide this
/System Folder/Fonts/Symbol <-- this is a font suitcase.
and this.
At least for a test. You will lose symbol in Classic with both these
4.-What are the MS blessed fonts? Sorry, that was a silly joke
I guess they are the ones installed by
Office. You guessed right
Yet, we do not install Office fonts (unless they are installed by the
MS office installer, in which case we should have them installed.
I don't think it installs them automatically.
5.-We are using Mac OS X 10.2.8.
so no font book, you will have to hide them manually as described
6.-These problems are for Macs that do not share documents.
useful to know. That means you won't have to chase everyones fonts.
7.-Finally, from my previous messages on my other report about Greek
characters ("Cannot print pages with some greek characters - no page printed
at all!"):

Shockingly, I have found that in the particular case in which I could
not properly print pages containing the Greek kappa or gamma
characters (or the pages after them) using Word 10.1.4 (same problem
with AppleWorks 6.2.7, Mellel 1.5.5, Nisus Writer Express 1.0, TextEdit
1.2 and TextWorks 3.1), yet BBEdit 7.04 printed "g" instead of the
Greek gamma and "k" instead of the Greek kappa. And surprisingly,
Mariner Write 3.5 did print that Greek characters fine.

Your feedback most welcome. Thanks.

Right. That looks like useful diagnostic info. The last para
especially. You can't blame Word for printing problems if they all fall
over too.

You may have a symbol font nightmare. Create new folder to hide your
symbol fonts from System Folder, so that the only symbol font you have
is /System/Fonts/Symbol.dfont (because it is a royal pain to delete
that one)
log out and back in
now see what breaks
return the two hidden symbol fonts one a one at a time till it breaks

There is a slight chance that symbol and helvetica in /System/Fonts/
are broken, but since no user program including word and the finder can
write to them, that is unlikely.

For testing, I'd try creating a new document from scratch with and
without symbol font being used after you have hidden the fonts from
/System Folder/ just in case there is something corrupted in your
existing documents.

After that, I'm out of ideas.



Thanks a lot for your great support.

Concerning the "nonprinting Greek characters using the Symbol font" (my other post), I can happily say that the problem has been FIXED. It was a corrupt font.

Concerning Word "unexpectedly quitting" I can say now that it seems less prone to it. But does crash if you continuously (just trying to crash it) copy and paste and cut and paste about 10 times in a row and immediately one after the other big chunks of text (about a page or so) into a Word file of about 500 k containing 125 pages and 40.000 words using Helvetica 12 and about 10 Greek (Symbol font) letters (gamma and so on).

I do not know if that is normal. I am using a system with only the Apple fonts installed at "/System/Library/Fonts":
Apple LiGothic Medium.dfont
ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf
ãƒ’ãƒ©ã‚­ã‚™ãƒŽæ˜Žæœ Pro W3.otf
ãƒ’ãƒ©ã‚­ã‚™ãƒŽæ˜Žæœ Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf

All other fonts (even those specific of applications in their application folders9 have been removed to the a fonder in the Desktop for this testing.

I wonder if that is normal but Word is virtually the only application that crashes on my Mac. Not even the system itself crashes.


Thanks again.

Elliott Roper

MacWordXY said:

Thanks a lot for your great support.

Phew! I'm glad you finally got there.
Concerning the "nonprinting Greek characters using the Symbol font" (my other
post), I can happily say that the problem has been FIXED. It was a corrupt

Concerning Word "unexpectedly quitting" I can say now that it seems less
prone to it. But does crash if you continuously (just trying to crash it)
copy and paste and cut and paste about 10 times in a row and immediately one
after the other big chunks of text (about a page or so) into a Word file of
about 500 k containing 125 pages and 40.000 words using Helvetica 12 and
about 10 Greek (Symbol font) letters (gamma and so on).

I do not know if that is normal.
It should work better than that. I do that lots of times and Word has
never given up on me in that way.

Could you repeat that experiment with fresh files and fresh text to
paste? Stuff that has never been anywhere near a Word document before.

For instance, I just made a 500 page Word document from this post,
pasting up to 10 pages at a time, cutting, erasing bashing style
changes and all. It, of course, did not 'quit unexpectedly'

If yours quits doing something similar, you might apply all the usual
magic spells again. - delete Word Settings(10), normal.dot etc.
I am using a system with only the Apple
fonts installed at "/System/Library/Fonts":

Now that is the a *very* cut down list of fonts.
Apple LiGothic Medium.dfont
ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf
ãƒ’ãƒ©ã‚­ã‚™ãƒŽæ˜Žæœ Pro W3.otf
ãƒ’ãƒ©ã‚­ã‚™ãƒŽæ˜Žæœ Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf

There are only 5 places that a Mac will look for fonts.
in the current user's library: ~/Library/Fonts/
in the system wide library for all users: /Library/Fonts
in the classic system folder: System Folder/Fonts/
in the system itself for the ones without which it could not draw any
text: /System/Fonts

Fonts anywhere else are ignored.
Have a look at Clive Huggan's post today regarding the best fonts to
use for Word, especially cross platform.
click on this:-
<BC25B560.2691%[email protected]>
It was entitled
Re: Palatino Line Height Different on Mac vs. Windows?

