Greywyvern said:
Huh? $30.00 templates to "offset some of your costs" ? I find that
very hard to believe. But you resell them eh? I hope they work in
more browsers than your own website, or I'd very much feel cheated.
I resell them. I get 20% of that which means $6.00 if someone buys a $30.
Most templates are $15 at most, and 99% of people don't come to my site for
templates. You seem to be stuck on that page yourself, but it's a very
small part of my site.
Each message oozing from your account proves you more and more a
pompous fool who knows very little about the way the internet works.
Well, at the sake of making you look like an ignorant ass, in order to
download a product from me, you have to enter your name and e-mail address.
At that point, a cookie is sent in the response so that you don't have to
enter the information twice. I am counting a unique downloader as one
person downloading one or more add-ins once. I don't count anyone twice.
I keep intricate records on these e-mails when new product announcements go
out and I know exactly what percentage of them don't go to real individuals.
In other words, please refer to my earlier quote about keeping one's mouth
Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, only because
templates are a popular SERP and tons of people are looking for them.
I really don't think it's very difficult for a template site to
generate lots of visits.
Once again, my template page is brand new and gets very few hits. That is
not what draws people to my site. Most come for tutorials, reviews, and
add-ins. Just this week, the templates page has been slammed, but that's
likely by you and others around these parts who are getting their jollies
hacking on the site. To each his own.
The site I manage for my employer gets a similar number of weekly
"visitors" though. As silly as it is to ignore the issues of users in
favour of the advice of webmasters, does that mean you'll take my
advice now?
Considering the fact that you've proven yourself to be pretty ignorant in
such areas, no.
Jim Cheshire
Now offering templates ranging from
affordable standard templates to
powerful e-commerce applications!