I resell them. I get 20% of that which means $6.00 if someone buys a
Most templates are $15 at most, and 99% of people don't come to my site
templates. You seem to be stuck on that page yourself, but it's a very
small part of my site.
I wonder how many other people never manage to make it to the rest of your
site because a) they aren't using IE, or b) they have disabled Javascript.
Well, at the sake of making you look like an ignorant ass, in order to
download a product from me, you have to enter your name and e-mail
At that point, a cookie is sent in the response so that you don't have to
enter the information twice. I am counting a unique downloader as one
person downloading one or more add-ins once. I don't count anyone twice.
Allow me to correct your faulty line of implied reasoning. Above, you say
that you can tell each unique person who downloads from you; which you
follow up by explaining you obtain a name and email address from each
downloader. In the sections of OP you conveniently snip from your reply,
you go on to mention you get 10,000 unique visitors a week.
You're not seriously telling me you get 10,000 names and emails in your
inbox every week, are you? If you did, I'd say your were full of shite.
No, of course. I must've understood you wrong. So tell me, of those
10,000 unique visitors you get each week, what's your rate of turnover?
eg. how many unique downloaders do you get. You *said* you counted them.
Considering the fact that you've proven yourself to be pretty ignorant in
such areas, no.
I'm only a messenger. You called me a liar; I then proved that this
accusation was false; to which you replied that you didn't care one way or
the other to begin with.
You see, that's the fundamental difference between you and me. I *know*
I'm ignorant. I know a few things for certain, but I know there is far
more that I *don't* know than that I do. It is painfully obvious to me
that the collective knowledge of the human race dwarfs any level of
learning I can hope to attain.
You, on the other hand, are quite content to wallow in your ignorance,
certain you know everything you need to know, and suddenly I'm of a mind
to just let you continue.
Goodbye, Jim, and good luck with your site.