Tom Stoddard
TC said:'Ello, 'ello! I thought you were trying the updatability by opening
the query directly & typing into the datasheet?
I have been trying to do it directly in the datasheet and it's not
updateable. I'm using the term recordset generically. The records that are
displayed in the datasheet are a recordset which is returned by Jet based on
the SQL statement the Access generates based on what is entered in the query
grid. A recordset is a recordset is a recordset even if its displayed in a
datasheet. That's why, when you go into the property page of the query, one
of the properties is the "recordset type" property.
I seem to be having trouble describing a fairly simple scenario. Let me try
once again.
UserName (P..)
SalesRepID (..K) < (M-1) relationship with tblSalesReps
CustomerID (PK)
SalesRepID < (M-1) relationship with tblSalesReps
SalesRepID (PK) < (1-M) relationship with both tblPermissions and
My SQL statement copied directly out of the Access query window (except for
the note in parenthesis):
SELECT tblCustomers.* (I've tried many combinations here but none of them
made a difference)
FROM (tblSalesReps INNER JOIN tblCustomers ON tblSalesReps.SalesRepID =
tblCustomers.SalesRepID) INNER JOIN tblPermissions ON
tblSalesReps.SalesRepID = tblPermissions.SalesRepID
WHERE (((tblPermissions.UserName) = CurrentUser()));
By default, Access sets the 'recordset type' property of the query to
Dynaset. As is, the resulting records when displayed in the datasheet or in
a form are not updateable.
Originally I thought I could leave tblSalesReps out of the query altogether
like this:
SELECT tblCustomers.CustomerName
FROM tblCustomers INNER JOIN tblPermissions ON tblCustomers.SalesRepID =
WHERE (((tblPermissions.UserName)=CurrentUser()))
I added the SalesReps table (as a junction table) to the query thinking that
because there are relationships defined in the relationship window of the
database for those tables that it would result in an updateable query. It
didn't work. Basically, the relationships between these tables looks like
tblPermissions (M----->1) tblSalesReps (1<-----M) tblCustomers
I've read what I could find in the Access help files and this behavior is by
design. This query should not be updateable unless I change the recordset
type property to 'Dynaset (inconsistent updates)'. My permission scheme is
to limit access to records based on their relationship to sales reps so I
believe that I've structured my tables and relationships properly. I can
filter records very easily. My only challenge is that I need to find a way
to edit the resulting records. Inconsistent Updates will allow me to do
that. Now I'm looking for 2 pieces of advice.
1. Is my security scheme flawed?
2. Is there anything I need to know anything about using 'Dynaset
(inconsistent updates)'? I understand that I have to careful about breaking
referential integrity when editing those records but is there some
unexpected 'gotcha' I should be looking out for? The reason I concerned is
that nobody suggested this before. Why not?
Thanks again, and yes, I'm also interested in what Joan has to say.