How do you set up a navigational frame to stay on each web page?



I have created a web page with 3 frames, one being a navigational frame (with
links to other web pages) on the side with a menu. Then I have a banner at
the top as another frame. I want these 2 frames to stay on every web page
and the 3rd frame to be the one that changes according to the navigational
menu . How do I set the frames 1 & 2 to stay on each page without having to
create them on each page?

Trevor L.

I do it this way

<frameset rows="78,*">
To view this document, you need a frames-compatible browser such as
Netscape 2.0 and above.
<frame src="heading.html" name="heading" scrolling="no"
<frameset cols="145,*">
<frame src="sidebar.html" name="sidebar" scrolling="yes"
<frame src="index_main.html" name="index_main" scrolling="yes"

index_main is the frame that varies. The others stay the same.

To vary the contents of index_main, your side menu should have links like
<a href="about.html" target="index_main">
<a href="album.html" target="index_main">

Trevor L.
I have created a web page with 3 frames, one being a navigational
frame (with links to other web pages) on the side with a menu. Then
I have a banner at the top as another frame. I want these 2 frames
to stay on every web page and the 3rd frame to be the one that
changes according to the navigational menu . How do I set the frames
1 & 2 to stay on each page without having to create them on each page?

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


Ok Trevor, thanks so much for the help. Since I am new to frontpage and new
to creating websites, can you please tell me where exactly do I put this info
you gave me? Thanks! If you need to look at my website, it is

Trevor L.


This is your HTML
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents" target="_parent"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto" noresize>
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>

I would rewrite as this

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>

<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support
them.</p> </noframes>


This is little different, just that:
1. <body></body> tags aren't needed inside <noframes></noframes>
2. I have removed target="..." as I don't know what purpose these serve. I
omit them in my code with no harm done.
3. The correct syntax of noresize is as shown, although it doesn't cause an

In your menu code you need to use target="main"

I notice hovever, this code in the <head> section
<base target="main">
Unfortunately, I haven't much experience in the use of the base tag
I would have written
<a href="Harrison%20Fastpitch%20Homepage.htm" target="main"> and similarly
for other <a href> tags

According to, target="main" (or a
named frame) is not an option.
But, if it works for you then great.

I have checked out you site and it seems to work as you want, so really
there is nothing change.


Thank you Trevor. After I posted my question, I went back and played around
with it. I am not really sure what I did but it fixed it. But, I appreciate
your help. Next time I will know what I need to do to set it up that way.
Thank you very much.

Trevor L. said:

This is your HTML
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents" target="_parent"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto" noresize>
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


I would rewrite as this

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>

<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support
them.</p> </noframes>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;



One more thing. This may be a stupid question but I like I said I am new at
this. I see where is has that the brower doesn't support frames. IF it
didn't support frames why does it work? Is that for people whose browser
doesn't support frames? Just wondered why that was there.

Trevor L. said:

This is your HTML
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents" target="_parent"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto" noresize>
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


I would rewrite as this

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>

<frameset rows="190,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
<frameset cols="191,*">
<frame name="contents"
src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
<frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
<noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support
them.</p> </noframes>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

Only the top half of your top banner is visible to me...all I can see is Lady Hoyas and then just the tops of the letters of what I assume to be "fastpitch"
You need to optimize your images (there aren't many yet) but the small image of Janet Oglesby is OVER 1.25 MEG...way too big.

Download and use IrFanview (free program) to resize, crop, batch name, OPTIMIZE your images BEFORE you Import them into FP for use in your'll save you a lot of work later.


Thanks Rob for letting me know this. Do you have any suggestions on what I
need to do on the top banner. Looking at both of my computers it looks fine.
What is making it do that? Also, what would you say is a good size for a
picture? I have resized that picture since you have looked at it, I think
and it is now 172KB.
.. I am learning. Where do I get this free program you are talking about.
I have been using paint shop photo album to resize my pictures.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
Only the top half of your top banner is visible to me...all I can see is Lady Hoyas and then just the tops of the letters of what I assume to be "fastpitch"
You need to optimize your images (there aren't many yet) but the small image of Janet Oglesby is OVER 1.25 MEG...way too big.

