Unfortunately that terminology mix up is a result of the "browser" wars
NN called them bookmarks, IE called them favorites in the browsers
In FP, it uses the term bookmarks for anchors (since it uses IE)
| You're still not understanding bookmarks. Bookmarks are not used *IN* web pages. They are
| the URL's that you save so that you can return to a site later. In some browser
| terminolory, they are also called favorites.
| Look at the toolbar on your browser. It will have an item saying either Bookmarks or
| Favorites.
| Link or anchor is the term used for the URL direction used in the page. It may be a fine
| distinction, but mis-use of terminology leads to mis-understanding.
| MikeR
| mfavor wrote:
| > Do you know of any websites that are using bookmarks with menus that I could
| > look at for an example.
| > Thanks!
| > Marion
| >
| > "Trevor L." wrote:
| >
| >
| >>Marion,
| >>
| >>I have read through the rest of this thread and experienced persons have
| >>given good replies.
| >>
| >>But for your question :
| >>The text within <noframes></noframes> only displays in browers which do not
| >>support frames.
| >>
| >>--
| >>Cheers,
| >>Trevor L.
| >>Website:
| >>
| >>mfavor wrote:
| >>
| >>>One more thing. This may be a stupid question but I like I said I am
| >>>new at this. I see where is has that the brower doesn't support
| >>>frames. IF it didn't support frames why does it work? Is that for
| >>>people whose browser doesn't support frames? Just wondered why that
| >>>was there.
| >>>
| >>>"Trevor L." wrote:
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>>Marion
| >>>>
| >>>>This is your HTML
| >>>><html>
| >>>><head>
| >>>><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| >>>>charset=windows-1252"> <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| >>>></head>
| >>>><frameset rows="190,*">
| >>>> <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
| >>>>src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| >>>> <frameset cols="191,*">
| >>>> <frame name="contents" target="_parent"
| >>>>src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| >>>> noresize> <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm" scrolling="auto">
| >>>> </frameset>
| >>>> <noframes>
| >>>> <body>
| >>>> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
| >>>> </body>
| >>>> </noframes>
| >>>></frameset>
| >>>>
| >>><script language="JavaScript">
| >>><!--
| >>>
| >>>window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
| >>>
| >>>//-->
| >>></script>
| >>>
| >>>
| > <script language="JavaScript">
| > <!--
| >
| > window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
| >
| > //-->
| > </script>
| >
| > </html>
| >
| >>>>I would rewrite as this
| >>>>
| >>>><html>
| >>>><head>
| >>>><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| >>>>charset=windows-1252"> <title>Harrison Fastpitch Homepage</title>
| >>>></head>
| >>>>
| >>>><frameset rows="190,*">
| >>>> <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"
| >>>>src="lady_hoyas_fastpitch1.htm">
| >>>> <frameset cols="191,*">
| >>>> <frame name="contents"
| >>>>src="carl_harrison_high_school_4500_d1.htm" scrolling="auto"
| >>>>noresize="noresize">
| >>>> <frame name="main" src="new_page_4.htm"
| >>>> scrolling="auto"> </frameset>
| >>>> <noframes> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't
| >>>>support them.</p> </noframes>
| >>>></frameset>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>><script language="JavaScript">
| >>><!--
| >>>
| >>>window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
| >>>
| >>>//-->
| >>></script>
| >>>
| >>>
| > <script language="JavaScript">
| > <!--
| >
| > window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
| >
| > //-->
| > </script>
| >
| > </html>
| >
| >>>>This is little different, just that:
| >>>>1. <body></body> tags aren't needed inside <noframes></noframes>
| >>>>2. I have removed target="..." as I don't know what purpose these
| >>>>serve. I omit them in my code with no harm done.
| >>>>3. The correct syntax of noresize is as shown, although it doesn't
| >>>>cause an error.
| >>>>
| >>>>In your menu code you need to use target="main"
| >>>>
| >>>>I notice hovever, this code in the <head> section
| >>>><base target="main">
| >>>>Unfortunately, I haven't much experience in the use of the base tag
| >>>>I would have written
| >>>><a href="Harrison%20Fastpitch%20Homepage.htm" target="main"> and
| >>>>similarly for other <a href> tags
| >>>>
| >>>>According to
| >>>>target="main" (or a named frame) is not an option.
| >>>>But, if it works for you then great.
| >>>>
| >>>>I have checked out you site and it seems to work as you want, so
| >>>>really there is nothing change.
| >>>>

| >>>>--
| >>>>Good Luck,
| >>>>Trevor L.
| >>>>Website:
| >>>>
| >>>>mfavor wrote:
| >>>>
| >>>>>Ok Trevor, thanks so much for the help. Since I am new to frontpage
| >>>>>and new to creating websites, can you please tell me where exactly
| >>>>>do I put this info you gave me? Thanks! If you need to look at my
| >>>>>website, it is
| >>>>>Marion
| >>>>>
| >>>>>"Trevor L." wrote:
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>>>I do it this way
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>><frameset rows="78,*">
| >>>>>> <noframes>
| >>>>>> To view this document, you need a frames-compatible browser such
| >>>>>>as Netscape 2.0 and above.
| >>>>>> </noframes>
| >>>>>> <frame src="heading.html" name="heading" scrolling="no"
| >>>>>>noresize="noresize">
| >>>>>> <frameset cols="145,*">
| >>>>>> <frame src="sidebar.html" name="sidebar" scrolling="yes"
| >>>>>>noresize="noresize">
| >>>>>> <frame src="index_main.html" name="index_main" scrolling="yes"
| >>>>>>noresize="noresize">
| >>>>>> </frameset>
| >>>>>></frameset>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>index_main is the frame that varies. The others stay the same.
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>To vary the contents of index_main, your side menu should have
| >>>>>>links like this:
| >>>>>> <a href="about.html" target="index_main">
| >>>>>> <a href="album.html" target="index_main">
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>etc.
| >>>>>>--
| >>>>>>Cheers,
| >>>>>>Trevor L.
| >>>>>>Website:
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>mfavor wrote:
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>>I have created a web page with 3 frames, one being a navigational
| >>>>>>>frame (with links to other web pages) on the side with a menu.
| >>>>>>>Then I have a banner at the top as another frame. I want these 2
| >>>>>>>frames to stay on every web page and the 3rd frame to be the one
| >>>>>>>that changes according to the navigational menu . How do I set
| >>>>>>>the frames 1 & 2 to stay on each page without having to create
| >>>>>>>them on each page?
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
| >>>>>>
| >>
| >>
| >>