Terry R.
The date and time was Friday, September 25, 2009 7:44:22 PM, and on a
whim, William Smith [MVP] pounded out on the keyboard:
As I know almost all the clients/users I deal with, almost none of them
work that way. They work when they have access, not when they don't.
If people today really need those "features" then they can purchase a
client. But more and more, they don't.
You really need to research this further. For one, Google can search
the whole email account, so "100 messages per window" means nothing.
Terry R.
whim, William Smith [MVP] pounded out on the keyboard:
I'm calling my own example a bad example.
Lots of folks need offline access, especially when they are traveling
heavily and receive loads of E-mail. They stop at a hotspot or their
office, download and process later on a plane, train or other location
where Internet access may not be available.
As I know almost all the clients/users I deal with, almost none of them
work that way. They work when they have access, not when they don't.
In a reply that I could have been worded better, I said Entourage offers
more features and in parentheses I including "organizing". I know Google
offers "organization". My intent was that this is an area where
Entourage offers more features.
If people today really need those "features" then they can purchase a
client. But more and more, they don't.
Not at all. If I need to browse through hundreds or thousands of
messages, I can do so in Entourage by sorting by a few options first and
then scrolling. Google has a limit of 100 messages per window, I
believe. Sometimes I have a need to go through old threads without
knowing the subjects of those threads or maybe the senders.
You really need to research this further. For one, Google can search
the whole email account, so "100 messages per window" means nothing.
Terry R.