Download and use IrFanview (free program) to resize, crop, batch name, OPTIMIZE your images BEFORE you Import them into FP for use in your'll save you a lot of work later.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;



If you would, look at this other website I work on. I
did not set it up. Someone else did and I am trying to figure out if they
used frames. I need to fix the left menu because some people are unable to
read all of the menu. Do you have any suggestions for that? I had thought
about putting in a scroll bar. How would I do that?

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
Only the top half of your top banner is visible to me...all I can see is Lady Hoyas and then just the tops of the letters of what I assume to be "fastpitch"
You need to optimize your images (there aren't many yet) but the small image of Janet Oglesby is OVER 1.25 MEG...way too big.

Download and use IrFanview (free program) to resize, crop, batch name, OPTIMIZE your images BEFORE you Import them into FP for use in your'll save you a lot of work later.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

172kb is still WAY too big...that little image should optimize to about 20k and still look fine.


Do you really want to be using Frames for your web? From what I see, imo, you really don't need Frames and it will make your life more complicated down the road. Try bookmarking your site, then use the bookmark. Frames have their place but there are lots of things to overcome and you need to appreciate and be prepared.


Thank you. I will look into using bookmarks instead.
I appreciate your help and suggestions.

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
172kb is still WAY too big...that little image should optimize to about 20k and still look fine.


Do you really want to be using Frames for your web? From what I see, imo, you really don't need Frames and it will make your life more complicated down the road. Try bookmarking your site, then use the bookmark. Frames have their place but there are lots of things to overcome and you need to appreciate and be prepared.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

Yep, the navs are in a frame. And again you have issues with huge image file sizes. I suspect the original person who set it up was trying to accomodate the huge page size and keep the navs in one place. This is exacerbated by having ALL the page links on one nav bar rather than subdividing the pages into some kind of logical structure. Personally, I wouldn't pick through all those links to find the page(s) I wanted. You could make the nav bar area smaller by organizing them better...and get rid of the frame...make your images smaller & optimize them. Also the HUGE font size,,,kinda screams; newbie!

You can set the pages up in Tables and put the navs in a left table column...and a zillion (well, almost) different ways of handling the navigation.

Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

No...I meant actually try browsing to your site and bookmark it...(Add to Favorites or Create Shortcut)...then click on your link to your own'll see one of the disadvantages of Frames.


Question: How do you optimize your photos? This program you are telling me
about, is it pretty easy to use? Will it explain how to me how to optimize
my images. I am assuming you mean by optimizing, getting a nice quality
picture in a small size. This sounds like it can get pretty complicated for
a beginner. Will putting my website in a bookmark fix my banner? Is
bookmarking easier than the frames, where I can keep my menus and banner on
each page and hyperlink the menu to different pages?

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
Yep, the navs are in a frame. And again you have issues with huge image file sizes. I suspect the original person who set it up was trying to accomodate the huge page size and keep the navs in one place. This is exacerbated by having ALL the page links on one nav bar rather than subdividing the pages into some kind of logical structure. Personally, I wouldn't pick through all those links to find the page(s) I wanted. You could make the nav bar area smaller by organizing them better...and get rid of the frame...make your images smaller & optimize them. Also the HUGE font size,,,kinda screams; newbie!

You can set the pages up in Tables and put the navs in a left table column...and a zillion (well, almost) different ways of handling the navigation.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


