Hi Tom
Let's see if we can work through this
Table structures
First, multi-table qwuestions are too hard to understand, when you
describe them only as normal narrative text. You need to show the table
structures in some clearer way. Here's how I do it:
SalesRepID (PK?)
UserName (PK?)
You didn't define the Customers table, aso I'll make the obvious guess:
CustomerID (PK)
Second, it is an imperative, basic requirement of such problems, that
you clearly state the primary key (PK) of each table. The fact that you
haven't done that, makes me wonder whether you have defined them
correctly. I really should stop here, until you have done that.
However, let's plow on, regardless!
I've marked my idea of what the primary key should be for each table.
But, now we have a problem. If UserName is the PK of the Permissions
table, then, that table can have at most one record for a given User.
That means, a given User can have at most one SalesRepID. And, if
SalesRepID is the PK of the SalesRep table, that means that each
SalesRepID can have at most one CustomerID. So, putting all of that
together, each User can have at most one CustomerID. So the SalesReps
table is not required, and you could put the CustomerID directly in the
Permissions table!
That does not make sense. So, either, you have mis-designed the tables,
or I have mis-guessed the PK of one or more tables. Reviwing the
design, I'll change the PK of the Permissions table to include both
fields. This leads to a multi-field, or so-called "composite" primary
key. You're probably starting to see why it is so important that you
state your primary keys explicuitly when you describe the problem!
UserName (P..)
SalesRepID (..K)
Now you should check, in the table design view, that you have defined
each primary key correctly. If you get the primary keying wrong,
everything goes out the window, and many things won't work the way you
think they should!
Third, by including CustomerID in the SalesReps table, you are saying:
"each sales rep has at most one current customer". If a sales rep can
have /several/ current customers, the CustomerID field should not be in
the SalesRep table. There should be a seperate table, called a
"joining" table. I can help you with that, if you need it. For the
moment, lets' go with what you currently have.
Forth, CustomerName /definitely should not/ be included in the
SalesReps table. That is a so-called "normalization" error. It will
cause you /loads/ of problems. You do not need it there. Your queries
can get it from the Customers table, via the CustomerID field. Again, a
single normalization error of this kind can stop the whole scheme
Fifth, I wouldn't call the Permissions table that. It does not, in and
of itself, define any permissions. It just defines the SalesRepID for
each Access username. I think it would be better called, UserIDs, or
AccessUserSalesRepIDs, or somesuch. Let's ignore that for the moment.
So much for the table structures
Like the primary keys, you are also way too vague about the
relationships. You can't just say, "table A is related to table B". HOW
is it related (there are three different possible ways: 0:1, 1:0, and
1:1)? WHAT FIELD(S) is it related through? Here's my view of the
relationships, given the structure defined above:
SalesRepID (PK)
CustomerID < 1:1 relationship to Customers.CustomerID
UserName (P..)
SalesRepID (..K) < 1:1 relationship to SalesReps.SalesRepID
CustomerID (PK)
I was going to continue on, but I think that I should stop at this
point, for you to confirm that you have got the primary keys &
relationships correct and/or that I have properly understood them.