My personal preference has been to place my commonly used fonts (about
100 of them) in /Library/Fonts where they will be available to the very
small set of people with accounts on my Powerbook. I don't use Classic.
I now use font book - part of Panther - to keep the esoteric fonts
disabled unless I am writing ransom notes. ;-)

You could do worse than copying some of the less ugly fonts from
Office's value pack? there. If you are sharing with Windows users, you
should give up on Helvetica and use Arial from the value pack.
I'm not sure how they got there, (I can't remember dragging them off
the Value pack,) but on my machine /Applications/Microsoft
Office/Office/Fonts/ contains a fair sample
I wonder if that is normal but Word is virtually the only application that
crashes on my Mac. Not even the system itself crashes.

It ain't the way news 'forums' work. It is different from the web, even
though there can be web sites that display the contents of news
servers. What actually happens is that the news posts are spread
unchanged among dozens if not thousands of co-operating news servers
all over the place. Each individual person and each newsreader program
reading your post is expected to have a character set the same as the
poster's. So the Japanese and Chinese on your Mac didn't even make to
my newsreader on my Mac. Let alone those poor deprived souls condemned
to work on the dark side by their heartless employers.

Elliott Roper

MacWordXY said:

Again, many thanks for your great and comprehensive support.

If I click <BC25B560.2691%[email protected]> I get nothing.
Do you have an URL for it? thanks.

OK, for that you need a dedicated news reader like Thoth or Newswatcher
or Hogwasher or Halime. I guess you are using a web browser. In which
case, here is a good general purpose trick for asking questions of the
newsgroup without bothering a human. Very useful if you want to avoid
the newbie traps.
fill in microsoft.public.mac.office into the "Return only messages from
the newsgroup" panel. Put you question in the "find messages" panel

In this case, simply putting
<BC25B560.2691%[email protected]>
into the field labelled "with all of the words" would have retrieved
Clive's original and my quoting of it. Pretty close to scary innit?
When I said that I got a garbled text copy/pasting my previous post into Word
I meant that I got ALL my message (and not just the Japanese font names)
garbled. I guess that is a problem of the way this web support forum (and in
particular the "Reply" window works. I wrote my text into such "Reply"
window, then copy/pasted all into Word (to check spelling) and there I got
the flaw: all garbled. If possible, please pass along to the forum
administrator. Is he you?

Sorry, your newsreading software is broken. Try one the babies above. I
like Thoth. It's a bit hard to configure, the instruction book borders
on inscrutability, but when you concentrate it is pin sharp. It is
totally unbreakable and only $25.
I have performed the tests suggested and it is much harder now to get a "Word
has unexpectedly 1uit", but I can get it doing as previously indicated. Maybe
it is because Helvetica as main font, but I prefer to use it since it is
"sans serif" to easily read it and --mainly-- a genuine Apple system font and
because documents take less space with it. On the other hand I copy or cut or
paste and then very --very-- quickly (to try and reproduce que quit) click on
the scroll bar on the left to move upwards or downwards quickly in the
document and then paste and so on for about 10 times until I can now
reproduce the quit.
Use the Google instructions above. Put 'unexpectedly quit' in the
questions and you will get carefully and clearly explained recipes for
cleaning up your installation of Word.

Actually here is the tersest and best.
No promises, but here are the things I would try.

1. Use Disk Utility First Aid to repair permissions
2. With Word closed, trash Word's preferences, empty the trash, then
3. With Word closed, trash Normal.dot, empty the trash, then open Word

-Jim Gordon
Just for curiosity: so you never get Word 10.1.4 (Office 10.1.5) to quit
unexpectedly? Are you using Mac OS X 10.2.8 or perhaps Panther?

I very rarely have Word quit on me. I use it every day for work. Yes it
drives me nuts. Yes, I often hop on this list to vent when I should be
working. I honestly cannot remember when the last quit was or what
brought it on. I'm on Panther now, and 10.1.5 of Office, but it has
always been stable, even if it sometimes done horrid things to my
If you use the Google trick, you will see that the last time I took
the bother to whine about Word quitting was June 2002, and even then it
wasn't my quit, I was just sympathising with someone else's misfortune.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.

MacWordXY said:

Again, many thanks for your great and comprehensive support.

If I click <BC25B560.2691%[email protected]> I get nothing. Do you have an URL for it? thanks.

When I said that I got a garbled text copy/pasting my previous post into Word I meant that I got ALL my message (and not just the Japanese font names) garbled. I guess that is a problem of the way this web support forum (and in particular the "Reply" window works. I wrote my text into such "Reply" window, then copy/pasted all into Word (to check spelling) and there I got the flaw: all garbled. If possible, please pass along to the forum administrator. Is he you?

I have performed the tests suggested and it is much harder now to get a "Word has unexpectedly 1uit", but I can get it doing as previously indicated. Maybe it is because Helvetica as main font, but I prefer to use it since it is "sans serif" to easily read it and --mainly-- a genuine Apple system font and because documents take less space with it. On the other hand I copy or cut or paste and then very --very-- quickly (to try and reproduce que quit) click on the scroll bar on the left to move upwards or downwards quickly in the document and then paste and so on for about 10 times until I can now reproduce the quit.

Just for curiosity: so you never get Word 10.1.4 (Office 10.1.5) to quit unexpectedly? Are you using Mac OS X 10.2.8 or perhaps Panther?

Thanks again.

O yjink the most readable (IMHO) is ITC Beguait, or Bookman To me Helvetica, or
even Ariel is hard on my eyes
Phillip M. Jones, CET |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



Phillip M,

Usually sans-sherif fonts are better for presentations, since they have move "black" area displayed. Thus they are usually seen better: Tahoma, Helvetica o even Courier. Serif fonts like times are thin on some regions and are not seen as well.

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