Tom Pepper Willett

When you download Irfanview, read the help files. And, the information on
the web site to learn how to use it and what it does.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
| Question: How do you optimize your photos? This program you are telling
| about, is it pretty easy to use? Will it explain how to me how to
| my images. I am assuming you mean by optimizing, getting a nice quality
| picture in a small size. This sounds like it can get pretty complicated
| a beginner. Will putting my website in a bookmark fix my banner? Is
| bookmarking easier than the frames, where I can keep my menus and banner
| each page and hyperlink the menu to different pages?
| Marion
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > Yep, the navs are in a frame. And again you have issues with huge image
file sizes. I suspect the original person who set it up was trying to
accomodate the huge page size and keep the navs in one place. This is
exacerbated by having ALL the page links on one nav bar rather than
subdividing the pages into some kind of logical structure. Personally, I
wouldn't pick through all those links to find the page(s) I wanted. You
could make the nav bar area smaller by organizing them better...and get rid
of the frame...make your images smaller & optimize them. Also the HUGE font
size,,,kinda screams; newbie!
| >
| > You can set the pages up in Tables and put the navs in a left table
column...and a zillion (well, almost) different ways of handling the
| >
| >
| > > If you would, look at this other website I work on. I
| > > did not set it up. Someone else did and I am trying to figure out if
| > > used frames. I need to fix the left menu because some people are
unable to
| > > read all of the menu. Do you have any suggestions for that? I had
| > > about putting in a scroll bar. How would I do that?
| > > Thanks!
| > > Marion
| > >
| > > "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > >
| > > > Only the top half of your top banner is visible to me...all I can
see is Lady Hoyas and then just the tops of the letters of what I assume to
be "fastpitch"
| > > > ===
| > > > You need to optimize your images (there aren't many yet) but the
small image of Janet Oglesby is OVER 1.25 MEG...way too big.
| > > >
| > > > Download and use IrFanview (free program) to resize, crop, batch
name, OPTIMIZE your images BEFORE you Import them into FP for use in your'll save you a lot of work later.
| > > >
| > > >
| > > > > One more thing. This may be a stupid question but I like I said I
am new at
| > > > > this. I see where is has that the brower doesn't support frames.
IF it
| > > > > didn't support frames why does it work? Is that for people whose
| > > > > doesn't support frames? Just wondered why that was there.
| > > > >
| > > > > "Trevor L." wrote:
| > > > >
| > > > > > Marion
| > > > > >
| > > > > > This is your HTML
| > > > > > <html>
| > > > > > <head>
| > > > > > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| > > > > > <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| > > > > > </head>
| > > > > > <frameset rows="190,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
| > > > > > src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| > > > > > <frameset cols="191,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="contents" target="_parent"
| > > > > > src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| > > > > > <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > > <noframes>
| > > > > > <body>
| > > > > > <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support
| > > > > > </body>
| > > > > > </noframes>
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > >
| > > > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > > > <!--
| > > > >
| > > > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > > > >
| > > > > //-->
| > > > > </script>
| > > > >
| > > > >
| > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > <!--
| > >
| > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > >
| > > //-->
| > > </script>
| > >
| > >
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| = SymRealWinOpen;
| //-->
| </script>
| </html>
| > > > > >
| > > > > > I would rewrite as this
| > > > > >
| > > > > > <html>
| > > > > > <head>
| > > > > > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| > > > > > <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| > > > > > </head>
| > > > > >
| > > > > > <frameset rows="190,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
