diane,ed and everyone thanks for your help really. I have found the culprit
its the pdf it uses a font that entourage cannot find. Everytime I click the
message with the pdf attached entourage now will scan all your drives for the
font that is why it will haung up and freeze because entourage is trying to
find a font on the drive that is not there.
PDFs are supposed to contain the fonts. AFAIK there is no way to change
Entourage searching for fonts and in this day with multiple large drives
this can be very time consuming. Your choices are to ask the sender to embed
the fonts or zip the file before sending allowing you to drag the attachment
out of Entourage to open. Send the author this link:
I do know that there has been a big improvement in Entourage displaying
complex html newsletters in 08.
how do we closed this post?
Simply stop responding.
I believe you have the option to mark the
message on the web forum as answered.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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