| > > > > > src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| > > > > > <frameset cols="191,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="contents"
| > > > > > src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| > > > > > noresize="noresize">
| > > > > > <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm"
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > > <noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser
doesn't support
| > > > > > them.</p> </noframes>
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > >
| > > > > >
| > > > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > > > <!--
| > > > >
| > > > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > > > >
| > > > > //-->
| > > > > </script>
| > > > >
| > > > >
| > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > <!--
| > >
| > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > >
| > > //-->
| > > </script>
| > >
| > >
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| = SymRealWinOpen;
| //-->
| </script>
| </html>
| > > > > >
| > > > > > This is little different, just that:
| > > > > > 1. <body></body> tags aren't needed inside <noframes></noframes>
| > > > > > 2. I have removed target="..." as I don't know what purpose
these serve. I
| > > > > > omit them in my code with no harm done.
| > > > > > 3. The correct syntax of noresize is as shown, although it
doesn't cause an
| > > > > > error.
| > > > > >
| > > > > > In your menu code you need to use target="main"
| > > > > >
| > > > > > I notice hovever, this code in the <head> section
| > > > > > <base target="main">
| > > > > > Unfortunately, I haven't much experience in the use of the base
| > > > > > I would have written
| > > > > > <a href="Harrison%20Fastpitch%20Homepage.htm" target="main"> and
| > > > > > for other <a href> tags
| > > > > >
| > > > > > According to,
target="main" (or a
| > > > > > named frame) is not an option.
| > > > > > But, if it works for you then great.
| > > > > >
| > > > > > I have checked out you site and it seems to work as you want, so
| > > > > > there is nothing change.
| > > > > > :)
| > > > > > --
| > > > > > Good Luck,
| > > > > > Trevor L.
| > > > > > Website:
| > > > > >
| > > > > > mfavor wrote:
| > > > > > > Ok Trevor, thanks so much for the help. Since I am new to
| > > > > > > and new to creating websites, can you please tell me where
exactly do
| > > > > > > I put this info you gave me? Thanks! If you need to look at
| > > > > > > website, it is
| > > > > > > Marion
| > > > > > >
| > > > > > > "Trevor L." wrote:
| > > > > > >
| > > > > > >> I do it this way
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> <frameset rows="78,*">
| > > > > > >> <noframes>
| > > > > > >> To view this document, you need a frames-compatible browser
such as
| > > > > > >> Netscape 2.0 and above.
| > > > > > >> </noframes>
| > > > > > >> <frame src="heading.html" name="heading" scrolling="no"
| > > > > > >> noresize="noresize">
| > > > > > >> <frameset cols="145,*">
| > > > > > >> <frame src="sidebar.html" name="sidebar"
| > > > > > >> noresize="noresize">
| > > > > > >> <frame src="index_main.html" name="index_main"
| > > > > > >> noresize="noresize">
| > > > > > >> </frameset>
| > > > > > >> </frameset>
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> index_main is the frame that varies. The others stay the
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> To vary the contents of index_main, your side menu should
have links
| > > > > > >> like this:
| > > > > > >> <a href="about.html" target="index_main">
| > > > > > >> <a href="album.html" target="index_main">
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> etc.
| > > > > > >> --
| > > > > > >> Cheers,
| > > > > > >> Trevor L.
| > > > > > >> Website:
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> mfavor wrote:
| > > > > > >>> I have created a web page with 3 frames, one being a
| > > > > > >>> frame (with links to other web pages) on the side with a
menu. Then
| > > > > > >>> I have a banner at the top as another frame. I want these 2
| > > > > > >>> to stay on every web page and the 3rd frame to be the one
| > > > > > >>> changes according to the navigational menu . How do I set
| > > > > > >>> frames 1 & 2 to stay on each page without having to create
them on
| > > > > > >>> each page?
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > > >> I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
| > > > > > >>
| > > > > >
| > > > > >
| > > > > >
| > > >
| >


Thank you. I will give it a try.

Tom Pepper Willett said:
When you download Irfanview, read the help files. And, the information on
the web site to learn how to use it and what it does.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
| Question: How do you optimize your photos? This program you are telling
| about, is it pretty easy to use? Will it explain how to me how to
| my images. I am assuming you mean by optimizing, getting a nice quality
| picture in a small size. This sounds like it can get pretty complicated
| a beginner. Will putting my website in a bookmark fix my banner? Is
| bookmarking easier than the frames, where I can keep my menus and banner
| each page and hyperlink the menu to different pages?
| Marion
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > Yep, the navs are in a frame. And again you have issues with huge image
file sizes. I suspect the original person who set it up was trying to
accomodate the huge page size and keep the navs in one place. This is
exacerbated by having ALL the page links on one nav bar rather than
subdividing the pages into some kind of logical structure. Personally, I
wouldn't pick through all those links to find the page(s) I wanted. You
could make the nav bar area smaller by organizing them better...and get rid
of the frame...make your images smaller & optimize them. Also the HUGE font
size,,,kinda screams; newbie!
| >
| > You can set the pages up in Tables and put the navs in a left table
column...and a zillion (well, almost) different ways of handling the
| >
| >
| > > If you would, look at this other website I work on. I
| > > did not set it up. Someone else did and I am trying to figure out if
| > > used frames. I need to fix the left menu because some people are
unable to
| > > read all of the menu. Do you have any suggestions for that? I had
| > > about putting in a scroll bar. How would I do that?
| > > Thanks!
| > > Marion
| > >
| > > "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > >
| > > > Only the top half of your top banner is visible to me...all I can
see is Lady Hoyas and then just the tops of the letters of what I assume to
be "fastpitch"
| > > > ===
| > > > You need to optimize your images (there aren't many yet) but the
small image of Janet Oglesby is OVER 1.25 MEG...way too big.
| > > >
| > > > Download and use IrFanview (free program) to resize, crop, batch
name, OPTIMIZE your images BEFORE you Import them into FP for use in your'll save you a lot of work later.
| > > >
| > > >
| > > > > One more thing. This may be a stupid question but I like I said I
am new at
| > > > > this. I see where is has that the brower doesn't support frames.
IF it
| > > > > didn't support frames why does it work? Is that for people whose
| > > > > doesn't support frames? Just wondered why that was there.
| > > > >
| > > > > "Trevor L." wrote:
| > > > >
| > > > > > Marion
| > > > > >
| > > > > > This is your HTML
| > > > > > <html>
| > > > > > <head>
| > > > > > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| > > > > > <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| > > > > > </head>
| > > > > > <frameset rows="190,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
| > > > > > src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| > > > > > <frameset cols="191,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="contents" target="_parent"
| > > > > > src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| > > > > > <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > > <noframes>
| > > > > > <body>
| > > > > > <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support
| > > > > > </body>
| > > > > > </noframes>
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > >
| > > > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > > > <!--
| > > > >
| > > > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > > > >
| > > > > //-->
| > > > > </script>
| > > > >
| > > > >
| > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > <!--
| > >
| > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > >
| > > //-->
| > > </script>
| > >
| > >
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| = SymRealWinOpen;
| //-->
| </script>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


| > > > > >
| > > > > > I would rewrite as this
| > > > > >
| > > > > > <html>
| > > > > > <head>
| > > > > > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| > > > > > <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| > > > > > </head>
| > > > > >
| > > > > > <frameset rows="190,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
| > > > > > src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| > > > > > <frameset cols="191,*">
| > > > > > <frame name="contents"
| > > > > > src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| > > > > > noresize="noresize">
| > > > > > <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm"
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > > <noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser
doesn't support
| > > > > > them.</p> </noframes>
| > > > > > </frameset>
| > > > > >
| > > > > >
| > > > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > > > <!--
| > > > >
| > > > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > > > >
| > > > > //-->
| > > > > </script>
| > > > >
| > > > >
| > > <script language="JavaScript">
| > > <!--
| > >
| > > = SymRealWinOpen;
| > >
| > > //-->
| > > </script>
| > >
| > >
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| = SymRealWinOpen;
| //-->
| </script>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

IrFanview is pretty easy to use..yes makes the file'll have to mess around with it to get the hang of how far you can go...but it's pretty easy...come back here if you have problem.

Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

read my other response about misunderstood what I was trying to it won't solve your problem it will show you a shortcoming of using frames.

Trevor L.


I have read through the rest of this thread and experienced persons have
given good replies.

But for your question :
The text within <noframes></noframes> only displays in browers which do not
support frames.


So what does that mean if my browser does not support frames and everything
looks good on my computer and my other home computer?
Do you think I should use bookmarks also? I am trying to read up now on how
to us bookmarks. Can you use a background and put in tables and use book
marks with hyperlinks. Is that more or less what you are doing? Trying to
understand the concept. Bare with me please.

Trevor L. said:

I have read through the rest of this thread and experienced persons have
given good replies.

But for your question :
The text within <noframes></noframes> only displays in browers which do not
support frames.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


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